Some Wuhuan cavalrymen, who had escaped by chance, stood there in a daze, or sat on the ground slumped, looking at the appalling corpses of their fellow clansmen all around them with desperate and horrified eyes.

They have lost their fighting spirit!

However, the Yangzhou army did not let them go mercilessly, and the heavy infantry stepped forward to kill them, leaving no one alive.

As for some Wuhuan cavalrymen who fell to the ground and twitched, the Yangzhou Army will also give them a good time.

The heavy cavalry were still charging, crushing the enemy with unreasonable charges.

Screams, wailing, and the final wail of the war horse, countless voices gathered in one place.

The bloody scene is disgusting.

"Warriors, don't panic, we still have a chance, believe me!" Tadun shouted.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the Wuhuan were retreating.

Ta Dun led the army to rush into the car formation for only a few miles, but this few miles seemed incomparably long, no matter how fast he drove, he couldn't leave.

The Yangzhou army used endless means, some threw obstacles in the middle of the road, and some pulled ropes to trip horses' legs.

Some soldiers who were confident in their archery skills were also shooting wildly.

The Wuhuan cavalry fell on the way to sprint, and the Wuhuan cavalry fell on the way to escape.

There were corpses everywhere, some skulls were even trampled by horseshoes, and the brains flowed all over the floor.

Tadun could no longer control the situation.

"Shan Yu, if you don't retreat, it will be too late!" The guard next to him roared heart-piercingly.

Because the Yangzhou army has already started to move the chariot to block the gap.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Gao Lan let out a long sigh of relief. For some reason, there was always a sense of loneliness in his heart.

He thought that he could make great achievements, shine in this battle, and be reused by the Marquis of Dongyang.

But after seeing Zhang Xi's record, Gao Lan knew that he was nothing more than that.

When he was in Yuan Shao's camp, the Yangzhou army was indeed strong, but Gao Lan did not participate in many battles.It is believed that the Yangzhou Army is "strong", but it is limited.

Now even hundreds of thousands of alien cavalry have been defeated...

Gao Lan was very fortunate that Yuan Shao did not take his advice and took the initiative to attack, otherwise the [-] Jizhou soldiers would be killed or injured in the end.

Now Gao Lan is even more honored to join the Yangzhou Army and become a member of the Yangzhou Army.


A greeting came out of nowhere, and Gao Lan looked back, and it turned out to be Liu Ke.

"My lord!" Gao Lan hurriedly clasped his fists in salute.

At this moment, Gao Lan felt frightened, because standing in front of him was the Marquis of Dongyang who dominated the Central Plains and was so powerful beyond the Great Wall!

"My lord, the Wuhuan cavalry has fled, will our army pursue it?" Gao Lan asked.

"The enemy is not fleeing, but retreating in an orderly manner. This is a common tactic used by foreign races. If they pursue rashly, they may be counterattacked." Liu Ke said.

"That's such a pity." Gao Lan said a little disappointed. , When looking at the heavy cavalry, I was a little envious.

"Although the heavy cavalry is powerful, its flaws are also obvious. If there is no friendly army to create the best conditions for him, the light cavalry will easily leave the battlefield." Liu Ke said.

Gao Lan was shocked and didn't know why Liu Ke said this to him.Does the lord know that he is studying cavalry?

"In this battle, you have created a suitable entry point for the heavy cavalry, which is indispensable. The heavy cavalry can have such a record, and it is also because of your efforts!" Liu Ke said.

Gao Lan was flattered, and clasped his fists and said, "My lord has won the prize. It's my honor to be able to serve my lord. I dare not accept my lord's praise!"

"Hehe, you deserve it. After this battle, Jun Yi will owe you a favor. Don't be soft-hearted, and make a good fortune!" Liu Ke said.

How dare you?

Gao Lan smiled wryly.

During the conversation, the generals gathered together and said: "My lord, you can't let Tadun go easily!"

"The enemies are all cavalry, so it's not easy to pursue them," Liu Ke said.

"The beheading operation can be carried out!" Zhang Liao said, "Each general will lead hundreds of cavalry, aiming at Tadun."

Liu Ke fell into deep thought. There were not many cavalry in the camp, which was why Zhang Liao didn't ask for too many cavalry.

"Have you all decided?" Liu Ke asked, the chance of success is too small.

"The last general invites you to fight!" Everyone said in unison, full of fighting spirit.

"Alright, the six generals Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Huang Zhong, Gao Lan, and Gao Shun will each lead [-] cavalry in pursuit." Liu Ke ordered.

"Thank you, my lord!"

So, all the people ordered their soldiers and horses, and rushed out.

Tadun ran a mile away from the formation, feeling lingering in his heart, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly the scouts came to report:

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