No effect?

In other words, Gu Jin completely incorporated Ta Dun's forces, and his troops soared.

I'm afraid there are [-] troops...

Yu Fuluo was thinking, when Gu Jin suddenly said:

"Yu Fuluo, what do you think?"

"Anyway, I'm also a reinforcement invited by Tadun." Yu Fuluo said, it wasn't that he was dissatisfied with the covenant, but that he wanted to make a move to prevent him from floating.

"How about this, after defeating Dongyanghou's army, Youzhou will first be plundered by Yu Fuluo Shanyu." Gu Jin said generously.

"Gu Jin!" Nengchen Di was about to say something when he was interrupted by Gu Jin.

"Shut up, you have no place to speak here!"

The reason why Gu Jin was polite to Nengchendi before was because he was worried that Tadun and Nengchendi would unite against him.

Now that Tadun is finished, what can a little capable minister do?

So there is no need for Gu Jin to wrong himself.

Just want to make public, just want to be arrogant!

This is Wuhuan Da Shanyu's true colors!

After listening to Gu Jin's words, Yu Fuluo fell into deep thought. Gu Jin has a lot of ambitions. The reason why he gave up so many benefits is only one possibility. He has a new goal.

The seat of Wuhuan Grand Chanyu!

Therefore, Yu Fuluo agreed: "In this case, we still have a common goal."

"Good! Good!" Gu Jin was very happy.

"Let's talk about how to deal with Marquis Dongyang." Yu Fuluo said.

Looking at it now, the so-called bullshit flaws are probably Dongyang Hou's conspiracy.

The Central Plains people are the best at these things, so it's ridiculous that Tadun fell for it and paid the price with his life for it.

And that poor [-] army...

Nengchendi didn't say a word, because he didn't intend to participate.

Gu Jin smiled slightly, and said: "I decided to bypass the Yangzhou army and attack Youzhou."

"The purpose of Gu Jin Shanyu is not only that?" Yu Fuluo said.

"Haha, it was discovered. Ben Shanyu just wants the Yangzhou army to move. As long as they act, the turtle shell can't be kept forever?" Gu Jin said.

Do you think everyone has the same low IQ as you?

Yu Fuluo felt a little disdainful in his heart, but he agreed with the plan and said, "Let's do it like this."

No one felt sad about Ta Dun's death at all.

This is the way things are done on the prairie, a worthless dead man, not respected.

After agreeing to act together tomorrow, Gu Jin and Yu Fuluo separated.

On the way back to the camp, Yu Fuluo was very worried.

"Why are you bothered, brother?" Hu Chuquan said.

Hu Chuquan is Yu Fuluo's younger brother, he is quite brave and famous in the Xiongnu.At the same time, he is also very "kind" and treats his subordinates very friendly.

"I don't think Gu Jin is a good thing. We plan to use our strength to defeat the Marquis of Dongyang in order to unify Wuhuan." Yu Fuluo said.

"Then why does elder brother still help him?" Hu Chuquan asked puzzledly.

"Don't you want to sit on the land of a state and become a prince of the Central Plains?" Yu Fuluo asked.

Hu Chuquan was shocked, his brother had such ambitions? !

For a long time, the Huns have lived a nomadic life, occasionally plundering to subsidize their families.

Becoming a vassal, never even thought about it!

"What the Han people can do, we can do too." Yu Fuluo said, "In the end, we and Gu Jin are just using each other."

"Brother is right." Hu Chuquan said.

"However, we can't make Gu Jin feel at ease. I plan to plant a secret, which will be of great use after defeating Dongyang Hou." Yu Fuluo said.

Hu Chuquan suddenly thought of someone.

"Can you be a minister?"

"That's right, it's him. You should try to build a good relationship with this person," Yu Fuluo said.

"I'll do my best." Hu Chuquan said.


On the other hand, the Yangzhou army killed [-] Wuhuan cavalrymen, and even more so Wuhuan Shanyu Tadun. It was undoubtedly a great victory!

The Yangzhou barracks cheered.

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