"Raise the flag!" Liu Ke shouted.

A large black flag was displayed on the top of the city amidst the murderous aura all over the sky, the meaning was obvious.

Come on if you have the ability!

Every time a flag is raised, it is a challenge to Tadun.

Liu Ke didn't talk nonsense with Tadun, drew his longbow, and shot an arrow at Tadun who was two hundred paces away.

Ta Dun saw a black spot, panicked, and hurriedly rode his horse to escape.

However, the arrow was faster and completely sank into the horse's body, blood gushed out, and the horse knelt down in an instant.

Caught off guard, Tadun rolled over and fell a dog to eat shit, but he quickly stood up and ran wildly.

The Wuhuan cavalry, who were roaring loudly in the distance, became even more agitated.

Ta Dun's personal guards hurried out and brought Ta Dun back.

However, Tadun has already lost the image of "Great Chanyu".

Although no one dared to laugh out loud, Taton's cheeks still hurt hot.

Seeing that his war horse continued to run back shamelessly, Ta Dun brandished a big knife in a rage, and directly cut off the horse's head, blood spattered Ta Dun's face.

The headless horse continued to gallop for more than a dozen steps before it crashed down.

Seeing that their Shan Yu was so cruel, everyone was not angry but happy.

"Shan Yu Mighty!"

"The Marquis of Dongyang actually plotted against me, this hatred is irreconcilable!" Tadun shouted.

Then Gu Jin and Yu Fuluo's army also arrived, forming a three-sided siege on the Yangzhou chariot formation.

But they tacitly did not act rashly, after all, no one wants to be an iron boy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Who goes first?"

Both Gu Jin and Yu Fuluo looked at Ta Dun, but no one paid attention to Neng Chen Di.

Ta Dun gritted his teeth and said, "Test it out first."

The two big brothers acquiesced to Tadun's temptation.

That is to say, Tadun doesn't need to be too aggressive, it just needs to test out the defense of the chariot formation.

This was the only way Tadun could figure out to reduce the loss.

Tadun chose the Three Kings Department!

Although the other tribes are not close to Tadun, they are easy to control.

The Three Kings Department is somewhat special.

"Now is the time to avenge your king, can you back down?" Ta Dun shouted.


"Very good." Ta Dun was very satisfied with their attitude.

In this way, the Three Kings Department became the vanguard of the attack.


Wuhuan's long trumpet sounded, and the Three Kings Division launched an attack.

Ta Dun, Gu Jin, and Yu Fuluo held their breaths and concentrated, for fear of missing any details, they were looking for flaws!

The dense sound of horseshoes sounded, Huang Zhong looked ahead calmly, and waited until the enemy approached a hundred paces before giving an order.

"Fire arrows!"

"Second team, shoot the arrows!"

Huang Zhong gave orders in an orderly manner.

Under the intensive arrow attack of the soldiers of the Shesheng Battalion in the chariot formation, the heroic Three Kings fell to the ground one after another during the gallop.

However, every time a Wuhuan soldier was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground, there would be successors to take his place.

As for the injured who fell off their horses, there was no other possibility than being trampled to death.

To fall means to die.

The Wuhuan soldiers next to him would never pass by because their comrades were down. During the sprint of their horses, they would directly trample their fallen comrades on the ground.

Such a dense cavalry charge, redundant movements will lead to their own death.

In choosing between the lives of others and your own, the consequences are obvious.

Because of this, those three kings who rushed to the front of the army, even though they were hit by arrows and vomited blood, still gritted their teeth and screamed, and continued to rush forward.

They knew that if they stopped, they would be knocked to the ground and trampled to death by the following cavalry.

"Rush! Rush! Rush! Go forward without retreating, and go forward bravely to avenge the king!"

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