Hu Chuquan sneered and didn't reply, the one who survived was the warrior.

Then, there was a roar in the sky, and Wuhuan's reinforcements arrived.

Gu Jin thought he was welcoming the Huns, so he only brought [-] troops. Now that the large troops came, they directly reversed the situation.

"Haha, Hu Chuquan, die!" Gu Jin laughed loudly.

This situation should have retreated, but Hu Chuquan didn't, because he was mentally prepared.

"Hun warriors, don't be afraid, the Marquis of Dongyang is right behind us, he will rescue us at critical moments, we only need to kill the enemy!" Hu Chuquan said.

It turned out that Liu Ke had commanded [-] cavalry and waited behind, watching the aliens kill each other, and commenting with the generals.

"What do you think Hu Chuquan is for? Why do you work so hard?" Dian Wei asked in amazement, asking what most people were thinking.

Now the Wuhuan have increased their troops to [-], while the Huns are only [-], and the two sides are fighting to the death.

You know, not so long ago they were allies.

This transformation was unexpected.

"Probably to eradicate dissidents." Guo Jia said, "Huchuquan's position is unstable. Only by killing can the Huns unite and gather around him."

"The Huns are really cruel." Dian Wei shook his head and said, "Brother, be careful."

"Don't worry, I know what's going on," Liu Ke said.

Everyone saw that Liu Ke was confident, so they didn't say much anymore, but they were very happy to see the scene in front of them.

No matter how many people died, it has nothing to do with them.

At the beginning, the Xiongnu just beat them casually, but with Huchuquan's persistence and the tragic death of his brother, he also became angry.

"Do you really think that we Huns are easy to bully?"

"Wuhuan is a family feud. We can destroy their ancestors, and we can destroy them now!"

The Huns began to fight back, and the killing had only just begun.

However, Gu Jin's reinforcements arrived again.

After all, he is King Wuhuan with [-] soldiers, and his soldiers and horses are constantly flowing.

"Junyi, stop Wuhuan's reinforcements." Liu Ke ordered, the Huns are at a disadvantage now, but they still have the strength to fight.

Don't let Wuhuan increase his troops again!

Otherwise, it would be no fun if the Huns lost their courage and fled.

"The last general takes orders!"

Zhang He led a heavy cavalry assault, and his prestige shook the sky.

There was even a brief sluggishness between the two sides.

"Brothers, Dongyang Hou's reinforcements are here, let's kill all these Wuhuan people!" Hu Chuquan shouted.

running dog!

You lackey!

Gu Jin was furious, but there was nothing Nahu Chuquan could do.

Hu Chuquan was in the army formation and was heavily protected. Although his martial arts skills were high, he still couldn't break through.

Suddenly, Gu Jin missed Yu Fuluo very much. If Yu Fuluo was still there, the Huns would definitely not be like this!

Learn to cherish only when you lose it.

Although Yu Fuluo's brain is not good, he will never betray his allies.

This situation caught Gu Jin off guard.

Damn Huchuquan!

Damn the Huns!

And damn Dongyang Hou!

Gu Jin was suffering in his heart, but there was no one to confide in, so he could only hold a mace fiercely, one stick at a Hun child, and vent his anger.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Facts have proved that as long as they do not become enemies with the Yangzhou army, the Huns' combat effectiveness is still possible.

Enough to be called a warrior!

This is also the reason why Gu Jin yelled at him.

Why did these goat milk breeds suddenly become so powerful?

The fighting lasted for an hour, and the Gu Jin army arrived. Liu Ke knew that if he continued to stay, the Yangzhou Army might be in danger of being defeated.

This time Liu Ke brought only cavalry, and the infantry was still behind.

"Ming Jin withdraws troops." Liu Ke said.

The generals were still unsatisfied, but they still obeyed the order.

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