How could Gongsun Kang agree?

"Dongyang Hou, if you do this, you won't be afraid of being caught in the net?" Gongsun Kang drew out his sword and pointed it at Liu Ke.

Gongsun Kang grew up in Liaodong, dealing with foreign races every day, how could he not have a bit of courage,

He showed his sword to Liu Ke to show his determination.

"My conditions will not change. Now, it's time for you to make a request." Liu Ke said calmly.

Seeing Gongsun Kang's silence, Liu Ke added: "For the first prince to surrender to me, I will not treat you badly."

In fact, Kong Rong was the first one, but he was in a special situation, so he asked Liu Ke to take over Qingzhou.

Gongsun Kang was very stubborn and said: "No matter what, the Gongsun family needs a territory."

This is the deep-rooted idea of ​​the duke. Whether he has a territory or not, his status is different.

"In Yangzhou, no one owns a territory, except me." Liu Ke said domineeringly.

No matter how many meritorious deeds he has achieved, Liu Ke mainly rewards money, and it is impossible to establish a country called China.

Liu Ke hated lawless places.

If this is the case, it would be better to flatten Liaodong directly.Gongsun Kang helped a little in this battle, so Liu Ke was willing to give him a chance.

Gongsun Kang was frightened by Liu Ke's aura and was afraid that the negotiation would collapse, but he still insisted:

"The Gongsun family lives in Yangzhou, but they need a county!"

Since Lelang County and Daifang County were ceded to Liu Ke, the Gongsun family only had control over Xuantu County, Liaodong County, and Liaoxi County.

One county is the limit that Gongsun Kang can fight for.

Liu Ke knew that the pressure should not be overdone, and confirmed: "Is this the last condition of Liaodong?"

"Also please Dongyang Hou Chengquan!" Gongsun Kang clasped his fists and said.

Liu Ke fell into deep thought, why not simply hand over Daifang County to Gongsun Kang?

Daifang County is located on the peninsula, so it is not that important to Liu Ke.

At this time, Guo Jia stepped forward and said, "Liaodong Marquis, you can only gain if you give up. Isn't it good to be prosperous for generations? Why insist on land?"

"The military division doesn't know that the Gongsun family has fought for this piece of land all their lives in Liaodong. If it weren't for being inferior, I would never give up." Gongsun Kang said sincerely.

"What if it's a marriage?" Guo Jia said.

Gongsun Kang's eyes brightened. If he could marry Dongyang Hou, the Gongsun family would surely prosper within a few decades.

Look at the Mi family, then the Zhen family and the Cai family, which one is not a famous family in Yangzhou?

Liu Ke was speechless, and Guo Jia was too capable of making trouble.

Marriage is something like this, is it casually traded?

"Forget the marriage, don't mention it again." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, what's the matter with you sacrificing yourself for Yangzhou?" Guo Jiali said bluntly.

Liu Ke was so stunned that he had nothing to say.

Seeing this scene, Gongsun Kang found it incredible that Guo Jia was so courageous?

But when you think about it, you can understand that Guo Jia is an old man who is by Liu Ke's side, and he can decide that some things are not worth making a fuss about.

"I think marriage is good." Gongsun Kang said.

"Look, the Marquis of Liaodong agreed, my lord, what reason do you have to refuse?" Guo Jia climbed up the pole.

"This is a great plan!" Zhuge Liang also jumped out to join in.

What a ghost!Was it spoiled by Zhou Buyi?

Just as Liu Ke was about to refute, he heard Gongsun Kang say: "It happens that I have a daughter named You, who is five years old."

I'm down!

Are you crazy to want to be my father-in-law?

Liu Ke couldn't help complaining!

"Five years old is good, it's the same age as flowers." Dian Wei laughed.

"Yes, my lord, don't refuse." Guo Jia winked at the side.

Liu Ke coughed and said, "It just so happens that Zhou Buyi is getting older, so it's not a big problem to book a marriage."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In order to escape, Liu Ke intends to sell Zhou Buyu.

"Who is Zhou Busu?" Gongsun Kang asked in surprise.

"My lord's disciple, the successor of the new generation." Guo Jia said.

"My math teacher is extremely smart." Zhuge Liang said.

"I plan to recognize him as my adopted son." Liu Ke said.

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