Gu Jin's face turned cold, Yu Fuluo really didn't have a good intention!

Seeing Wuhuan's victory, he wanted to use his brain to hurt Wuhuan's morale.

This time, Gu Jin decided to put up with it and let Ta Dun be proud, all for the sake of the overall situation.

Unexpectedly, Ta Dun was also very smart, and instantly deduced that it was Fu Luo's intention to provoke, and quickly said modestly: "Gu Jin Shanyu is a hundred times more capable than me, and we must rely on his strength to defeat Dongyanghou!"

Hearing these words, Gu Jin was elated, wishing to present an award to Ta Dun right away.

"Haha, it's not bad to beat Shanyu, and lead the tribe to rise in desperation."

The two sang together and had a great time, Yu Fuluo was bored.

Of course, everyone knows that Ta Dun and Gu Jin are superficial brothers.

"I don't know how much your army will kill the enemy?" Yu Fuluo asked suddenly.

"This... has not been counted yet." Ta Dun said timidly.

But Ta Dun quickly thought of the words and said, "Our army lost four people."

Only four people were killed in battle, and Lu Bu fled?

Everyone couldn't help but look at Ta Dun with admiration.

"It's not that our army is strong, but that the Yangzhou army is nothing more than a chicken and a dog. It has lost its strength after a long-distance attack." Ta Dun explained.

Worried about Yu Fuluo asking the truth, Tadun took the initiative to reveal.

"So that's how it is." Gu Jin suddenly realized, he knew that he would go out in person, but he gave up the opportunity to Tadun, he regretted it!

Gu Jin believed that he would not fail an enemy that could be defeated by a group of rabble.

On the other side, Lu Bu also returned to the main force and reported to Liu Ke.

"Nice job!" Liu Ke clapped his palms and beheaded the three kings, which dealt a fatal blow to Wuhuan's morale.

"It's just that the generals will retreat later, threatening to insult the prestige of the Yangzhou army." Lu Bu said bluntly.

"In marching and fighting, there are advances and retreats. What's so strange? It's a retreat, not a rout." Liu Ke said.

"The final general will definitely make persistent efforts and take down the dog's head." Lu Bu said, patting his chest.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news." Liu Ke said.

Next, Liu Ke continued to march towards White Wolf Mountain. It was already evening when the two armies met.

"Fix formation!" Liu Ke ordered.

The ballista cart moved in an orderly manner, and a city suddenly stood up in the wilderness.

Half an hour later, a large group of Huns cavalry appeared in sight.

When a large group of cavalry roared towards them, even the Tibetan bully who always had a smile on his face became serious.

Just the enemy's former army reached [-] people!

The Wuhuan cavalry did not launch an attack immediately, but kept galloping around the chariot formation, and uttered strange shouts, exerting psychological pressure on the Yangzhou army in the chariot formation.

Zhao Yun, Tai Shici, and Lu Bu were responsible for commanding more than a hundred thousand Yangzhou iron cavalry wandering outside, waiting for opportunities to move.

Huang Zhong was in charge of the frontal battlefield, Zhang Liao was in charge of the left flank, Gao Shun was in charge of the right flank, and Zhang He was in charge of the rear.

Zang Ba, Gao Lan and others, as the reserve team, are always at the disposal of Liu Ke.

At this time, Liu Ke was standing on a high platform, looking around nervously but with a hint of excitement.

There are thousands of troops and horses, but that's all.

Even in the encirclement of the enemy, it still made Liu Ke's blood boil, maybe deep in his heart he had always longed for such a fight.

The battle formation of [-] troops is so huge that even command is a problem.

So Liu Ke built high platforms on all sides of the battle, and used semaphore to pass orders.

And reserved a gallop for the messengers to run back and forth.

Looking at the car formation armed to the teeth, he felt helpless.

Wuhuan and the Xiongnu are both cavalry, and they hold the initiative in the battle. They can fight wherever they want, so they are not in a hurry.

Liu Ke's army is equipped with nearly [-] chariots, which is why Liu Ke has to build roads and Tie Niucheng works crazily overtime.

This is a strong camp, and it can be moved at any time.

Amidst bursts of trumpets, Ta Dun dashed out of the array, his armor gleaming with silver.

He galloped back and forth two hundred paces away from the chariot formation, and then suddenly drew his bow and set an arrow, and the arrow shot out, and the arrow pierced the sky, and was nailed to the center of a ballista cart.

The Wuhuan army in the distance suddenly cheered in unison, like a pack of wolves neighing.

This is a distance of two hundred steps!

Ta Dun's arm strength and archery skills are so terrifying!

With a wave of Liu Ke's hand, a soldier hurriedly pulled out the arrow that Ta Dun had shot, tore down the letter, climbed up to the high platform, and handed it to Liu Ke.

Liu Ke opened it and saw that it was full of obscenities, but the general idea was to make Liu Ke surrender obediently.

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