For example, the last time the water flooded hundreds of thousands of cavalry, Tadun has been cheating until now, not admitting his defeat.

This is a conspiracy!

As for whose strategy, the Wuhuan people will not pursue it, they will only target the coach.

The reason why Liu Ke is worth [-] cows is because he single-handedly killed Qiu Liju.

This kind of shock is far more unforgettable than flooding.

Every time Ta Dun thought of this, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

"That's true." Guo Jia admitted his fate. The Central Plains has always attached great importance to counselors. If they come up with a plan, the enemy will do everything possible to find out who came up with this plan.

As for Wuhuan, he only knows fists.

"Now increase your number of sheep, go to fight hard, maybe you can be promoted to cattle by luck. I will report to the whole army to celebrate the first one to be promoted to cattle." Liu Ke said.

This bargaining chip is not insignificant.

Liu Ke personally commended, and will inform the [-] troops!

What a sight it is.

"Remember, when you are fighting, don't miss and beat Tadun to death." Gao Shun said, it was obvious that he wanted to participate in this competition.

"Hey, hit the disabled first, let him remember Lao Tzu." Zhang He laughed.

"Don't overplay it. The purpose of the battle shall prevail. Whoever dares to disobey the military order should wait to guard one side." Liu Ke said.

What is the difference between being unable to enter the main combat corps and dying in battle?

Everyone said that the military order must be the most important thing.

Thinking about the governors of various states, except for Hua Xiong in Xuzhou who had a chance to perform, the others have long been ignored.

No one wants to leave the main battle corps!

In the main combat corps, there is a chance to fight. All of you here are fighting madmen, who know how to choose.

"My lord, let me be the vanguard in this battle." Lu Bu volunteered.

Everyone secretly scolded Lu Bu for being shameless. It's not a battle meeting yet, and they are starting to fight for positions.

"Wait a little longer. I will hold a formal meeting the day after tomorrow. If you want to win this position, you must convince me and everyone." Liu Ke said.

"Who dares to argue with me, have you asked Fang Tian's painted halberd in my hand?" Lu Bu said.

"Hey, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty." Dian Wei said.

Liu Ke shook his head, he would not stop this normal competition.

"Be prepared, don't be in a hurry."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The weather is getting warmer and the snow is melting away.

Liu Ke spent a peaceful new year in Youzhou, everything was calm and peaceful.

Time flies, and before you know it, Liu Ke has been on the expedition for nearly a year.

Liu Ke spent too much time from fighting wits and courage with the allied forces to destroying Yuan Shao and stabilizing Jizhou.

Originally, these tasks could be handed over to his subordinates, but Liu Ke gave up after thinking about it.

With an army of [-] going out, who else can I entrust to other than myself?

It's not that Liu Ke doesn't trust his subordinates, but that he shoulders the responsibility of the monarch.

Right now, only the last battle is left.

"After defeating the alien allied forces, no matter what, you will have to rest for a few years." Liu Ke said.

Militarism is not advisable!

Yangzhou is rich, but it can't be squeezed too much. This is Liu Ke's loose way of governance.

Don't look at Liu Ke's unrestrained and unrestrained style in the north, it's hard for Lu Su.

In order to win, Lu Su was exhausted.

The previous plan was to fight for half a year and prepare materials for a year.

But unexpectedly, it actually dragged on to a protracted war.

In addition, Liu Ke ordered Tieniu City to go all out, and the military expenditure had been exhausted as early as three months ago.

Lu Su came forward to raise a large amount of funds, which helped Liu Ke barely survive this winter.

The government of Yangzhou has a good reputation!

Everyone knows this.

However, it took a lot of effort for Lu Su to get the money from all walks of life. Fortunately, the supplies were not interrupted.

However, Lu Su still gave Liu Ke an approximate deadline.

That's three months!

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