Similarly, it is still a trial attack.

In order to better understand the situation, Liu Ke visited the front line to observe in person, but he did not notify Gao Lan in advance.

"My lord, this high platform is just right for you to have an unobstructed view of the left-wing battlefield," Guo Jia said.

So, Liu Ke took everyone to the high platform, including Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and others.

As soon as I came up, I saw the alien cavalry charging, and they were menacing.

"I don't know how the Expo will respond." Liu Ke said.

"Won't you find out later?" Guo Jia laughed.

Before the alien cavalry approached, Gao Lan ordered the crossbowmen to fire a volley into the sky.

The rain of arrows fell all over the sky, however, it did not pose too much threat to the alien cavalry.

"Gao Lan is impatient, he should wait!" Pang Tong said.

On the contrary, Liu Ke felt relieved and said, "Gao Lan predicted the enemy's cavalry's attack route in advance, and forcibly used the arrow rain to divert the opponent's route. I am afraid that this move was taught by Zhang He."

Pang Tong was puzzled, cupped his hands and said, "Please enlighten me, my lord!"

Liu Ke's advisers have a good grasp of strategy, but they are still lacking in tactics.

After all, Pang Tong and others are still very young and have not experienced too many battles.

"Didn't you notice? In order to avoid these crossbows, the speed of the cavalry has been reduced." Liu Ke said, "The reason why the cavalry is scary is that they can use the power of the horse, and the power of the horse only comes from one source, that is running!

The cavalry galloping at full speed, even crossbow arrows can't catch up, and the infantry blinks, I am afraid that the cavalry will pass by.Speed ​​represents the power of cavalry, and cavalry without speed is inferior to infantry phalanx. "

The foreign races are all light cavalry, although they are flexible and changeable, their defense is weak.

There is no difference between rushing to the battle and dying.

Under Gao Lan's command, the next few waves of arrow rain also did not achieve much results.

However, the alien cavalry is very uncomfortable, because they need to constantly change directions.

what does this mean?

The speed decreased again.

However, it was such a foreign cavalry that actually opened a gap in the battle formation.

"Haha, the tortoise's shell is broken! Warriors, follow me!"

The alien cavalry was very excited, and it was almost like a stroll in the courtyard when they rushed into the formation.

The pikemen had been waiting for a long time, almost one by one, and none of the thousands of alien cavalry who rushed in came out alive.

Gao Lan not only successfully expanded the number of kills, but also achieved his goal perfectly.

In the eyes of the aliens, the defenders on the left wing not only had crooked crossbow arrows, but also had extremely weak defenses.

That is to say, only the front of the chariot formation is as solid as a rock, and the rest are just appearances.

After Ta Dun got the news, he was very happy and felt that the loss of these thousands of troops was not in vain.

This is important information that can change the situation of the battle!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, Ta Dun regrouped, drove a large number of cattle and sheep, and focused on attacking the left wing of the chariot formation.

This is to use cattle and sheep as the vanguard to bear the crossbow attack of the Yangzhou army.

Among them, the most threatening thing of the Yangzhou Army was the ballista, which had an extremely long range and great power, often piercing through several cattle and sheep before stopping.

However, at this moment, Tadun wished that the Yangzhou army would shoot more arrows. Anyway, there were plenty of cattle and sheep. As long as they won the battle, the corpses of cattle and sheep could still be roasted and eaten.

Tadun had already imagined the winning scene, the stars were holding the moon, and he was very happy.

At the same time, the right wing of the Yangzhou Army was also under attack by the Huns, but the momentum of the fighting there was much smaller.

Gu Jin, on the other hand, was responsible for restraining the hundreds of thousands of cavalry commanded by Zhao Yun and Tai Shici. They had been wandering outside the arena, looking for opportunities to fight.

Nengchendi is ready to support at any time.

The prairie coalition forces have a clear division of labor, but they seem to be fighting on their own.

Didn't you see that Yu Fuluo has been making soy sauce?

Obviously he didn't want to contribute, so he attacked foolishly, dreaming of the big Chanyu's sweet dream.

Of course, it was also because Tadun had the deepest hatred with the Yangzhou army, and it was life and death.

The prairie people are very sensitive to the number of cavalry, and Gu Jin soon discovered something was wrong.

Yangzhou cavalry seems to be missing by [-] to [-] people!

However, the damage that [-] to [-] people can cause is limited, and Gu Jin didn't bother to notify his allies, but sent scouts to continue investigating.

"It's almost time for the cavalry to act." Liu Ke said.

The battle on the left wing is the most intense, and Liu Ke personally sits here.

As soon as the voice fell, Ta Dun launched an assault.

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