Just took advantage of his carelessness.

When Lu Bu saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Didn't he come here to give away the head for nothing? Have you considered his feelings?

Damn it!

Lu Bu tilted his anger on Ta Dun's personal guards, received and beheaded a dozen of them.They actually tried to snatch Ta Dun's body in vain, of course Lu Bu would not let them do so.

After a while of fighting, there was no more Wuhuan cavalry here.

On the other side, Tian Yu is also resisting the attack of the Huns.

A black cloud appeared between the sky and the earth in the distance.If you look carefully, you can find that those are Hun cavalry.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a change in the black cloud, and with the rumbling noise, the black cloud quickly pulled apart vertically.

Tian Yu was shocked, he realized that the Huns were about to launch an offensive!

"The first team, the second team, the third team...the crossbowmen step forward and get ready!"

At the same time, Yu Fuluo, who was coming towards the Yangzhou Army, ran slowly on his mount, watching every move of the Yangzhou Army.

I have to say that Yu Fuluo is also very helpless, he just wants to work without exerting himself, but it is too obvious to do so.

So he launched an attack.

"The Yangzhou army is really powerful, I really don't want to be their enemy!"

As a Hun, Yu Fuluo once served the Han Dynasty and used cavalry to attack infantry many times.

Every time he charged, he could see the broken faces of the infantrymen.

But this time is different, Yu Fuluo has never seen such a calm troops.

Facing hundreds of thousands of cavalry, they stood still.

Why are they so calm?

Perhaps these chariots gave them courage, but the tall city walls can't stop the Huns warriors, let alone these low chariots?

Yu Fuluo narrowed his eyes. Although he was old, his eyes were full of killing intent.

He felt that if this Yangzhou army was so proud, then he would not mind breaking the backbone of the Yangzhou army, so that these two-legged creatures could fully appreciate the horror of the Huns cavalry.

Yu Fuluo waved his hand gently, and countless Hun cavalry passed him and launched a fearless charge.

"Fire the arrows!" Tian Yu ordered, and rows of ballista carts roared.

Hearing only a few "puff puff puffs", several cavalrymen were pierced through, and even some unlucky ghosts were shot in the head, and red and white things were scattered everywhere.

Have the Huns cavalry ever seen such a scene?

The mind is shocked.

However, for the majesty of the Huns, they did not stop.

"Catapult, release!" Tian Yu ordered again.

Countless rolling stones took off and fell again.Little damage was done, and only a few hundred people were killed.

But absolutely stunning!

Huge boulders fell suddenly, and their trajectories were unclear, and the Huns cavalry often evaded indiscriminately, resulting in serious stampedes.


Dozens of stone bullets were thrown out again, and this time the landing point was quite accurate, hitting the center of the Huns cavalry.

The Huns cavalry stared at the sky in horror, their faces dull.

In midair, dozens of black dots rapidly grew in size.


Countless Hun cavalry fell on the way of charging and turned into meat sauce.

Being hit by a boulder, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

Yu Fuluo closed his eyes in silence, and when he opened them again, he became extremely firm.

What is this little loss worth?

For the great cause!

In order to reproduce the glory of the Huns!

The big Han used to be very strong, they defeated the Xiongnu and split the Xiongnu into two parts.

Some were dissatisfied with the Han Dynasty, but did not dare to continue to fight, so they migrated westward and arrived in Europe, where they were called the Northern Huns.

The other part surrendered to the Han Dynasty and got the chance to survive, and they were called the Southern Huns.

And Yu Fuluo was the leader of the Southern Huns.

bang bang bang...

Countless rolling stones fell, and amidst a roar that shook the ground, the Huns cavalry slammed into the chariot formation fiercely.

The chariot formation was full of dead horses, and of course there were some Huns who were not good at riding, and they ran into them and died.

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