Of course, some Huns who didn't have long eyes stepped forward and were stabbed to death by Tai Shici.

"Don't come here!" Hu Chuquan stopped his subordinates and fought Tai Shici again.

Six hundred and sixty seventh to break the Xiongnu ([-])

Hu Chuquan and Tai Shici each brandished their own weapons, clanging and fighting fiercely, and no one could do anything to the other for a while.

At this time, Zhao Yun led the Yangzhou iron cavalry into the ranks of the Huns, invincible.

It has to be said that the Xiongnu cavalry under Yu Fuluo's command are all elites. When they were in Bingzhou, they once defeated the officers and soldiers with majesty.

However, in front of the Yangzhou iron cavalry, the Huns fell into a disadvantage in a short period of time, and were defeated by the former.

It is certainly one aspect to challenge in a hurry, but another point is the gap in equipment.

Even though the weapons and equipment on the Yangzhou iron cavalry have been used for several years and have been worn out due to many battles, even so, the scimitar in the hands of the Huns cavalry still needs a lot of effort to break through the armor on the Yangzhou iron cavalry.

The Huns are all soldiers, but how do they get equipment when they pull up an army of [-] people?

They only master rough crafts, let alone produce iron ore.

Of course, they can also loot.However, all parts of the Central Plains are at war, and millions of troops are mobilized. The supply of weapons and equipment is in short supply, and the treasury is empty. How can the Huns possibly snatch it.

The Yangzhou iron cavalry with rich combat experience has explored many important tricks to kill the enemy and save their lives during years of battles.

For example, when the enemy's weapon pierces the weak point of the armor on your body, you suddenly turn sideways and use the strongest part of the armor to defend.

Then use the small shield in the left hand to deal a heavy blow to the enemy head-on.

As for the enemy's simple slashing, it is difficult to hurt the Yangzhou cavalry.

This is the advantage that equipment brings.

Facing the unbeatable Yangzhou iron cavalry, the Huns were already frightened, and there was no fighting spirit.

Yu Fuluo felt that his luck was so bad that he was targeted by Yangzhou cavalry.

However, the Yangzhou Army has only [-] soldiers, while the Huns have [-] cavalry, a three-fold gap!

So Yuvro didn't panic at all. He believed that the Huns were the strongest in field battles.

More importantly, although Yangzhou cavalry is called "iron", the real iron bumps are not here.

As long as the tens of thousands of heavy cavalry who defeated Tadun did not appear, Yu Fuluo felt that he could win the final victory.

It was based on this belief that Yu Fuluo rejected Gu Jin's reinforcements.

Originally attacked in the rear, Gu Jin wanted to return to the army for rescue, but he sent an envoy to communicate with Yu Fuluo in advance.

"You continue to go south, and the Yangzhou cavalry will be handed over to Ben Shanyu." Yu Fuluo said confidently.

It's time to show the might of the Huns!

However, Yu Fuluo soon discovered something was wrong, Hu Chuquan seemed to be unable to hold on?

It is worthy of being the world-famous Yangzhou iron cavalry, with two skills.

"Go to humble, you go to support." Yu Fuluo said.

Qubei is not only the right sage king of the Huns, but also has a very distinguished status. His ancestor is Liu Jinbo, and Liu Jinbo is a descendant of Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty. Liu Jinbo was captured by the Huns in the northern expedition and gave birth to a corpse. grandson.

Therefore, Qubei is also called Liu Qubei in Han Dynasty.

"The last general takes orders." Liu Qu humbly said.

Whether it is Yu Fuluo or Liu Qubei, they have never really fought against Yangzhou cavalry so far.

They just heard Baibo Yellow Turban and the remnant generals who were defeated by Liu Ke mentioned how powerful the Yangzhou Army was.

Those people's evaluation of the Yangzhou Army was so high that Liu Qubei and others once wondered whether these people had other ideas to increase the strength of their opponents so as to escape the punishment of defeat.

Now that the battle has just begun, they have seen this famous army.

Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved, with the same strength, the Huns can hardly hold their heads up.

"Damn it, why are there no reinforcements yet?"

Hu Chuquan was complaining in his heart, and he couldn't bear it any longer.

"Distracted during the battle, do you want to die?" Tai Shici yelled, and the spear struck out suddenly.

Hu Chuquan was startled, and immediately came back to his senses, and blocked Tai Shici's head-on blow with the long knife in his hand.

The heavy force made a gap in the saber in Hu Chuquan's hand, Hu Chuquan's eyes widened in disbelief.

At the moment when Huchuquan lost his mind, Tai Shici suddenly stabbed Huchuquan's war horse.

The war horse was in pain and lifted Hu Chuquan down.

A Hun was knocked off his horse, what a shame!

However, Hu Chuquan didn't have time to think about this issue, because Tai Shici had already killed him.

The Xiongnu soldiers next to him were murmuring, they didn't know what they were talking about, and then they rushed forward and entangled Tai Shici tightly, making him useless.

Tai Shici was furious and killed more than a dozen people, and the Huns backed away in fear.

However, at this time, Hu Chuquan was nowhere to be seen.

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