After the vanguard passed, the main army also began to march.

Nearly [-] troops passed through the Binhai Road, plus [-] civilians transporting supplies, the scene was extremely spectacular.

The reason why Liu Ke used so few civilians was because the army had transported some of them.

Moreover, the transportation tools of the Yangzhou Army are very advanced, and they are basically assisted by livestock.

In previous battles, the number of civilians even exceeded that of the army, because of the shortage of livestock, they almost relied on manpower.

There is no shortage of poor horses in the Yangzhou Army, or some eliminated war horses.

On the Binhai Road, there is an endless stream of carriages and horses.

"Our army will surely win this battle." Liu Ke said, if he fails, he will really go bankrupt.

"Wuhuan and the Xiongnu don't know the heights of heaven and earth, so we will definitely teach them a lesson," Zhang He said.

The army did not stop for a moment and entered Liaoxi County.

After Ta Dun heard the news, he was shocked.

How come so fast? !


Ta Dun slammed the table hard, and said: "I have said long ago that Dongyanghou will not let it go, he should take the initiative to attack, but you just don't listen, it's all right now, Dongyanghou is about to call."

"What's the hurry! Dongyang Hou is still two days away from us, and it's still measured by the speed of the cavalry. We have time to prepare." Gu Jin said.

"Prepare? What are you preparing for? What is there to prepare for? We Wuhuan people fight. Horses and weapons are enough, and we can grab the food by ourselves!" Ta paused, "I should go south immediately and fight to the death with the Marquis of Dongyang!"

"That's true. Now Dongyang Hou has just passed the Binhai Road, and the soldiers are exhausted. Our army can surprise us." Yu Fuluo said.

"That's right, we have always invaded the big man, when will the big man come to the door?!" Ta paused, "Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Send troops and destroy the Marquis of Dongyang!" Nengchen Di shouted.

Seeing that everyone was in a hurry to send troops, Gu Jin did not refute. He also felt that it was time to send troops, but he couldn't bear to agree with Ta Dun's proposal.

Seeing this, Ta Dun couldn't help raising his voice, saying: "Liucheng's [-] troops are going to march, set off immediately!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After passing through Baitan, Zhao Yun led the army to Pinggang without stopping.

Wuhuan's army gathered in Liucheng, but Tadun had already abandoned other places.

The appearance of Zhao Yun's army did not alarm Wuhuan.

"It seems that my lord has successfully attracted Wuhuan's attention," Zhao Yun said.

"This is our chance. If we can surprise and injure the alien race, it will not be in vain to send us out." Tai Shi said kindly.

"You two generals, don't take it lightly. Not far from Pinggang to the north is Bailang Mountain, and Bailang Mountain is less than two hundred miles away from Liucheng." Tian Chou said.

Two hundred miles is only a day or two for cavalry.

No matter how careless they are, they will set up defenses in this area, or send scouts to patrol.

"Next, we are likely to meet the scouts of Tadun." Zhao Yun said.

How to deal with the scouts, the Yangzhou army has formed a strict system.

It's just that there are accidents in everything, and it is impossible for the Yangzhou army to intercept all scouts.

"When the army came here, the unexpected effect has been achieved. Now we have to consider how to convert it into a battle result, otherwise we might as well stand still." Tai Shici said.

"The Wuhuan people are warlike, and so are the Huns. Now that the [-] coalition troops are gathered together, they will definitely expand. We might as well lure the enemies out and wipe them out one by one." Tian Chou suggested.

"How to seduce?" Zhao Yun asked.

"Create some incidents in White Wolf Mountain. Now is a sensitive period. Tadun will definitely send people to investigate. No matter how many come, we will eat them." Tian Chou said.

Although there is a risk of exposure, is it really a fool to treat a foreign race as a surprise attack on a camp of [-] people?

Spreading scouts within a hundred miles is the basic preparation for fighting on the grassland.

And the cavalry assault will also make noise.

So luring the enemy to come is the best choice.

"Let's do it like this, but let's find out the terrain around Bailang Mountain first." Zhao Yun said.

Therefore, Zhao Yun sent scouts to Bailang Mountain in advance, and the army followed closely behind.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yun's unintentional layout actually paid off.

There is a Wuhuan army stationed on Bailang Mountain, with a number of about [-].

"Are you sure?" Zhao Yun asked repeatedly.

"It's absolutely true, look at the flag, it's from Wuhuan." The scout reported.

"Are there other armies around?" Zhao Yun asked.

"Before I left, I didn't find it, but the corporal has expanded the search area." The scout said.

"Okay, this news is very timely." Zhao Yun said.

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