Now, Liu Ke's activity space is even more compressed.

Sure enough, the hooligan thought the time was right, and the cold light suddenly appeared!

However, Liu Ke was faster, with one round of his arm, he quickly and accurately hit the hooligan on the head.

The latter tilted his head, made no sound, and the dagger slipped down.

And the six people outside didn't panic because of the death of the leader, and even rushed forward.

In an instant, Liu Ke solved them.

Cao Zhen was dumbfounded, and Liu Ke's movements were indescribably beautiful, which was more shocking than flowing clouds and flowing water.

The opponent's time seemed to be slowed down, and he fell to the ground in the same second as if he was playing handsome with Liu Ke.

Cao Zhen stepped forward and kicked a few times, and was relieved to find that they were motionless.Liu Ke couldn't help but laugh, this girl is a bit of a slut.

"Killer! Killer!" The shopkeeper yelled, trembling.

Soon, a group of patrolling soldiers rushed over.

Efficiency is fast.

The leader saw Liu Ke, his legs softened, and he knelt down.He took the opportunity to glance at it and knew what was going on.

"The rescue is late, please forgive me, my lord!"

The dozen or so people accompanying him knelt down.

"Okay, let's not talk about these, they are all the remnants of the Yellow Turban Party, the specific identity should be confirmed as soon as possible, and all their accomplices will be found out." Liu Ke said.

How did the lord know that these people are yellow scarves?

But no one dared to ask more questions, everyone got busy, searching the corpses, searching the corpses, and reporting to the superiors.

After Liu Ke sent Cao Zhen back, he recruited Guo Jia and Xu Chu and asked them to cooperate with each other to protect important people.He specifically mentioned the matter of Hua Tuo, after all, he was also the target of the Yellow Turban.

At the same time, he also received news that the Yellow Turbans had revived.

Heishan, Baibo, Huanglong, Zuoxiao, Qingniujiao, Wulu, Ligen, Li Damu...etc.There are [-] to [-] people with great power, and [-] to [-] people with small power.And the Black Bandits led by Zhang Yan even claimed to have millions of followers.

Not long ago, Guo Tai and others revolted in Baibogu, Xihe, attacking Taiyuan County, Hedong County and other places.

At the end of June, the Yellow Turban Army in Gepi, Runan County rose again and conquered counties.

In mid-June, the Yellow Turban bandits rose again in Qingzhou and Xuzhou, attacking prefectures and counties.

In July, the imperial court sent Bao Hongjin to fight against the most powerful Gepi Yellow Turban. The two sides fought in Gepi, and Bao Hong's army was defeated.The various ministries of the Yellow Turbans rose up one after another. Although the momentum was not as strong as the first Yellow Turban Uprising, it caused a headache for the Han Dynasty.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Liu Ke, he is preparing for his great harvest.

Under the doubling of Liu Ke's system, the grain harvest barely made up 10 shi.

According to the previous population base of 50 to [-], this is of course a great gain.However, Dongyang has a population of as many as [-], so there is no food left.

Fortunately, Mi Zhu was very strong and searched for food in the three states.

After suffering this loss, Liu Ke gave Lu Su a death order, and the pioneering plan must meet the needs of millions of people.

Everyone is stressed out.

However, the construction of Tie Niu City has been completed and has been put into operation.Dongyang has added a few more businesses, such as the sale of books at reduced prices, the popularity of furniture, and the dumping of farm tools.

In September, a major event that shocked the world finally happened.

Liu Yan submitted a memorial to the emperor, requesting the establishment of a state pastor.

Let's talk about Liu Yan first. He was originally a Zhonglang as the clan of the Han Dynasty.

And Zong was the official in charge of related affairs of the emperor's relatives or foreign relatives in the imperial court from the Qin Dynasty to the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Simply put, it is the patriarch of the royal family.

Liu Yan is such a veteran!

So Emperor Ling believed what he said very much.

Liu Yan said:

"Inspectors and eunuchs bribed officials, exploited the people, and caused people to betray their relatives. We should select those who are clean and honest to serve as the governors of the local states and counties, so as to guard and stabilize the world."

Distraught by the Yellow Turban, Emperor Ling agreed with the proposal.

Liu Yan became the shepherd of Yizhou.

Liu Biao became the shepherd of Jingzhou.

Liu Yao became the shepherd of Jiaozhou. (It was Yangzhou Mu in history.)

It is known in history as "Three Lius Out of Beijing".

Later, Liu Yan felt that it was wrong and had to pull more clans into his chariot. He mentioned Liu Ke, Liu Dai, and Liu Yu.

"Your Majesty, the governor of Yangzhou, Liu Ke, is spoiled, absolutely not!" Zhang Rang stopped him.

"If the clan doesn't believe it, who else can His Majesty trust?" Liu Yan asked rhetorically.

At this time, Liu Biao also came out to speak.

"The Yellow Turbans in Yuzhou and Xuzhou need to be suppressed vigorously. Besides Dongyang Hou, who else can do it?"

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