These Wuhuan people deserve no sympathy!

The killing was still going on, Gan Ning went from one street to another.

Blood stained Liucheng red.

Gan Ning cleaned Liucheng once, and "perfected" the Wuhuan people with his actions.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What? Liucheng was attacked?" Nengchen Di was surprised.

According to his estimate, Dongyang Hou should be in a state of distress because of the Youzhou incident, and he has no way to attack Liucheng.

After all, Gu Jin has led an army of [-] troops into Youzhou, and this threat has not been lifted, so why does the Marquis of Dongyang have the intention to attack Liucheng?

Could it be that Gu Jin is so incompetent that he has already been defeated?

This is a horror story!

Nengchendi dare not imagine.

However, Nengchendi had a little expectation in his heart, as if Gu Jin was really defeated, then he would be Wuhuan's great chanyu.

This result seems to be good.

"Nengchen Di Shanyu, I wonder if you can tell me where is Tadun Shanyu? We need support." Liucheng messenger said.

Tadun, isn't he already dead?

Nengchen looked at the Liucheng messenger until his scalp became numb.

"Unfortunately, Ta Dun Shanyu has passed away."

The Liucheng messenger suddenly felt as if the sky was falling, and the heroic and invincible Tadun Shanyu actually died?

"Ta Dun Shanyu is superb in martial arts, he is a rare warrior in my Wuhuan, how could it be possible..."

"Is this Shanyu still going to lie to you?" Nengchen Di said unhappily.

"I dare not, I just can't believe it." The Liucheng messenger was still in shock, but his mind was very active.

Tadun died, but Liucheng still needs to be rescued!

So, he looked at Nengchen Di and said sincerely: "Nengchen Di Shanyu, please support Liucheng!"

"Ben Shanyu didn't do anything to offend the Marquis of Dongyang." Nengchen said, he was afraid of being liquidated.

The messenger suddenly knelt down and said: "Now the dragons in Liucheng have no leader, we need a warrior like Di Shanyu to stand up and lead everyone."

buy?Benefit exchange?

It has to be said that Nengchen Di's heart is moved. Now that his strength has been damaged, he needs to replenish it.At this moment, Liucheng has gathered a large number of Wuhuan tribes. If they defeat the Yangzhou army, they will naturally become the savior of the world.

After thinking about it again and again, Nengchendi decided to fight hard, but he didn't agree blindly, saying: "Are you sure that the troops attacking Liucheng only have [-] horses?"

"It's absolutely true!" Liucheng Messenger said, and at the same time he saw hope.

"If you dare to lie to Ben Shanyu, Ben Shanyu will tear you to pieces." Neng Chendi threatened.

"Don't dare!" The Liucheng messenger said respectfully.

It's not too much to become a big order after gathering Liucheng's power, right?

Of course, the premise is that Gu Jin never comes back.

Nengchen thought happily, even if Gu Jin came back, he would have the capital to fight.

How dare you yell at him in front of the Huns without showing any mercy, you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Nengchen Di has made up his mind to be the savior of Liucheng.So, he began to march towards Liucheng.

He held his head high, obsessed with the future.

Two hours later, Neng Chendi arrived at Liucheng. From a distance, Liucheng was peaceful, with the flag of the Tadun tribe hanging on it.

"It seems that Liucheng has not fallen." Nengchen Di made a judgment, and then led the army to continue to approach.

Finally, they discovered something was wrong.

Liucheng is too small to accommodate so many Wuhuan people.So there are many tents outside Liucheng, but at this moment, there is no one in the camp.

And there was a faint smell of blood.

"Damn Han people, they can't take down the city, and they vent their anger on the innocent Wuhuan women and children outside the city!" the Liucheng courier said indignantly.

Neng Chendi's thoughts were also pulled back, and then he approached the city gate, and found that there was not a single Wuhuan soldier guarding the city wall.

He waved his hand, several personal guards rode their horses forward, pushed hard, and even pushed open the city gate. Looking forward, they couldn't believe their eyes.

What did they see?

The corpses piled up like a mountain, looking at their attire, are all Wuhuan people.

"No, I've been tricked!" Nengchen Di yelled, riding his horse to escape.

Suddenly, the horn sounded loudly, and the Chishui army hidden in the dilapidated tent rushed out from all directions.

Oooo scream.

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