"Fuxing the family is only one of the reasons." Lu Xun said, "More importantly, I want to prove that I am no worse than others."

clap clap!

Liu Ke clapped his hands and said, "In that case, I will give you a chance."

Then Liu Kelang said: "I hereby declare that Boyan is appointed governor of Youzhou."

This appointment did not cause an uproar, but everyone felt incredible.

Of course, there are still some regrets.

"If I had known, I would have taken action." Zhuge Liang sighed, his elder brother Zhuge Jin was just a governor of Qingzhou.

Now Lu Xun volunteered to recommend himself, and went directly to the sky in one step!

"I still don't understand your thoughts? I'm afraid Youzhou can't satisfy your appetite." Pang Tong said.

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, without denying it, but still envious of Lu Xun.

Not to mention others.

Now that Lu Xun has been decided to be the governor of Youzhou, in order to be more secure, Liu Ke asked the judge to stay in Youzhou as his deputy, and Tian Yu as the governor.

In view of the lack of qualifications of several people, Liu Ke split up the military power, [-] of which belonged to Commander Tian Yu, who was only responsible for guarding the border, and the remaining [-] were assigned to the trial and temperance, and were divided into various cities.

Of course, the most excited person in the room was Lu Xun, who quickly clasped his fists and said:

"Thank you my lord!"

This trust directly made Lu Xun's loyalty reach 100.

Regarding history, Liu Ke may be rather vague, but Lu Xun's name is still heard, otherwise how could Yizhou be handed over to him so easily!

"This is a test for you, don't let me down." Liu Ke said.

"Your subordinates must do their best!" Lu Xun said firmly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Liu Ke let out a long sigh of relief, the arrangement was finally settled.

Then Liu Ke summoned Gan Ning, the rebellious general.

In fact, Gan Ning had already come to report to Liu Ke, but Liu Ke left him alone for a few days.

"Xingba, you did a good job this time. You took down Liucheng and broke the foundation of Wuhuan." Liu Ke said.

"Your subordinate is guilty, please punish me!" Gan Ning half-kneeled.

Gan Ning was in awe of Liu Ke.No matter how hard he tried, he never surpassed Liu Ke in the field of force.

At the same time, he is also very grateful.

If Liu Ke hadn't given him a chance, I'm afraid Gan Ning would still be a Jiang bandit, so why would he gallop across the battlefield and across the sea.

"What's the crime? It's just killing some aliens." Liu Ke said calmly.

Gan Ning looked at Liu Ke's sincere expression, he didn't seem to be lying, so he couldn't help being a little surprised.

The lord actually supported him?

"If I were just a general, I would be as flamboyant as you, but my current position doesn't allow me to do so." Liu Ke said.

Confucianism was deeply rooted in the Han Dynasty, and even Liu Ke couldn't break it.

No need to break either.

Kindness is a virtue at all times.

After hearing Liu Ke's words, Gan Ning was very moved.

With such an enlightened lord, why not die for it?

"Go back to Dongyang City, accumulate some time, read some books, and supplement yourself. If you can, record your experience at sea and bind it into a book." Liu Ke said.

Gan Ning is from Yizhou, an authentic scholar, but because of some things, he became a Jiang bandit.

"Your subordinates obey!" Gan Ning said.

This matter came to an end, and Liu Ke also had an explanation for the officials.

It's time to go back to Yangzhou. It's been too long this time, Liu Ke feels homesick.

The Yangzhou army has set off one after another, and now there are only [-] people left to protect Liu Ke.

"Order the army to move!" Liu Ke said.

Seeing the mighty team moving forward, Liu Ke was filled with emotion.

From south to north, the battle lasted for nearly a year, and Liu Ke captured [-] prisoners alone.

Those Han captives who should be collected were collected, and those who were disarmed and returned to the fields were disarmed and returned to the fields.

Most of the defenders in Youzhou and Jizhou are Yuan Shao's former troops.

Now that Yuan Shao is dead, and the third son is also punished, without a leader, there will be almost no rebellion.

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