"Don't worry, my lord, with Yangzhou as the backing, no one dares to ignore my orders." Chen Qun said.

"That's good." Liu Ke said.

After bidding farewell to Chen Qun, Liu Ke continued on his way without stopping.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke smashed the alien race, and he did not know how many livestock were seized.

With the help of these animals, the marching speed of the army is not slow at all.

The speed is fast, and there will be some bumps, which is unbearable for a weak scholar like Simpi.

"George can take a carriage, why ride a horse?" Liu Ke said.

"My lord rides a horse, how can my subordinates enjoy it in the carriage?" Simpi said.

"I am not only your lord, but also a general. How can there be a general who does not ride a horse? You are different, and I can tell the difference." Liu Ke said.

"It's fine if you can't march and fight with the lord, if you can't do it together through thick and thin, wouldn't you be a minister in vain?" Simpi said.

Guo Jia on the side couldn't help feeling that Xinpi's performance was brilliant.

Liu Ke smiled and said, "Where is the suffering?" Then he pointed to the generals who were racing horses.

Dian Wei, Lu Bu, Tai Shici and others ran happily!

Simpi also knew that the horse's ass was being flattered, but he didn't feel embarrassed.

Anyway, the suffering has already been endured, so there must be some gains, right?

Just make an impression!

Otherwise, if you really come to Dongyang City, where there are so many talents, you will definitely be marginalized.

Regarding the performance psychology of his subordinates, Liu Ke did not become angry from embarrassment, which is also a manifestation of self-motivation.

Suddenly, a scolding sound came from the carriage, saying:

"If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach thousands of miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't form rivers and seas!"

Simpi showed an apologetic look, then slowed down the horse, came to the car window, and said softly, "Ying'er, what's wrong?"

"Father, my brother is not studying hard again!" the little girl named Ying'er said angrily.

At the same time, a boy said aggrievedly:

"Father, it's not that the child doesn't work hard, it's that the carriage is bumpy and I really can't concentrate on reading!"

"I can't stand this bit of suffering, how can I make a big deal?" Simpi reprimanded.

Liu Ke was greatly surprised. In ancient times, the status of women was relatively low, even if they were from a scholarly family, they were not immune.

Now Simpi actually helps his daughter to reprimand his son, which is really rare.

With Simpi's experience, don't you know that reading in a carriage is particularly laborious?

"I want you to study hard, but you must alarm daddy! How can you have so many schemes!" The little girl said reluctantly.

"Sister...can I rest for a while?"


Just by hearing the tone of voice, Liu Ke knew that the little boy was about to cry.

Simpi said apologetically, "I made my lord laugh!"

"Xin's family has a good style." Liu Ke said with a smile.

The six-character evaluation made Simpi feel like a treasure, and he wished he could copy it and frame it.

From now on, this will be the amulet of the Xin family in Yangzhou.

"The carriage is bumpy, so don't embarrass the children." Liu Ke said.

Hearing this, Xin Pi dragged out his son Xin Chang, and said, "Hurry up and thank Marquis Dongyang!"

Xin Chang felt relieved, and saluted solemnly: "Thank you Dongyanghou!"

"What are you thanking? Not letting people study is tantamount to cutting off people's future! You still have to take the imperial examination. If you don't work hard, what will you do in the future?" The little girl chased after her. It looks like the daughter of a rich family.

"Xianying, don't be rude, hurry up and apologize to the Marquis of Dongyang!" Simpi reprimanded, glaring at his daughter.

"Dongyanghou, my little girl was spoiled at home, please forgive me."

"It doesn't matter." Liu Ke said, "Scholars are all likable, let alone the heroines among the scholars."

"You like me?" Xin Xianying asked, holding her chin.

"Ahem..." Simpi didn't know what to say, and quickly interrupted the speechless atmosphere.

"Your name is Xin Xianying?" Liu Ke asked.

"The little girl is not talented. I have met Dongyang Hou." Xin Xianying admitted generously.

"Can you recite "Encouraging Learning"?" Liu Ke asked.

"... Perseverance, dead wood will not be broken; Perseverance, gold and stone can be carved..." Xin Xianying recited it meticulously.

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