Next, it's time to make a decision.

"What should our army do?" Tai Shici asked, Zhao Yun was the coach this time.

"I decided to surprise the Wuhuan army on White Wolf Mountain." Zhao Yun said firmly.

"General, you might as well wait for the news from the scouts. Once there are other troops near White Wolf Mountain, it will be difficult for us to escape." Tian Chou said.

"Don't miss this opportunity." Zhao Yun answered briefly, expressing his will.

"Okay, let's fight!" Tai Shici was equally impassioned.

Both of them are not afraid of trouble, of course Tian Chou is not good at persuading them.

After all, this is truly a godsend opportunity!

After a short rest, Zhao Yun issued an order. Tai Shici led an army of [-] to attack the left wing of Wuhuan's army, and Tian Chou led an army of [-] to attack the right wing.

And Zhao Yun led the main force to make a frontal assault.

With Zhao Yun's arrangement, even if Wuhuan of White Wolf Mountain did have reinforcements, they would be able to find them in time and distract the enemy's attention.

woo woo woo woo--

Suddenly the horn sounded, and the sound of horseshoes shook the sky.

Nengchen Di looked confused, and asked the left and right: "Where is the army nearby?"

"Reporting to Shan Yu, the subordinates don't know." The guard replied.

"The big army? Or Gu Jin? Could it be Yu Fuluo?" Neng Chendi was very puzzled, "I didn't say hello in advance when I came, and I didn't take Ben Shanyu seriously."

After everyone decided to attack, the [-] troops set off at the same time, with such a huge momentum, it was impossible to gather together.

So everyone discussed and divided into four groups, and then gathered when the decisive battle was about to take place.

Nengchendi chose the line of Bailang Mountain, and the army had just left Liucheng a hundred miles away.

It stands to reason that it should be calm, but now the horn sounded, which is so unusual.

woo woo woo woo--

Nengchen Di listened attentively, and said: "It's not my big Wuhuan's horn, our army's horn is lower, could it be the Huns? What do they want to do!"

Nengchen took a few steps and said: "No matter what they came for, this is my territory now." Then he ordered, "Come here, gather the army, and give Ben Shanyu a call for them!"

However, before Nengchendi's army was ready to meet the enemy, it was attacked by Zhao Yun.

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is here!"

With a loud shout, Zhao Yun led the cavalry to rush out, picking and killing the unsuspecting Wuhuan people.

Neng Chendi is only resting here temporarily, so naturally there is no camp, not even a basic wall.

So, Zhao Yun commanded the cavalry, like a sharp knife, cutting tofu, destroying the dead.

The fight became more and more intense, and Neng Chendi suddenly woke up.

"No, it's an enemy attack!"

Didn't your tm pass by? !

Nengchen Di picked up the machete and rode out on his horse, followed by hundreds of guards.

"Don't panic! Ben Shanyu is here!"

As Nengchendi's banner was raised high, more and more Wuhuan cavalry gathered.

"Report, the former army has been defeated, and there are countless casualties. The enemy is the Yangzhou iron cavalry!"

Nengchen lashed at the horse's butt with a whip, and stood between the scout and lifted his collar.

"Tell me, are you lying to Ben Shanyu?"

"Chan Yu, my subordinates dare not!"

"Then tell me, how did the Yangzhou iron cavalry appear here? Isn't Dongyang Hou building the road? Even if it is repaired, it is impossible to appear here!"

"Subordinates don't know!"

Nengchendi was furious and said, "You bastard!"

"Chan Yu, it is indeed the flag of the Yangzhou Army, and his subordinates will not admit it!" said the scout.

Neng Chendi dropped the scout directly, with a plop, it hurt, but he saved his life.

"Whoever he is, whether it's the Yangzhou Army or the Youzhou Army, if you dare to offend our army, it's an unforgivable crime!" Nengchen Di said angrily.

"Shan Yu Mighty!"

"Follow me into the battle to kill the enemy, there are [-] warriors here, I'm afraid he won't succeed!" Nengchen Di said.

Suddenly, a personal guard whispered: "Shanyu, should we ask Yu Fuluo Shanyu for help?"

The Xiongnu army is closest to here.

However, Nengchen Di refused, saying: "I want Ben Shanyu to bow his head to the Huns? Impossible!"

After finishing speaking, Nengchendi led his troops to attack Zhao Yun's position.

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