As for the soldiers, it is enough to eat enough, and it should not be a problem to delay the military salary for a year or so.

During the Warring States period, the population of the Seven Kingdoms was even smaller than it is now, but hundreds of thousands of troops fought in battle, that is, all the people were soldiers.

Why are they not short of food?

Because when soldiers are not fighting, they have to farm.

By the Eastern Han Dynasty, professional soldiers had been gradually perfected, and it was time to pay soldiers.

The so-called "farming" by Cao Cao's army is an old-fashioned system, and soldiers also have to farm.

It was precisely because of the policy of garrisoning fields that Cao Cao's army was ahead of Yuan Shao and became a great prince.

Now the wealth accumulated in the farmland is almost squeezed dry by Liu Ke.

Seeing Cao Cao's embarrassment, Sima Lang continued, "My lord, I will mobilize the ministers to collect donations."

"No, how can I use my subordinates' money? Hundred officials still have to support their families." Cao Cao refused.

"It's our duty to share our lord's worries." Sima Lang said.

Whether it's true or not is hard to say.

Although the gentry are rich, if you want to take their money, it is definitely the same as wanting their lives.

"Let's forget it." Cao Cao refused again.

This time Sima Lang didn't speak any more, and immediately launched a fundraising campaign after returning home. All the ministers responded one after another, and got five million gold, which was sent to the treasury.

The subordinates are so rich?Cao Cao couldn't help complaining.

Really fragrant!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My lord, all the fleeing Wuhuan people have been killed." Zhao Yunhui reported.

"Very good, but don't take it lightly. Youzhou's defense system is not perfect now. Let [-] cavalry be handed over to Tian Chou and Tian Yu to form a special operations battalion and station in Youzhou for a month." Liu Ke said.

The Wuhuan people on the surface were indeed wiped out, but some Wuhuan people who hid themselves and were not discovered by the common people might cause harm to one side, and Liu Ke would never tolerate such a situation happening.

But it is impossible for the Yangzhou army to stay here all the time, so Liu Ke decided to hand it over to Tian Yu and Tian Chou.

Due to the end of the war, Yangzhou soldiers and horses have gradually returned to Dongyang, and Liu Ke stayed in Youzhou because there is another important matter.

That is, the ownership of Liaodong County!

After Gongsun Du's death, Gongsun Kang became Marquis of Liaodong.

If Liu Ke didn't take advantage of the power of breaking the alien race to subdue Gongsun Kang, I'm afraid it will take a lot of trouble in the future.

For this reason, Liu Ke took Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, and Dian Wei to Liaodong County in person in the name of paying homage to Gongsun Du.

After Gongsun Kang got the news, he went out of the city thirty miles to meet him.

"Liaodong Marquis, don't come here unharmed." Liu Ke said with a smile.

"Congratulations to the Marquis of Dongyang for defeating millions of alien races and making an incomparable achievement." Gongsun Kang clasped his fists and said.

"I came here out of sincerity," Liu Ke said.

Gongsun Kang sighed when he heard the words, and said, "Did Liaodong hinder Dongyang Hou's eyes after all?"

This sentence is very rude, but it is just a complaint.

Liu Ke couldn't even tell this point, otherwise Gongsun Kang would have come with dozens of entourages, but commanded the army.

"There is a lot of resentment." Liu Ke said, "However, since ancient times, Liaodong has been the territory of my big man, and it is inseparable from the big man."

As a clan member of the Han Dynasty, Liu Ke can indeed represent the great Han.

How did Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu come to power?It's not that the world is in chaos, and he took the opportunity to raise troops, and he can't be regarded as a direct descendant.

Although Liu Xiu is the ninth grandson of Han Gaozu Liu Bang, he came from the lineage of Liu Fa, the son of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Changsha Ding Wang.However, Liu Xiu's ancestors surrendered from Liehou because of the principle of "Tweeting Order".In his father Liu Qin's generation, he was just a small official like Jiyang county magistrate.

"I will never forget that I am a Han Chinese." Gongsun Kang said.

Gongsun Du took advantage of the turmoil in the Central Plains and seized a large area of ​​land in Liaodong. However, he only became king, and he would never dare to become emperor.

"What conditions does the Marquis of Dongyang plan to propose?" Gongsun Kang asked.

"Follow me back to Dongyang." Liu Ke said.

A simple sentence made Gongsun Kang's pupils shrink, it was simply too deceiving!

This is a one-shot to the end!

Although Gongsun Kang has just inherited the family business, he also contributed to the battle, otherwise he would not be the heir.

So Gongsun Kang has feelings for this land.

In his original idea, Liaodong surrendered to the Marquis of Dongyang and handed over the government affairs, which was the biggest concession.

The Gongsun family continued to control the army, guarding Liaodong for Dongyanghou, and was still Liaodonghou.

To put it simply, Gongsun Kang decided to take off his clothes and keep his pants.

Now Liu Ke not only took off Gongsun Kang's clothes, but also took off his pants, as if he didn't spare the pants.

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