A waste that drags its feet, the most frightening thing is that this waste has not yet understood itself.

Neng Chendi looked at Gu Jin as a fool, and Gu Jin looked at Neng Chen Di as a fool.

The scouts searched for a hundred li, but did not find the army of Yangzhou iron cavalry, but they found traces.

A large number of horseshoe marks indicate that the Yangzhou cavalry retreated to the south.

"Zhao Yun's army is not here, let's go, is there a cold wind blowing on White Wolf Mountain?" Nengchen Di said.

"Stand on the spot!" Gu Jin said, not knowing whether he was angry or deliberate.

Yuvro did not object.

Neng Chendi looked left and right, retreating back to Liucheng now, I am afraid he will be regarded as a coward, so he can only bite the bullet and stay.


Ta Dun felt uneasy, but dared not express it.

On the other side, Liu Ke also received the battle report from White Wolf Mountain.

For the situation at that time, I simulated it in my mind.

With Zhao Yun's strength at the time, it was not bad to be able to do this.

Although it did not meet Liu Ke's expectations.

"Now that Zilong has been exposed, I'm afraid he won't be able to stay in White Wolf Mountain any longer," Guo Jia said.

"Order him to join us." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke opened the map, and now they are only two hundred miles away from White Wolf Mountain. If the cavalry sprints at full speed, the two sides can meet each other in two days.

Now Zhao Yun's army can no longer be used as a surprise army, but Liu Ke has also arranged a backup, that is the army of Gan Ning and Ding Feng!

"How is Xingba's army preparing?" Liu Ke asked.

"The negotiation with Gongsun Kang has been completed," Guo Jia said.

"Since this is the case, don't be idle and march towards Liucheng." Liu Ke said.

On the map, Zhao Yun went out of Lulongsai, on the left side of Liucheng, Liu Ke took the Binhai Road, located in the middle of Liucheng, and Gan Ning was equivalent to attacking from the right.

The three armies marched together.

Liu Ke had higher expectations for Zhao Yun and was more prepared.However, warfare is not static.

Zhao Yun's first victory is a boost to morale!

"Xingba fights, advance bravely in the torrent, and will march immediately when we are ordered. What we have to do is to attract the main force of the enemy's army."

Chapter six hundred and fifty fifth

A day later, Liu Ke received the news that Zhao Yun had returned with his army.

"Just come back, let Zilong come and see me." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, I'm afraid this is a bit difficult." Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke was puzzled, everyone came back, what's so difficult about coming to Shuai Zhang?

"Say, what's going on." Liu Ke said.

"You should go out and have a look." Guo Jia said.

Liu Kewen said that he put down his work and came to the open space in front of the commander's tent.

The place is already full of people.

"What happened?" Liu Ke asked.

Seeing Liu Ke coming, the crowd parted a road. Liu Ke looked along the road and saw Zhao Yun kneeling with thorns on his back, and beside him were Tai Shici and Tian Chou.

"Zilong, what are you doing?"

Liu Ke walked over and wanted to help Zhao Yun up, but Zhao Yun kowtowed and said:

"The last general did not complete the task of the lord, and he felt ashamed in his heart, so he asked the lord to punish him."

"My lord, please punish me!" Tai Shici and Tian Chou said in unison.

Did something go wrong?

Liu Ke asked eagerly: "You guys were defeated? Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs. Why is this so?"

"My lord, Zilong was not defeated. In order to kill [-] enemies, he was eager for quick success and quick benefits, but did not achieve the desired effect." Guo Jia explained.

Liu Ke breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What is this? Killing [-] enemies is a great achievement, and I can tell the difference." Then he added, "Don't you think I'm old and blind?"

"The last general doesn't dare!" Zhao Yun said, "If the last general didn't rush forward, he wouldn't have ruined the lord's plan!"

Liu Ke smiled and said: "In that case, I will be fined for one year!"

Zhao Yun was very worried about this matter, and if he didn't punish him, I'm afraid he would feel bad about it.

This is based on a sense of responsibility!

"My lord..." Liu Ke said what Zhao Yun wanted to say.

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