"Congratulations Wen Yuan, you have got [-] gold, and you are going to treat us to dinner when you return to Yangzhou." Zhang He laughed.

"Eat? So no pursuit?" Zhang Liao asked back.

Skin a bit.

"Haha, you can't spend all your two hundred thousand gold!" Zhang He said.

Zhang Liao also laughed, he was also very surprised to be able to kill Tadun with one move.

I thought it would be able to stop it, but it turns out...

"Wen Yuan, you are not kind!" Dian Wei said depressedly.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Liao asked in surprise.

"If you're dead, how can you increase the number of sheep? Why did you beat them to death when you agreed to catch them alive?" Dian Wei said.

Zhang Liao was very speechless, and said, "Who dares to be distracted on the battlefield?"

Dian Wei also knew this truth, but he was very upset, because Lu Bu's sheep number had increased to [-], and he often flinched in front of him.

"Okay, come on, don't worry about these things." Zhang Yun said, "This battle is a big victory!"

"Oh, it's a pity that we didn't show much, and I'm afraid I've let my brother down again." Dian Wei said.

"Go back to Yangzhou and treat you to a drink." Zhang Liao said to Dian Wei.

"It's a deal!" Dian Wei suddenly forgot the previous unhappiness.

The generals are beaming, but the advisers are frowning.

"What do you think the alien race will do next?" Liu Ke asked.

"I can't think about it with normal thinking, what a headache!" Guo Jia complained.

If Ta Dun loses his mind, he dies. Who knows how many Ta Duns there are in the alien race?

"There are two possibilities, one is to go north, and the other is to go south." Zhuge Liang said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

What Zhuge Liang said about going north was not the escape of the allied forces of different races, but a strategic migration.

The grassland people are very good at this trick, constantly pulling the supply line of the Han army, waiting for the Han army to show its flaws.

As for going south, it is easy to understand.Bypass the Yangzhou army, invade Youzhou, and wait for the opportunity.

Zhuge Liang summed up complex problems into two categories, and then it was easier to formulate strategies.

"If the alien race goes north, it will pose the greatest threat to our army, and if it goes south, it will be easier to annihilate, but it will suffer for the people of Youzhou." Zhuge Liang said.

Liu Ke fell into deep thought, if the foreign race really wanted to go north, would it be worth pursuing them?

The Yangzhou army is a man of iron, but he is also a human being.

Zhuge Liang then made a suggestion.

"Luring the Huns?" Liu Ke asked in surprise.

"That's right." Zhuge Liang bowed his hands to Liu Ke, and said solemnly, "At present, there are three leaders of the foreign race, and being able to minister is insignificant. If our army can kill one more person, we can completely attack the arrogance of the foreign race. One of them is Gu Jin. , and the other is Gu Jin's ally Yu Fuluo."

After a pause, Zhuge Liang continued: "Yu Fuluo has a great reputation among the foreign races. He once made Bingzhou talk about it. If he can kill this person, he will definitely be able to deter the foreign races."

"I'm afraid Yu Fuluo is not that easy to kill." Liu Ke frowned.

All the generals nodded one after another, agreeing with Liu Ke's words very much.

Granted, killing Yufro is a good idea.But after Ta Dun died, Yu Fuluo must have learned to be smart, and he would not accept heads-up easily, and it was impossible to take the lead.

If Yufulo can be defeated, the Huns must be in chaos, and the Yangzhou army is equivalent to half of the victory, but unfortunately, Yufulo has [-] troops to protect.

Wanting to kill Yu Fuluo is tantamount to wishful thinking.

It is no longer possible to simply sell a flaw now, and the foreign race is already prepared.

"So, we need to create a condition for the aliens to go south." Zhuge Liang said.

The north is vast, but there are only a few roads going south.

The terrain in Lulongsai is steep, and now there are more troops stationed there. Foreign races will not choose this road. Therefore, the possibility of them choosing the Binhai Road is [-]%.

In the past, there were only a few thousand or tens of thousands of aliens who went south to plunder, and there were many paths to choose from.Now hundreds of thousands of troops can't go over mountains and mountains, can they?

The Corniche has been repaired so that large armies can pass through it.

It is a good choice to set up an ambush on the Binhai Road in advance.

Suddenly, a scout came in hurriedly and reported: "Report to take the initiative, there is a change in White Wolf Mountain."

"Say it quickly." Liu Ke raised his hand and said.

"Half an hour ago, two teams of [-] people were separated from White Wolf Mountain, and they disappeared." The scout said.

"Continue to investigate." Liu Ke said.

The sudden action of the foreign race disrupted Liu Ke's plan, and he had to figure out what they were doing as soon as possible.

"Give Zilong an order to ambush and guard the Binhai Road as quickly as possible," Liu Ke said.

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