It's a pity that Neng Chendi didn't have this thought, and it was too late to escape.

Wuhuan's army was in complete disarray, unable to form an effective resistance, and could only flee in all directions.

"You guys from Yangzhou, go on an expedition to foreign lands, crusade against barbarians, and become famous, today is the day!" Tian Chou encouraged.

In fact, Tian Chou didn't need to say much, the soldiers of Yangzhou had already fought bravely without fear of death.

While brutally killing the enemy, they also know how to cooperate with their companions and protect themselves.

It was also Tian Chou's first time commanding the Yangzhou Army to fight. He suddenly discovered that he seemed to be the redundant person.

The small unit of the Yangzhou Army is fighting smoothly, so there is no need for him, a general, to worry about it!

When going into battle to kill the enemy, Tian Chou knows a little bit of martial arts, but he is far behind Zhao Yun and Tai Shici.

No matter how hard they try, they are not as amazing as the two of them.

White Wolf Mountain flags fluttered, knives and guns flickered, and horseshoes raised a large cloud of dust, almost covering half of the sky!

"Report! Nengchen Di led the army and fled to the north!"

Tian Chou raised his head and saw two Yangzhou armies fleeing in a hurry, led by Zhao Yun and Tai Shici.

It seems that they have already gone after Nengchen Di's defeated army. After a little thought, Tian Chou decided to stay and clean up the battlefield.

"All Wuhuan people, no one will be left alive!" Tian Chou ordered.

This order was somewhat cruel, but Wuhuan should have thought of this when he rebelled.

Tian Chou is making up the knife!

During the melee, many Wuhuan people fell off their horses and were injured.

As a result, screams continued in White Wolf Mountain, and the smell of blood permeated the air.

Zhao Yun and Tai Shici chased for a while, and suddenly a loud horn sounded.

This rhythm... is the Huns!

Along the way, Tian Chou has taught the two how to distinguish different grassland peoples.

After a while, black cavalry appeared in the sky, at least tens of thousands in number!

Before the soldiers left Lulongsai, Zhao Yun learned that the Huns' [-] troops had also joined Wuhuan's alliance.

At this moment, the Xiongnu came to support, there must be a lot of them, and they could not continue to pursue them.

"Ming Jin withdraws troops!" Zhao Yun reined in his horse and said.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The Yangzhou iron cavalry is well-trained, and it didn't take more than half a minute to turn the horse's head and retreat.

The roles of the pursuers are suddenly reversed.

However, before entering the White Wolf Mountain, a loud horn sounded again.

woo woo woo woo--

It is the unique horn of the Yangzhou Army.

The Huns were terrified, afraid of an ambush, they immediately gave up their pursuit and retreated.

Zhao Yun breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that the Huns were also not ready for battle.

After returning to White Wolf Mountain, Tian Chou came up and said with concern: "General!"

"No problem." Zhao Yun said, "Thanks to Zitai's vigilance, he blew the horn to make the Huns afraid, otherwise there will be a fierce battle in the future."

"The general has won the prize." Tian Chou said.

At first seeing Zhao Yun being pursued from afar, Tian Chou was also panicked, but then he had an idea and blew the horn to charge.

Sure enough, the pursuers were scared away.

Then Tian Chou reported the casualties to Zhao Yun, saying: "General, a big victory! Our army casualties are less than [-], while the enemy's corpses are a full [-]!"

The casualties of the Yangzhou army were only one-tenth of Wuhuan's!

However, Zhao Yun was not satisfied, and sighed: "It seems that I still miss the Lord too much!"

Originally, Liu Ke pinned part of his hopes on Zhao Yun, hoping that he could make extraordinary achievements.

But now only [-] people have been beheaded!

For the [-] alien races, it was nothing more than an itch.

"Anyway, our army won the first victory, and finally we have an explanation to our lord." Tai Shici comforted.

Tian Chou was stunned, why did the two generals look unhappy?

Zhao Yun had no choice but to explain.

Tian Chou also sighed, if the Huns had no support, it would be great, at least they could leave a [-] army capable of ministering.

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