With the sound of the charging horn, the Chishui Army began to attack the city.

Whether it is a field battle or a siege battle, the Chishui Army has training and combat experience.

It's just that it's not easy to train a sailor. Liu Ke has rarely arranged land missions, but it doesn't mean that the Chishui Army is not strong.

Due to the hasty attack, Gan Ning did not have suitable siege equipment, only simple ladders.

However, this is enough.

The walls of Liucheng are only four or five meters long, which is a characteristic of northern cities.

As the Chishui Army launched an offensive, the dignified and tense atmosphere has ignited the battlefield.

Even Xin Hu, who had been fighting with Qiu Liju for many years, couldn't help but clenched the big knife in his hand at this time, and secretly broke into a cold sweat.

It's like facing a tiger!

When the attacking troops approached fifty paces below the city, the long-range troops on both sides started a long-range offensive.

The Chishui Army was in a disadvantageous position, but the bow and crossbow were carefully crafted by Tieniucheng and had a longer range, so the two sides fought evenly.

The Chishui Army commando protected the top of their heads with the round shield in their hands, and rushed over abruptly.

It can be vaguely seen that even with one or two arrows stuck in their bodies, the soldiers of the Chishui Army still insisted on charging and erecting ladders, and only retreated to heal their injuries after the ladders were erected.

Although the Chishui army did not have solid steel armor, they wore three layers of leather armor, which was thick, and ordinary arrows could only hurt a little flesh.


A beast-style roar burst out of his throat, and the Chishui army rushed to the city wall, fighting the enemy hand-to-hand.

The Wuhuan people don't say they don't know anything about defending the city, but there are omissions everywhere.

The Chishui Army easily caught the flaw.

If Gan Ning leads the troops, if one word is used to describe them, it would be "gang".

Holding shields in their left and swords in their right, they rushed directly into the formation of the Wuhuan people. In the first wave of offensive, they displayed an indomitable momentum.

The Yangzhou army seldom fought with swords, except for the Chishui army, because the sword was more flexible when fighting on ships.


The roar of dragons and tigers never stops.

The same is the charge, the battle in the camp is orderly, and the collective strength is used to fight against the enemy.

The Chishui Army is different, they advocate personal force more.

It just sticks in your face and fucks you!

Of course, they are not without unity and cooperation. After solving their own enemies, they will help their comrades kill enemies from other directions.

In short, it is endless killing.

Ding Feng's ability is good, and his commanding power is also high, but he can't control the style of Chishui Army at all.

Even though he spent a long time in the Chishui Army.

This is Gan Ning's unique fighting style.

The Red Water Army is really powerful!

Ding Feng couldn't help being envious, his Bohai Fleet was more like a fleet, and the Chishui Army was omnipotent.

"Xingba..." As soon as Ding Feng lost his mind, Gan Ning disappeared. Looking forward, Gan Ning really couldn't help it.

"It seems that I have nothing to do with the frontal battlefield." Ding Feng said unwillingly.

There are many tribes gathered near Liucheng, but they are all old, weak, sick and disabled. Due to the large number of people and Liucheng's small size, of course it cannot accommodate them.

When the Yangzhou Army launched an offensive, they began to withdraw.

Ding Feng felt that he could not do nothing, so he sent people to attack these tribes, killing all those who resisted, no matter who they were.

When Ding Feng came back to his senses, the gate of Liucheng had been opened, and the Chishui army rushed forward.

Liucheng is broken!

How could a mere [-] defenders resist the Chishui Army's attack.

"We surrender!" Xin Hu hurriedly stood up and said, Gan Ning chopped off his head.

"Don't take any prisoners." Gan Ning said calmly.

The Chishui Army knew what this order meant, but it still carried it out unswervingly.

When Ding Feng entered the city, there were already [-] corpses lying on the ground!

Didn't it mean that there were only [-] defenders?

Ding Feng was shocked, and finally only found Lou Ban who was alive.

The cruel world shook Lou Ban, he couldn't accept this fact, and sat on the ground crying bitterly.

If it wasn't for Gan Ning's confession, this person is still useful and needs to be handed over to Liu Ke, and Lou Ban's body would have been separated long ago.

Ding Feng didn't know what to say, sympathy?

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