Only this time, it was to attack the city.

The reason why Gu Jin stayed in Youbeiping County was because he still had one hope, which was to leave via Binhai Road.

After the Yangzhou army had passed, he turned around abruptly, left magnificently, and then returned to Wuhuan to be his great chanyu.

However, this dream was shattered before it even started.

Because this requires the cooperation of capable ministers!

Only when the inside and outside cooperate, can it be unexpected.

However, Gu Jin got the news, and Neng Chendi rejected the proposal.

Gu Jin couldn't believe his ears!

The little capable minister Di actually refused the order of a Wuhuan Grand Chanyu!

Are you still a Wuhuan?

"Nengchen Di, this villain, failed to succeed and failed, and he was cowarded at the critical moment. The damage is more important than the big thing!" Gu Jin cursed and greeted Nengchendi's woman.

"When I go back, I must make him look good!"

Gu Jin secretly made up his mind.

If the ministers are willing to cooperate, Gu Jin's food will be enough to eat, and there is no need to gnaw on the solid Yi Jing.

Now that Nengchen Di rejected this proposal, Gu Jin had to grab enough food, then escape from the northwest, make a big circle, and then return to Wuhuan's territory.

Can't I stop taking the coastal road?

Gu Jin thought viciously, if the people in Youzhou had food to grab, he didn't need to touch Yi Jing.

Now, all the worst is being thrown at Gu Jin!

Why are the people in Youzhou suddenly less and poorer?

Could it be that all of them hid in the mountains?

Gu Jin almost doubted his life.

Suddenly, a confidant suggested to Gu Jin: "Shanyu, the Huns were only defeated, not completely lost. We can unite this part of the army."

Gu Jin thought it made sense, and while besieging the city, he sent people to search for traces of the remnants of the Huns, and he did find them.

Huchuquan once again gathered [-] Huns!

Gu Jin's spirit was shaken, and finally came the good news.

"What did Hu Chuquan say?"

"Chan Yu, Hu Chuquan refused to help us, he said that the Xiongnu could not protect themselves."

"Short-sighted people are also worthy of being the leader of the Huns?"

"But that's what he said."

"Enough, stop talking! Hu Chuquan is stupid, why are you stupid?"

Gu Jin growled, and the guard beside him trembled.

What's wrong with each of them, can low IQ be infected?

Gu Jin felt that his heart was very tired.

"Send an envoy to explain his interests to Hu Chuquan. He will definitely join me. If he wants to be safe, he knows how to choose." Gu Jin said confidently.

Now Gu Jin has an army of [-], with complete combat power.

Any fool knows how to choose!

Gu Jin waited for a while, and the envoy sent to the Xiongnu came back, and said with a mournful face:

"It's not good for Shan Yu, the Huns have defected to the Marquis of Dongyang~"

Gu Jin froze for a moment, cleared his ears, and said, "Say it again?"

Looking at Gu Jin's eyes about to kill someone, the envoy didn't dare to speak, and even crawled out.

Gu Jin's arm drooped weakly, as if a dozen times a night, his whole body was drained of strength.

It is a better way out to take refuge in Dongyanghou. Anyway, the Huns have become vassals, and it is not a day or two.

But Gu Jin couldn't do it, he had [-] troops under his command, and he hadn't failed once, so he was not willing to surrender like this.

Now that he is fighting Yi Jing, he is no longer in the mood!

But if you don't fight, you can't do it. Without food, the army will be in chaos.

Gu Jin wants to cry but has no tears.

However, during these days when Gu Jin "concentrated" on attacking Yi Jing, Liu Ke did not relax and completed the encirclement.

Liu Ke sent [-] troops to bypass Wuhuan's army, but Gu Jin didn't know it.

Now that all the main roads for Gu Jin to go south have been blocked, Liu Ke can rest assured to suppress the bandits.

There is even better news.

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