After thinking over and over again, Hu Chuquan decided to join Liu Ke.

It was originally thought that the coalition forces of foreign races could interrupt Dongyang Hou's momentum of marching into the world.

It is no longer possible.

What reason does Hu Chuquan have to be an enemy of a master of the Central Plains?

This is a wise choice.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I also ask Marquis Dongyang to put aside previous suspicions, and my subordinates will do their best to serve Marquis Dongyang." Hu Chuquan said.

"This is a wise choice." Liu Ke said, "If you perform well, I will prove the position of Shan Yu for you."

Although still skeptical about Hu Chuquan's loyalty, Liu Ke still made a promise.

The reason why he is so bold is because of the rapid development of Yangzhou.

In more than ten years, there is still room for alien races to survive?

As long as you are strong, don't be afraid of who the enemy is.

Liu Ke's reputation is well known in the Central Plains, and Hu Chuquan has heard of it for a long time, otherwise he would not surrender easily.

At the same time, Hu Chuquan also wanted to use Liu Ke's power to cut off some rebels.

Although Yu Fuluo is dead, he still has a son Liu Bao. Not everyone supports Hu Chuquan.

Therefore, Hu Chuquan made up his mind and planned to liquidate the Xiongnu.

But this liquidation should not be too obvious, it is best to exchange for benefits, and fighting for Liu Ke is the best choice.

"Marquis of Dongyang, someone is willing to be the vanguard and fight Gu Jin!" Hu Chuquan said.

Liu Ke was waiting for this sentence, saying: "If you can use this battle to prove your sincerity, I will not hesitate to reward you."

"Thank you Dongyanghou!" Hu Chuquan said.

When the encirclement shrinks, no matter how stupid the Wuhuan scouts are, they realize this, and Gu Jin suddenly wakes up.

"What, the Marquis of Dongyang is here?"

"Not yet...but the Huns are coming." The scout said.

Gu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, could it be that Hu Chuquan figured it out and wanted to join him?

Sure enough, it's his own personality that is more attractive, Dongyanghou is nothing at all!

"Haha, it's so good, follow me to meet Huchuquan!" Gu Jin said.

So Gu Jin set up his position on the road and watched the Huns' army galloping from a distance.

"No, why don't they slow down, is there a chaser behind?" Gu Jin asked in surprise.

The Marquis of Dongyang is here!

Gu Jin had to prepare for the worst and deployed a defensive formation.

It was this move that allowed Wuhuan to avoid a huge loss.

When the distance was close to a hundred steps, these stupid Huns not only did not slow down, but also greeted with longbows and crossbow arrows!

Gu Jin was furious and led his army to resist.

"Kill these Huns, kill these traitors!"

Wuhuan and the Xiongnu were originally feuds, and they cooperated before, but they each got what they needed.

Now that the two sides are enemies, the fight is even more intense.

Gu Jin was worthy of being a warrior of Wuhuan, beheading several people in succession, when he suddenly saw Huchuquan running towards him.

"Hu Chuquan, what kind of benefits did the Marquis of Dongyang give you, and you actually devoted your life to him, isn't Ben Shanyu not good enough for you?" Gu Jin shouted loudly.

Hu Chuquan looked weird, when did Gu Jin treat him well?

In broad daylight, don't talk nonsense!

"Gu Jin, it's really unwise to be an enemy of Dongyanghou, surrender quickly, maybe Dongyanghou will spare your life!" Hu Chuquan said.

"Damn it! You low-IQ allies, I knew I shouldn't have cooperated with you!" Gu Jin cursed, "Even if Ben Shanyu died in battle, he would not surrender to the Marquis of Dongyang. This is the integrity of the Great Wuhuan, no Like you and the Huns!"

"Haha, then you can fight to the death obediently, and everyone will save trouble." Hu Chuquan said.

With great hatred, Gu Jin brandished a mace and killed Hu Chuquan.

Hu Chuquan has experienced a big battle, and he already has injuries on his body, so how could he be singled out against Gu Jin?

The reason why he took the lead was just for acting, so that those Huns who opposed him had nothing to say.

"Come here, take Gu Jin down, Ben Shanyu will reward [-] sheep, and the Marquis of Dongyang will give you countless rewards!" Hu Chuquan said.

Sure enough, hearing that there was a reward, the Huns frantically attacked Gujin.

Gu Jin almost vomited blood!

"Hu Chuquan, do you still have the dignity of being a prairie warrior?" Gu Jin shouted.

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