Neng Chendi smashed the cup and said angrily, "Are we still allies? In times of crisis, no one came to rescue me!"

Yu Fuluo looked up at Nengchen Di, and said with disdain: "It's not me, the Great Huns, you have long been a trophy of Dongyanghou. Your corpse will be separated, your head will be made into a chamber pot, and your tribe will be annexed..."

After hearing this, Nengchen Di was afraid for a while, and said without confidence: "You guys came too late."

"You still have the face to say it? If you can't hold on for half an hour, it really embarrasses me, Big Wuhuan." Gu Jin said.

"Ah!" Neng Chendi sat down, sullen.

"You can't say that. If it wasn't for the selfless dedication of Neng Di Shanyu, we wouldn't know that the Yangzhou iron cavalry has touched our noses." Ta Dun said kindly.

Neng Chendi seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, at least he would not be so ashamed.

"That's right, my son did not sacrifice in vain!"

Even Gu Jin and Yu Fuluo couldn't refute this point.

Because nearly [-] Yangzhou cavalry are enough to hit them hard.Fortunately, Nengchen Di made a mistake and "see through" the Yangzhou Army's conspiracy in advance, and paid a price of [-] people for it.

This contribution is not insignificant.

"It's hard work for a competent minister Di Shanyu." Yu Fuluo laughed, if Wuhuan is such an incompetent person, it would be good news for the Xiongnu.

Originally, Yu Fuluo planned to continue to abuse Bingzhou, but Cao Cao suddenly found time.

Just at this time, a letter came from Tadun, and Yu Fuluo agreed to the alliance.

Neng Chendi's complexion became a little better, but Gu Jin still sneered.

"Everyone, let's talk about the problem of White Wolf Mountain." Yu Fuluo said, "I lost all the losses, so there is nothing to worry about."

"Now Yangzhou cavalry occupies White Wolf Mountain. Should we defend the area from Liucheng to Bailang Mountain, or directly attack Bailang Mountain and drive out Yangzhou Cavalry."

When it came to business, Gu Jin didn't have time to taunt Nengchen Di, saying: "Liucheng is too small to hold an army of [-] troops. What's more, I, Wuhuan, am not good at defending the city. Instead of defending, I would rather attack."

"That's right!" Ta Dun also agreed to send troops, "It's just that we can't send troops as planned."

Originally, they were divided into four groups, and after gathering, they directly fought a decisive battle with the main force of Yangzhou.

Now the threat of White Wolf Mountain cannot be ignored.

"If you want to fight Dongyang Hou decisively, you must first deal with the Yangzhou iron cavalry on White Wolf Mountain." Gu Jin said.

"We have a lot of people, what are we afraid of? Each family sends [-] troops, and they can crush the Yangzhou iron cavalry!" Nengchen said, he was facing the Yangzhou iron cavalry alone, but there were people behind him.

The Allies will avenge him!

"Shut up, it's more useful than you! If it's not for stabilizing the morale of the army, I will definitely punish you!" Gu Jin said.

Neng Chendi was at a loss for words for a while, he knew that Gu Jin was deliberately suppressing him, who made him feel sorry for Gu Jin in order to fight for the leadership.

Gu Jin saw Nengchen Di bowed his head, and did not continue to pursue it, he said, "Yu Fuluo Shanyu, what do you think?"

Now Gu Jin and Yu Fuluo are the strongest, so Yu Fuluo's opinion is very important.

"Attack White Wolf Mountain!" Yu Fuluo said firmly.

"Refreshing!" Gu Jin said.

Therefore, Gu Jin and Yu Fuluo assembled an army of [-] and directly crushed Bailang Mountain.

An army of [-] covered the sky and covered the sun, raising billows of smoke and dust with great momentum.

As a result, Bailang Mountain hadn't even encountered a single hair, and Zhao Yun had already retreated.

Neng Chendi really wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud.

"Haha!" Ta Dun was quite courageous, "Zhao Zilong just ran away because of his reputation!"

"Hmph, if Zhao Zilong is here, I will definitely take his head." Gu Jin said.

The [-] troops returned without success, but they were hyped.

Ta Dun Shanyu is so powerful, and Zhao Yun's escape is described vividly.

All in all, it was a big win.

"The Shanyu is so powerful that he will ascend to the position of the Grand Chanyu sooner or later!"

"Marquis Dongyang is just a stepping stone for Shan Yu!"


Tadun immediately fell lightly.

"Wait a minute, the Yangzhou iron cavalry is extremely cunning, what if they lie in ambush nearby?" Gu Jin said.

It's like a scary ghost story.

"Gu Jin Shanyu is right, we can't take it lightly," Yu Fuluo said.

"Send scouts, I want to know the movement of Yangzhou iron cavalry." Gu Jin said.

Originally, Nengchendi was in charge of the direction of White Wolf Mountain, and he was also responsible for dispatching the scouts.

But after the defeat, Nengchen Di still had the mind to monitor, which led to such negligence.

Gu Jin has the heart to kill Neng Chendi, the most important thing in combat is timely intelligence, but what did Neng Chendi do?

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