Of course, there are also those who oppose it.

"My lord, such a massacre may harm the peace of heaven." Guo Jia said.

"Feng Xiao, are you here too?" Dian Wei said unhappily.

"I have no objection, but Gan Ning must be severely punished, otherwise, we don't know what uncontrollable things he will do next time." Guo Jia said.

"I also agree to deal with Gan Ning, a small punishment is enough." Zhao Yundao, "Such a massacre will damage the reputation of the lord. If the lord does nothing, the world may think that this is the order of the lord."

"They dare?" Dian Wei said indignantly, but there are so many fools, it's hard to reason, and it's about Liu Ke, Dian Wei is also embarrassed to intercede for Gan Ning.

But Liu Ke kept his eyes closed and meditated. After listening to everyone's opinions, he opened his eyes and said, "After this battle is over, Gan Ning will return to Dongyang City to report on his duties. He is not allowed to leave for three days."

This punishment is indeed very light, but for Gan Ning, it is a kind of torture, because he is a person who can't sit still.

Can't wander around, what's the difference from salted fish?

Everyone is satisfied with the result.

With Gan Ning breaking through Liucheng and defeating Nengchen Di, the crusade in the North came to an end.

But Liu Ke was worried about one thing, and ordered: "Order the scouts to investigate Neng Chendi's movements and see where he fled."

Seven days later, Liu Ke received a letter from Gan Ning, saying that Nengchen Di had gone to the Xianbei people.

Liu Ke has no plans to go on an expedition to Xianbei yet, so he has no choice but to give up.

However, with the end of the war, the news that Liu Ke defeated the million-dollar coalition of foreign races spread widely.

It is true that there is civil strife in the Central Plains, but it is still unavoidable for foreigners to come and be arrogant.

Liu Ke dealt a severe blow to the arrogance of the foreign race, who would dare to take advantage of the fire in the future.

The foreign race paid a heavy price for this!

Cao Cao "fell ill" immediately, unable to deal with government affairs due to headaches, and handed everything over to Xun Yu.

Sima Lang visited in the name of visiting the sick.

"Prime Minister is not feeling well, so I don't see any guests." Cao Hong said.

"The prime minister can't be sick at this time!" Sima Lang said.

This sentence was very meaningful, Cao Hong hurriedly reported to Cao Cao, Cao Cao immediately sat up in surprise, and said, "Quickly, please come in Boda."

After Sima Lang came in, he saw the "weak" Cao Cao, his face pale.

"My lord!" Sima Lang bowed and saluted.

"Boda, please sit down." Cao Cao said politely, and he always maintained the attitude of "a corporal of courtesy and virtuousness".

"My lord, it's not the right time for you to be sick!" Sima Lang said straight to the point.

"Why? But it's okay to say." Cao Cao said solemnly.

"Now everyone knows that the Marquis of Dongyang has defeated an army of one million aliens. Don't you feel guilty when you fall ill at this time?" Sima Lang paused and said.

"I, Cao Mengde, do things openly and aboveboard, why do I have a guilty conscience?" Cao Cao waved his hand.

"There are gossips in Yangzhou that Yu Fuluo, the Hun, joined forces with Tadun under your bewitchment." Sima Lang said.

"What?!" Cao Cao was terrified. Although he hoped that Liu Ke would be defeated by a foreign race, he really didn't confuse Yu Fuluo.

Recently, Cao Cao stayed in Chang'an honestly, at most caring about the affairs of Xiliang, and absolutely did not use his brains.

However, Cao Cao was also worried that once the Marquis of Dongyang believed the rumor, the consequences would be disastrous.

Cao Cao fell ill at this time, just to avoid Liu Ke's attention.

Now it has the opposite effect!

Seen by others, Cao Cao fell ill with a guilty conscience.

If it wasn't for Sima Lang's reminder, Cao Cao would really do something wrong.

"Nowadays, among the princes in the world, only the imperial court represented by the lord is the opponent of Dongyang Hou, so running away cannot solve the problem." Sima Lang said.

Cao Cao finally realized it!

Among all the princes in the world, except for Yangzhou, he is the biggest, and the Marquis of Dongyang will never let him go no matter what.

"What can Zhongda teach me?" Cao Cao humbly asked.

"The Marquis of Dongyang won't fight again in three to five years, so there is absolutely no need for the Lord to get sick at this time." Sima Lang said.

Cao Cao thought it made sense, but he was a little embarrassed, as if his lie had been exposed.

Obviously there was a better solution, but he chose the stupidest one.

"Then shall we do nothing?" Cao Cao asked.

"No, my lord, we can pay the tribute in advance." Sima Lang said.

Cao Cao thought for a while, and this is the best way to show his favor.

It's just that the imperial court's finances are a bit tight now, and the military pay has been delayed for two months...

Cao Cao gritted his teeth, and he had to scrape together the money even if he had to empty his belt!

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