Heavy casualties.

However, within a quarter of an hour of the battle, a Wuhuan envoy hurried over and said to Yu Fuluo, "Report!"

"Say!" Yu Fuluo said calmly.

"Ta Dun Shanyu died in battle. After careful consideration, Gu Jin Shanyu decided to retreat first and fight another day." Wuhuan envoy said.

This news is like a bolt from the blue!

"What, died suddenly?" Yu Fuluo finally couldn't maintain his image, and said in astonishment.

"It's absolutely true." Wuhuan envoy said.

Yu Fuluo almost cried. Of course, he didn't feel sorry for Tadun, but that this experience was too bad.

He just gave up the idea of ​​making soy sauce, and wanted to use his strength to cooperate with the Wuhuan army's attack.

As a result, just as he exerted his strength, Wuhuan suddenly told him to soften up immediately.

Obviously the beauty is right in front of you!

"Withdraw the troops!" Yu Fuluo said decisively, it was impossible for him to face the Yangzhou Army.

As a result, the Hun cavalry who were fighting on the front line looked confused, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

Brother, we have just fought each other, brother died, and as soon as Ruo Jin came up, let us retreat...

Is this what people do?

But Yu Fuluo has always been strict in governing the army, and none of the soldiers dared to disobey.

The Huns came and ran even faster, and Tian Yu was stunned. He still had a lot of backhands that he didn't use.

This is an unsatisfactory battle!

After Yu Fuluo returned to White Wolf Mountain, he was furious and said, "Who can tell Ben Shanyu what happened? Tadun was protected by an army of [-], how did he die?!"

Do you think Wuhuan people are like you?In the middle of the charge, let the subordinates go up, and stay behind...

Nengchen waved his hand, indicating that he didn't know anything.

"When Ta Dun's broken soldiers fled, I immediately went to support, but I didn't expect that Ta Dun was already dead." Nengchen Di said.

"You are an idiot!" Yu Fuluo scolded angrily, asking you to fill the seat, not asking you to make soy sauce.

Nengchen Di was furious, and when he thought that Yu Fuluo had an army of [-], he was immediately discouraged.

"Where is Gu Jin? Let him come to see me." Yu Fuluo said angrily.

"I'm appeasing Ta Dunbu." Nengchen Di replied truthfully.

"Haha, you are an idiot, you really are!" Yu Fuluo couldn't help laughing.

"Yu Fuluo Shanyu, watch your words!" Nengchen Di was also holding back his anger.

"Gu Jin is packing up his old parts. You actually watched a piece of fat fall into his mouth. Are you an idiot?" Yu Fuluo said.

Qiu Liju died, the Three Kings died, and now Ta Dun is also dead.

Gu Jin is making a fortune in a muffled voice!

Yu Fuluo could see Gu Jin's ambition at a glance. What appeases the old department, obviously it is directly incorporated.

It's ridiculous that Nengchendi can't see it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I'm an idiot, what an idiot I am!"

Nengchen Di suddenly realized and kept blaming himself. He was stopped by Yu Fuluo just as he was about to go out.

"where are you going?"

"Share a piece of the pie!" Neng Chendi said.

"Go now, it would be nice to give you two grasses. Be honest and wait here, or I will find you in the meeting!" Yu Fuluo said.

Nengchen's face was sullen, as if he had lost a hundred million.

Not long after, Gu Jin walked into the camp with a big smile.This is a temporary handsome tent, and the facilities in the tent are very simple.

For Ta Dun's death, this guy has no feeling at all!

"I kept you two waiting for a long time!" Gu Jin said.

"Stop talking, let's just say it, we're dead, what should we do next? Or just part ways and give up Liucheng." Yu Fuluo said.

After pondering for a while, Gu Jin said in a solemn tone: "When I first received the news of Ta Dun's death, I was also very sad."

Hearing this shameless sentence, the Nengchen Di couldn't help being a little dazed, and then, this daze turned into shock and disbelief.

You are sad, how can we not see it?Are we really deaf?What happened to the laughter just now, please explain!

In all fairness, Neng Chendi didn't feel too much about Ta Dun's death, he just couldn't understand Gu Jin's demeanor!

Sure enough, shameless people will develop better.

"Ta Dun is the leader of the alliance, but he is dispensable, and has no effect on our alliance." Gu Jin said.

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