But it doesn't mean that Gao Shun is not strong, it's just that he believes in the quality of soldiers, not in numbers.If Liu Ke hadn't forcibly expanded the trapped camp, I'm afraid Commander Gao Shun's troops would still be in the thousands.

"Next time we will lead our troops to ask Tadun, and increase the reward by the way." Zhang He suggested.

"Good idea." Gao Shun said with a smile.

The incident of offering rewards gradually fermented in the barracks and intensified.

To measure the ability of a general, it is decided by the number of sheep.

Recently, the way soldiers in Yangzhou chat has changed.

"How many sheep does your commander have?"

"It has nothing to do with martial arts, it's the degree of fear of foreigners, which can be regarded as the prestige of the grassland."

So, the way everyone greets has become, how much reputation your commander has in the foreign race.

This interesting incident quickly reached Liu Ke's ears.

"My lord, let's stop this kind of thing." Pang Tong said.

Liu Ke smiled and said, "Why do you want to stop it?"

"The rumors are not true and may cause disputes." Pang Tong explained.

"Don't worry, the Yangzhou Army is not so fragile. Rumors can also be divided into two types. Stop those that are harmful to us in time, and keep those that are beneficial to us." Liu Ke said.


Pang Tong thought about this word, and there was indeed a lot of activity in the barracks.

"How about this, you go and announce the reward for Tadun, so that everyone doesn't have to guess again and again." Liu Ke said.

Pang Tong's expression became strange, but he did as he did.

This matter caused a sensation again!

"General Zhao is indeed the tallest, worth [-] sheep!"

"General Lu bravely won the three armies, why is it worth so little, not as good as General Huang?"

"Don't you know? General Huang beheaded Yan Liangwenchou, a famous Hebei general, and his ranking rose naturally. Yan Liangwenchou is also a fierce general in Wuhuan."

"It can only be said that Wuhuan is ignorant and ignorant!"

Indeed, ignorance.

Not only did the soldiers think so, but the generals were also impatient.

With such a low number of sheep, how can I command the army in the future?

We also want to save face!

Therefore, the generals approached Liu Ke and wanted special care.

"My lord, for the sake of accompanying you in the north and south, help me increase the number of sheep." Zhang He said cheekily.

"I don't care about this. You have to ask Tadun. I will keep this list until Tadun updates it himself." Liu Ke said.

Too cruel!

The number of sheep has to be increased.

If it gets cold after a while, wouldn't it become a stain for life.

"My lord, I don't accept that Dian Wei and Huang Zhong shouldn't be above me," Lu Bu said.

It is very direct.

Huang Zhong was getting old, he didn't want to argue, so he just laughed it off.Dian Wei stared at Lu Bu fiercely, and said:

"This is what Ta Dun means. It's useless for you to find your brother. If you have the ability, you can arrest Ta Dun and let him change it! No one will say anything about you if you change it to 99999 cows."

"Catch it alive? That's a good suggestion." Lu Bu said, actually thinking about it.

Zhang Yun seemed to be awakened, and also took aim at Tadun.

Anyway, all the disputes were caused by Tadun, who made him blind?

"Okay, when the time comes, let's compare and see who can kill Wuhuan in fear," Zhang He said.

"Okay, it doesn't hurt to compare." Lu Bu said.

The situation on the battlefield is unpredictable. Although personal force is useful, it is limited.This is also the reason why Zhang Yun dared to compete. If it was just a contest of force, he would simply count the number of people.

Zhang Xi's martial arts is considered top in the Yangzhou Army, but it is still no match for a monster like Lu Bu.

"At that time, we will also find trouble with Tadun!" Dian Wei said.

Therefore, the generals transferred the conflict to Ta Dun.

Poor Tadun, who didn't know his reward, caused a tsunami in the Yangzhou military camp.

Everyone's desire to compete for power was aroused, and they couldn't stop.

"It's so unfair!" Guo Jia said, "Don't we civil servants suffer a lot?"

"Fengxiao, you just accept your fate. When you fight Wuhuan, even if you defeat them with your brains, they will not accept it, let alone offer you a reward." Zhang He said.

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