If the foreign race goes north, Liu Ke will lose the upper hand at most, and it will not cause too much harm.Once the foreign race goes south and the Yangzhou army is unprepared, then Youzhou will be in danger.

Zhuge Liang wanted to lure the aliens to go south, but that was under precautionary circumstances, and everything is too hasty now.

After half an hour, the scouts reported the news of Bailang Mountain again, this time the situation was even more serious.

"My lord, all the alien coalition forces on White Wolf Mountain have been dispatched!"

This news surprised Liu Ke.

After a while, new scouts came back. The [-] Wuhuan troops who left earlier were marching towards Binhai Road. They circled around to avoid the sight of Yangzhou scouts.

Liu Ke closed his eyes, this is where the infantry's disadvantage lies.

The cavalry can only fight if they want to fight with you.If you don't want to fight, you have nothing to do with cavalry!

Now the foreign race is taking advantage of this advantage and wants to drag down the Yangzhou Army.

Under normal circumstances, battles are rarely fought across the enemy's army, but alien races are not included.

The foreign race has no luggage, and after entering Youzhou, the unlucky people are the people.

Anyway, Liu didn't understand why the aliens were so confident that they came out in full force.

Don't they also know that Liu loves to protect the people?

"I can only ask Zilong and Ziyi." Liu Ke sighed.


After Zhao Yun and Tai Shici received Liu Ke's order, they immediately went south to protect the transportation line.

Finally, he was still ahead of Wuhuan's army.

"Zilong, Wuhuan's [-] troops are less than ten miles away from us. Before the enemy's follow-up troops arrive, we might as well fight a big battle." Tai Shici said.

"The enemy has four legs, won't he run if he can't beat it?" Zhao Yun said, "Wait a minute, this time, we must cut off the enemy's backbone."

"It's true." Tai Shi said kindly.

Next, the two waited patiently, and the scouts continued to report the enemy's tracks.

"The [-] Wuhuan army continues to move south, entering the Binhai Road!"

"The main force of Wuhuan has gathered with our army for twenty miles!"

"Where are the troops of the Huns?" Zhao Yun asked.

"The Xiongnu troops are behind Wuhuan." The scout replied.

Tai Shici urged again:

"Zi Long……"

"Wait a little longer, let Wuhuan go!" Zhao Yun said firmly.

The number of enemies is too many, even if there are [-] cavalry in Yangzhou, they are not opponents.

Too many ants can kill an elephant.

Attacking Wuhuan now, even if a temporary victory is achieved, the enemy's follow-up forces will overwhelm him, so Zhao Yun is not in a hurry.

However, Zhao Yun's thoughts also became disordered in an instant. If so many alien races entered Youzhou, they might be devastated.

Before Zhao Yun had considered this issue clearly, the Huns had already rushed to the Binhai Road.

If you don't attack, it will be too late.

"Everyone, fight to the death with me!" Zhao Yun shouted suddenly.

woo woo woo woo--

The horn of Yangzhou iron cavalry charge sounded.

As the horses galloped, the distance continued to shorten. After a quarter of an hour, the Yangzhou cavalry could already see the Huns lined up neatly.

In a short period of time, the Huns completed the most basic defense of the formation, and also launched a charge.


The Yangzhou iron cavalry directly cut into the formation of the Huns and started a melee.

When the two armies were fighting, a Hun general brandished a long-handled sword and killed Tai Shici.


With the sound of sword clashing, Tai Shici and the Hun both took two steps back with their horses.

Shocked by the strength of the Huns in front of him, Tai Shici shouted in a deep voice: "Come on, let me know your name!"


Accompanied by a loud shout, Hu Chuquan slashed heavily at Tai Shici with his saber in both hands.


The two fought as if no one else was around, and flames splashed around the area where the two of them fought.

Soldiers on both sides consciously avoided this place after seeing it.

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