Like a mad dog, Gao Shun charged forward with his subordinates, leaving the guard battalion far behind.

"This... damn, you run so fast, do you still have the strength to fight?" Dian Wei even wanted to scold his allies, but Gao Shun didn't even spare him a single head.

Dian Wei rushed to break away from the team and attack forward, but suddenly remembered that he was the commander-in-chief of the first army, so he couldn't do this.

So, Dian Wei was behind, watching the slaughter in the camp, and kept urging the soldiers.

"Fortunately, the field is limited, otherwise, once the Wuhuan cavalry speeds up, we will suffer heavy losses." Liu Ke said.

It's more like a valley here.

"Loss is inevitable, my lord needs to relax, the sacrifices of soldiers are all valuable." Guo Jia said.

"I know." Liu Ke said, after this battle, the north can be stable for a long time, that's why Liu Ke spared no effort.

The battle lasted for three hours, corpses were everywhere, and the smell of blood filled the air.

"Trap into the camp, charge!" Gao Shun shouted, his voice a little hoarse, they broke through the enemy's formation all the way, and suddenly saw Gu Jin's handsome flag.

It almost pierced through Wuhuan's formation!

Seeing Gao Shun attacking, Gu Jin raised his mace and said, "Follow me to meet the enemy!"

However, at this moment, Lu Bu also suddenly killed.

"Gu Jin, eat me with a halberd!"

Gu Jin turned pale with fright, quickly blocked, and was knocked off his horse by Lu Bu with a halberd.

Lu Bu refused to let go, stabbing continuously, Gu Jin quickly rolled and slid down the slope.

Rolled directly to Gao Shun's feet, raised the knife in his hand and dropped it, the bone went into the head and continued to roll...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

To be born great, to die aggrieved, is to speak of the bone.

Gao Shun was also speechless, he just followed the trend and didn't think much about it at the time.

Lu Bu glanced at Gu Jin's head, and continued to fight, the meaning is obvious, this credit is Gao Shun's!

Gao Shun was very depressed. He didn't know if a meal of wine could solve the problem.In short, he owed Lu Bu a favor.

With the death of Gu Jin, the Wuhuan people directly lost their fighting spirit.

"Gu Jin is dead, do you still want to resist?" Gao Shun held up Gu Jin's head and tried to persuade him to surrender.

Countless Wuhuan people put down their weapons and let others slaughter them.

These captives were just kept for road construction!

The roads in Jizhou and Youzhou should also be repaired.

In this battle, the Yangzhou Army won.

On the other hand, after Gan Ning received Liu Ke's letter, he did not retreat because he found that Liucheng's defenses were weak.

Liu Ke's letter only mentioned that the main force had already returned to Youzhou to encircle and suppress Gujin, but Gan Ning did not let Gan Ning retreat.

Gan Ning knew that Liu Ke gave him the right to make the decision, and Gan Ning's decision was to attack.

Ding Feng had no objection.

When the [-] troops came to the area of ​​Liucheng, Wuhuan who was stationed in Liucheng was frightened.

This time, Ta Dun took away all the main force, and the three kings also went out with them, but they were all killed in battle.

Now there are only a few cats and dogs left in Liucheng.

The young Lou Ban boarded the high wall and looked at the menacing Yangzhou army approaching from afar, feeling a little frightened in his heart.

"Young master, leave the matter of defending the city to me. You can step down." Xin Hu said respectfully. He was a general trained by Qiu Liju. He was loyal, but his ability was not very good, so he was not reused.

"I also want to do my part." Lou Ban said.

Because with his innate keen intuition, Lou Ban has already discovered that the army under the city is very powerful. With the [-] defenders in the city, he may not be an opponent.

"Young master, don't worry, Tadun Shanyu will definitely come to support after he gets the news." Xin Hu said.

The news of Wuhuan lags behind that of the Yangzhou army.

Hearing this, Lou Ban heaved a sigh of relief.

"This is Gan Ning, the commander of the Chishui Army under Dongyang Hou's command. Come down and surrender quickly, otherwise our army will not be able to stop once it starts attacking the city." Gan Ning said loudly.

Xin Hu sneered and said:

"Surrender? Wuhuan has never surrendered, only to die in battle!"

This answer is very harsh.

Gan Ning's answer was also very simple:

"Complete you!"

The words have already been said for this sake, it is nothing more than seeing the truth under the hands.

woo woo woo woo--

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