This is also one of the reasons why Liu Ke pursued Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang fiercely.

As for the Wuhuan captives, Liu Ke is going to let them build roads and mines.

The iron ore produced in Tieniu City has long been unsatisfactory for the army, and Qingzhou is rich in iron ore.

These alien captives will have a place to use.

The most troublesome thing was Hu Chuquan's arrangement. In the end, Liu Ke asked him to hand over his power to his subordinates, and Hu Chuquan himself had to go to Dongyang City to study for a period of time.

Hu Chuquan has just become the new Shanyu, which is a huge blow to him, but in the face of absolute power, he has no capital to resist.

"When you pass by Yecheng, pay homage to Yuan Shao." Liu Ke said.

Yuan Shao died in Yecheng, and Liu Ke set up his tomb near Yecheng.

This meant that the army had to take a long detour, but no one would question Liu Ke's decision.

When he was about to arrive in Yecheng, Chen Qun had already brought people to wait.

"What, do you have nothing to do?" Liu Ke asked.

"Come out to meet the lord, isn't it also doing something?" Chen Qun said.

"Okay, you actually came out with a business tone, it seems that you didn't really come out to greet him." Liu Ke said with a smile.

"Sure enough, Master Chess is better than Changwen!" Chen Qun clasped his hands.

It hasn't been long since he came out, and he has become a slicker. It seems that the party in charge is indeed very tempered.

Liu Ke smiled and walked hand in hand with Chen Qun, during which he asked about the situation in Youzhou.

Seeing this scene, Guo Tu and Tian Feng could only envy them. Their relationship with Liu Ke was still estranged after all.

Originally, Guo Tu planned to beg Liu Ke to go back to Dongyang together, but finally gave up.

I can only work with Tian Feng, an old bastard, for a while.

Yuan Shao's cemetery was resplendent and resplendent. Since he died in defeat, there were no funeral objects, so he didn't have to worry about being robbed.

When Liu Ke arrived, there was already someone worshiping in front of him, and it was Simpi.

Liu Ke still has an impression of Simpi.When attacking Yecheng, it was Shenrong who had completed Xinpi's work, and the team gradually expanded to the point where it could not be contained.

Then, the gate of Yecheng was opened.

Xinpi is Yuan Shao's former clan, and now he wants to go back to Dongyang with Liu Ke, so it is understandable to come to pay homage.

"Meet the lord!" Simpi said cautiously, as if he was worried that Liu Ke would blame him for it.

"Worship well, Yuan Benchu ​​is a great man of his generation." Liu Ke said, there is no need to argue with a dead man.

Seeing this, Simpi heaved a sigh of relief.

After Simpi finished worshiping, he lit three sticks of incense and handed them to Liu Ke. Liu Ke took the opportunity and simply lit a stick of incense.

"My lord, please treat Yuan Gong's descendants kindly." Xin Pi said.

"Don't worry, there will be a place for them to live in Yangzhou." Liu Ke said.

Hearing this, Xin Pi admired Liu Ke even more. This kind of heart is already rare in troubled times.

Liu Ke has achieved his goal by getting rid of the most threatening members of the Yuan Shao family.

For Yuan Shao's grandchildren, Qiu did nothing wrong.

"The Yuan family of four generations and three princes has just disappeared." Liu Ke sighed.

Yuan Shu killed himself, so no one else is to blame.Now that Yuan Shao is also dead, the Yuan family has no one who can resist the flag, and their decline is certain.

"We have to become stronger." Liu Ke said.

Without mentioning Guo Jia and others, Simpi felt speechless. In the whole world, who can compare with Dongyanghou?

It is only a matter of time to rule the world.

However, the army needs to recuperate, and the newly acquired territory also needs to be developed. In a short time, Liu will not start a war rashly.

If the momentum of Yangzhou's development is curbed because of the war, the loss outweighs the gain.

This kind of large-scale battle will hardly happen in the future.

Liu Ke almost swept the world, including the alien races in the north.

"Since the Xin family is going to relocate, it's better to go with the army. Although the bandits are no longer rampant, but they are banned repeatedly, it is better to be careful." Liu Ke said.

Xin Pi didn't expect Liu Ke to be so talkative, so he immediately agreed.

"I can't ask for it!"

With the Yangzhou army opening the way, it is 100% safe.

Liu Ke didn't just bring along the Xin family, but also many famous families in Jizhou.

This is a piece of land that has just been conquered, and bringing them to Dongyang is also convenient for Chen Qun to manage.

"My lord really helped me a lot!" Chen Qun said.

"It's good to know. If you have any difficulties, just tell them directly. Don't wait until the problem is serious to solve it." Liu Ke said.

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