Tai Shici swept his eyes in the distance, and saw a person leaving the battlefield in a hurry, who is it not Hu Chuquan?

He hurriedly rode his horse in pursuit.

He glanced around, only to see that the soldiers of the Xiongnu around him had faintly surrounded the Yangzhou Army.

The enemy has increased their troops!

This is not good news.

While chasing, Tai Shici wanted to know what Zhao Yun was doing, and soon he found the location of Shuai Qi, and he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Zhao Yun actually led the fine cavalry to attack the main formation of the Huns!

Seeing this, Tai Shici abandoned Huchu Spring, and began to gather nearby people. After a quarter of an hour, five thousand people gathered.

"Everyone, charge with me and open the situation for General Zhao!"

At this moment, Zhao Yun was also entangled by Liu Qubei.

"Get out of the way!"

With a shout, Zhao Yun took the lead in attacking, but Liu Qubei's movements were not slow.

The two spears slammed into each other fiercely, with that forceful momentum, even the soldiers who were ten meters away from each other showed a dignified and horrified look.

In the eyes of the soldiers, the two are equally divided.

However, Zhao Yun interrupted Liu Qubei's momentum with just one blow, and then pressed Liu Qubei everywhere.

Liu Qubei wanted to get away, but Zhao Yun refused to let him go, and then shot Liu Qubei off the horse.

The whole process was so smooth that Liu Qubei couldn't even fight back. If the armor on his body was not strong enough, he might have died.

After a brief silence, the nearby Yangzhou cavalry erupted into earth-shattering cheers.

Zhao Yun rode away, wanting to make up for Liu Qubei's life with a shot.

At the critical moment, Liu Qubei showed a flexible figure and avoided Zhao Yun's thrust.

Zhao Yun's change from stabbing to shooting knocked out Liu Qubei.Then Zhao Yun's personal guards stepped forward and captured Liu Qubei.

"Forget it, spare his life!"

Just as Zhao Yun breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly found himself surrounded, surrounded by Huns.

Suddenly, a shout came from a distance:

"Zilong, leave this to me!"

The future will be Tai Shici.

"It's too timely!" Zhao Yun said gratefully. The reason why he ventured forward was to execute the beheading operation.

Otherwise, if the war continues, the Yangzhou iron cavalry may really not be the opponent of the [-] Huns.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With the help of Tai Shici, Zhao Yun broke through the siege and continued to move forward.

However, by the time he arrived in front of Yuvro, he had exhausted his remaining strength.

Cavalry without charge, even escape is a problem.

"Do you dare to know the name of the general?" Yu Fuluo said with a smile. At this moment, he is as stable as Mount Tai, and he might be able to capture a Yangzhou general alive, so Yu Fuluo asked more questions.

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is also!" Zhao Yun replied.

It turned out to be Zhao Zilong!

Yu Fuluo was taken aback. Zhao Yun, who had a high status in the Yangzhou army, went to the battle himself and threatened Dongyanghou if he could be captured alive.

I'm afraid it won't be a problem to change to another Youzhou!

Thinking of this, Yu Fuluo's eyes couldn't help becoming hot.

Yu Fuluo stared at Zhao Yun's flag, and the "Zhao" flag was fluttering in the wind, like a sweet pastry.

"Put down your weapon, Ben Shanyu can spare your life." Yu Fuluo said generously.

"Don't even think about it!" Zhao Yun shouted.

"Hmph, don't you have to drink fine wine for the toast?" Yu Fuluo was unhappy, no one dared to be so arrogant in front of him.

Is it true that the Hun warriors around him are not cruel enough?Is the sword not sharp enough?

"You really don't want to surrender?"

"I will not betray my lord!" Zhao Yun said.

Yu Fuluo was angry, and said coldly: "Today, I will treat you well. Let you know how wrong it is to refuse the order."

Zhao Yun formed the soldiers into a simple phalanx, and ordered people to raise the handsome flag, which was protected in the center of the phalanx.

Outside are densely packed Hun soldiers, surrounded by layers.

However, even so, after seeing the waving handsome flag, the Yangzhou iron cavalry broke out with unparalleled combat power!

woo woo woo woo--

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