Liu Yao also took the opportunity and said, "It's better to let Zhang Changshi lead the army."

Zhang Rang was so frightened that he was so frightened that he led troops?Don't be kidding, I don't know how I died.Don't be killed by your own people as soon as you leave the palace.

"How can an eunuch lead soldiers?" He Jin also stood up to support Liu Ke, after all, in his impression, Liu was his "little brother".

In the end, Emperor Han Ling made the decision:

Liu Ke is a shepherd in Yangzhou.

Liu Dai is the pastor of Yanzhou.

Liu Yu is the shepherd of Youzhou.

In their consciousness, no matter how strong the state shepherd is, he is nothing more than the boss of the local area. Where can Luoyang live happily?

But then Liu Yan distorted their faces. When he entered Yizhou, he began to fight for power and gain, consolidate his rights, and then sent Zhang Lu to occupy Hanzhong. Zhang Lu cut off the traffic and killed the Han envoys, making Yizhou a land enclave.

In the end, the imperial decree reached Dongyang.

Zhang Rang knew that he couldn't beat the Liu clan, so he played tricks with Liu Ke.

The ambitious Yuan Shu was named the governor of Yangzhou, sowing the seeds of future disputes.

Chapter 65 Zhao Yun Plays

Time flies, and Liu Ke grows obscenely.

Finally, he couldn't escape,—Tao Qian asked for help!

The mighty Yellow Turban Army has taken over the mountain and become king.

Liu Ke called all the generals to discuss.

"Dongyang is initially determined, and it is not appropriate to go to war." Lu Su said, now is the critical moment of development, and the army can stabilize people's hearts.

"Attempt to fight and scare Xiaoxiao!" Chen Qun said, the last time he investigated the assassination case, he arrested hundreds of people and initially established his prestige.So in such a meeting, he also has the right to speak.

Not to mention the soldiers, their fighting spirit was high.

Liu Ke mainly refers to the opinions of civil servants, after all, the logistics are still very hard.

"We're going to fight, the imperial court is already dissatisfied with us, and we must show some achievements." Xun You said, he has always been more sensitive in politics.

Liu Ke's attitude made it difficult for him to survive until now, and he even got promoted.

These days, those who can get promoted without giving money are thighs.

Xun You believes that it is necessary for Liu Ke to have a sense of presence in the court.

Mi Zhu gave up speaking and remained neutral.Because Xuzhou is his hometown, he must have been taken care of, so he didn't speak at all.

"What do you think of Feng Xiao?" Liu Ke asked.

"Fight! How can recruits grow without fighting? However, Xuzhou must spend the corresponding money." Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke nodded. Although he was a little sorry for Lu Su, he still made a decision to support him.

He glanced over the generals, Zhao Yun stood up in an instant, and said: "The last general invites you to fight, and the Tiger Guards will be matched with two battalions of troops to wipe out the Xuzhou Yellow Turban within a month!"

"Very good, this time let everyone see my vision, the general I have chosen is unique!" Liu Ke said, he knew that there were always undisguised voices, why should he be in a high position as soon as he came?

Zhao Yun and others have already proved their strength with practical actions, but it is impossible to have a good record.

Therefore, Liu Ke did not plan to go to this battle in person, and gave his general a chance to lead the army alone.

"In this battle, Zhao Yun is the main general, leading [-] tiger guards; Huang Zhong is the left deputy general, leading the [-] cavalry battalion; Zhang He is the right deputy general, leading the [-] heavy cavalry battalion. If the victory is too ugly, go back and be punished !"

People take orders.

It was Zhao Yun's first time as the main general, but he didn't panic at all, and he didn't take advantage of the situation to overwhelm others, discussing tactics with Huang Zhong and Zhang Yun.

Dian Wei hesitated to speak, he wanted to fight very much, but when he thought of the self-blame he felt when Liu Ke was assassinated but he was not by his side, he definitely gave up.

Liu Ke gave Zhao Yun a few innocuous words and said nothing more.

Seven days later, Zhao Yun led the troops to Kaiyang.

This place has been occupied by the Yellow Turbans and has become their base camp.

Xuzhou sent Chen Deng to lead [-] horses to help in the battle, but he knew how to be a man.

If Xuzhou sits behind closed doors and watches the tigers fight, it will be looked down upon.

"Then why didn't Liu Dingfang come? Could it be that he was afraid of seeing me?" Cao Bao shouted with a grin. As Chen Deng's lieutenant this time, he was arrogant all the way.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Huang Zhong scolded.

However, Cao Bao became even more angry.

"You bad old man! Where can you talk here?"

"Just rely on the 5000 troops commanded by General Huang!" Zhao Yun said, punching the table.

You TM only have 5000 troops to support you, why are you so embarrassed?

This is already a very stern warning.

But who is Cao Bao?Brainless people!

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