They have a strong smell of blood on them, just like the villains.

Gan Ning rode out with a saber in his hand, and shouted: "The one who comes has a name, Gan will not kill the unknown."

Nengchen Di complained in his heart, what a ghost, he turned his head and ran away, very quickly.

Gan Ning didn't continue to talk nonsense, and went on a rampage, one knife at a time, and started the bloody slaughter.

In all fairness, Nengchen Di has never encountered an army of tens of thousands of people.Even, not long ago, in Bailang Mountain, let alone tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands or millions of troops were not uncommon.

However, Nengchen Di had never seen such a brutal battle, even more inhumane than the fights between the Wuhuan people.

He was terrified when he saw those corpses.

Admittedly, the armor of this army is not particularly strong, but their stature is very flexible.

They shuttled among the war horses, harvesting the lives of Wuhuan soldiers one after another.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Nengchen Di shouted desperately, and his subordinates rode their horses one after another.

As long as they let the horses run, they will win.

Because two legs can't keep up with four.

However, in just such a short time, Wuhuan lost [-] people!

Neng Chendi's heart was bleeding, why did he come to Liucheng?Isn't it good to retreat to the north?

It's all greed!

However, Nengchendi also felt a little lucky at this moment, fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

However, they had just started for a distance when the ground suddenly collapsed!

A ditch came into view.

"Xingba is really powerful, he really drove the Wuhuan people here, hehe, let's see how you run now!" Ding Feng laughed.

It turned out that Ding Feng had already set up an ambush here.

Neng Chendi retreated a certain distance, and after the run-up, the horse jumped high, crossed the trench, and continued to flee forward.

Some Wuhuan soldiers also wanted to show off their horse skills, they jumped high, and then fell heavily into the ditch.

"Bah, do you really think that everyone's war horse is a god horse?" Ding Feng cursed angrily, but was still partly escaped by the enemy.

As for the rest, Gan Ning decided not to keep any of them.


Gan Ning continued to kill from behind, chasing and hacking the Wuhuan people.

In desperation, Wuhuan would rather jump into a ditch than fight the Chishui army.

The people behind are simply demons!

But the people behind are very lucky, because the trench has been filled with corpses...

Gan Ning charged all the way, relentlessly refusing to put down his sword until the enemy was completely out of sight.

"So unscathed?"

Ding Feng pouted, not wanting to speak.

After counting the battlefield, Nengchen Dibu left about [-] corpses.

"Unfortunately, not many of our army can ride horses, otherwise it would be impossible for the Wuhuan people to escape." Gan Ning said regretfully.

"Be content." Ding Feng said angrily.

"It's not enough!" Gan Ning said, "It seems that horse riding will be added to training in the future."

Ding Feng is speechless, the navy is training horse skills, you are afraid that you will kill the lord!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The main battle in Youzhou is over, and the remaining job is to hunt down the escaped Wuhuan people.

Dozens or hundreds of these Wuhuan people gathered together to torture the people.

Because there was no food, they looted everywhere, causing harm to one side.

Of course, Liu Ke couldn't tolerate such a thing happening, so he sent Yangzhou cavalry to break it up and hunt it down.

This time, Liu didn't need prisoners.

If it was Wuhuan who was defeated in the frontal battle, Liu Ke would still spare their lives, but Liu Ke would never tolerate Wuhuan who was looting, and he would kill as many as he could.

Gradually, Wuhuan's remnant soldiers hid one after another, the people of Youzhou kept reporting, and the Yangzhou iron cavalry was very busy.

Since Liu Ke was watching this matter personally, everyone worked hard.

But soon, Youzhou was shocked by a piece of news.

Gan Ning attacked Liucheng by surprise and started a massacre in Liucheng. All the men were slaughtered, no matter how old or young they were.

"Good kill, these alien races should have been cleaned up long ago, and now they gather in Liucheng, saving us a lot of time." Dian Wei said, expressing his support for Gan Ning's actions.

The generals agreed with this view.

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