The high platform where Liu Ke was was trembling, as if it was about to fall apart.

"Let Zhang Xi's heavy cavalry get ready." Liu Ke ordered.


The messenger behind Liu Ke immediately raised the semaphore and shouted:

"The lord has an order, the heavy cavalry battalion is ready to attack!"

Of course, this was shouted to the messenger cavalry in the audience.

The messenger cavalry listened to it twice in a row, confirmed the order, and left in a hurry.

Under the fearless charge of the Wuhuan cavalry, the line of defense soon "collapsed".

The pikemen behind the chariot formation blocked it with their flesh and blood, but the results were minimal.

Ta Dun led the cavalry to drive straight in, unimpeded all the way.

"Haha! Who can stop me?!"

Tadun laughed wildly, suppressing the entire battlefield with the momentum of who else.

When one hundred thousand Wuhuan cavalry entered the chariot formation, Liu Ke waved his hand, and the trumpeter blew the charge horn.

woo woo woo woo--

"Brothers, follow me!" Zhang He shouted.

Heavy cavalry, charge forward!


At this moment on the battlefield, Tadun has already become the absolute protagonist doing his part.

However, at the moment when the heavy cavalry charged, Tadun's brilliance was overshadowed by the heavy cavalry.

Gao Lan had been prepared for a long time, but he still couldn't stop being in awe. He looked in horror at the surging heavy cavalry in the distance, watching the latter rampage on the battlefield, invincible.

Broadswords, arrows, and spears, nothing can hinder the heavy cavalry's advance, and any enemy army standing in front of the heavy cavalry will be trampled to pieces!

"This is too powerful..." Gao Lan couldn't believe it, no wonder Liu Yu was able to suppress Youzhou and make the foreign race submissive by relying on tens of thousands of heavy cavalry.

Heavy cavalry cannot be measured by manpower at all!

Killing people is faster than cutting leeks.

Those Wuhuan cavalrymen who rushed forward were smashed to pieces before they could dodge in time.

They are all cavalry, why is there such a big gap?

Commanded by Zhang He, the heavy cavalry battalion swept across the battlefield with an invincible and domineering posture, annihilating tens of thousands of Wuhuan cavalry, as easily as walking in a garden.

Even as a frontline commander, Gao Lan couldn't help but lose his mind!

The heavy cavalry is definitely the most exciting unit for a man. The feeling of destroying everything is very desirable.

Liu Ke is no exception.

At this moment, heavy cavalry is absolutely the absolute king on the battlefield.

Even Zhuge Liang and Lu Xun were clenching their fists at the moment, their handsome faces were full of excitement, and they wished they could replace a heavy cavalry and charge in person.

"Our army's tactical units are so powerful, how can we mess around in the future?" Pang Tong questioned his heart.

Do you need a strategy in war?

The Yangzhou army rushed over and solved all problems.

Where the heavy cavalry passed, the Wuhuan cavalry seemed to have disappeared, reduced to meat sauce.

Ta Dun was about to burst into tears, watching his subordinates fall down one by one, his heart was like a knife.

"Warriors, follow me!"

Ta Dun wanted to change lanes, but unfortunately he had no chance.

Commander Xu Chu's heavy infantry lined up on both sides, forming two human walls.


The heavy infantry shouted loudly, held up their large shields, and remained motionless under the impact of the horses.

In this way, with the cooperation of the heavy infantry, as long as the heavy cavalry ran in a straight line, they could inflict heavy damage on the Wuhuan cavalry.

Without turning!

The Wuhuan cavalry went from charging to slowing down, then stopping, and finally turned around and fled, experiencing a lifetime of despair.

In the whole process, they trampled on their own casualties, no less than ten thousand.

However, they would rather trample their own people to death than be smashed to pieces by the steel monster.

Twenty thousand heavy cavalry collided with hundreds of thousands of Wuhuan cavalry, and the Yangzhou army collided with them when they were at an absolute disadvantage. What happened?

The Wuhuan cavalry was routed face to face, and what was even more frightening was that the heavy cavalry hardly suffered any casualties.

On the high platform, the counselors were all shocked at the moment, watching the entire battlefield absentmindedly.

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