"Leave it to me?" Zhou Buyi asked in surprise.

"Yes, if you can't do it well, wait for the drill." Liu Ke said.

Zhou Buyi shivered, not daring to talk nonsense, and went directly to call his friends.

In addition to the above two, Zhou Buyi also found Xu Chu's son Xu Yi and Zhao Yun's son Zhao Tong. The funniest thing is that Zhou Buyi also brought Lu Bu's daughter Lu Lingqi.

As soon as Liu Ke's gaze came over, Zhou Buyi immediately raised his hands and surrendered.

"What's going on?" Liu Ke said, there was no doubt in his tone.

"Teacher, you just asked me to find people who practice martial arts, and you didn't say that I can't find girls!" Zhou Buyi argued.

"That is to say, if I don't remind you, you won't remember it?" Liu Ke said.

"Students don't dare." Zhou Buyi said cautiously.

"I'll share half of the benefits." Liu Ke said.

"What's the benefit?" Zhou Buyi asked, staring at the sky.

"If Fengxian didn't do you any favors, would you be so talkative? Taking such a big risk?" Liu Ke said.

Boy, stop pretending, you've already been seen through!

"It's really not getting any benefits!" Zhou Buyi stood upright.

"In that case, you go for a five-kilometer run first," Liu Ke said.

"Ah?" Zhou Buyi said in surprise, as if he couldn't believe it, he blurted out, "Teacher, I was wrong, but you can't cut a BMW in half, can you?"

"Ten kilometers." Liu Ke said with a light smile.

Only then did Zhou Buyi realize that he had been fooled, and the teacher didn't care about the so-called benefits at all, he was just tricking himself into admitting it!

Smart for a lifetime, confused for a while!

Zhou does not suspect that hatred.

Be honest and be lenient, and sit in prison!

If you refuse to admit it, it will only be five kilometers, but now it has become ten kilometers.

As for cheating and cheating?

Zhou Buyi can figure it out!

On this kind of issue, playing sloppy with Liu Ke is definitely a terrible thing.

The reason why Zhou Buyi is so popular with Liu Ke is because he is smart.

After dismissing Zhou Buyi, Liu Ke began to look at the small team.

Guo Yi, Dianman, Xu Yi, Zhao Tong, Lu Lingqi, and Liu Feng, a total of six people.

"Why did you come here?" Liu Ke asked Lu Lingqi.

"Father said that you can learn martial arts here." Lu Lingqi replied.

"Your father is excellent in martial arts, why don't you learn from him?" Liu Ke said.

"However, my father said that you are more powerful, Marquis of Dongyang, so of course I want to learn from more powerful people." Lu Lingqi replied.

"Work hard!" Liu Ke encouraged.

"Thank you, Marquis Dongyang!" Lu Lingqi clasped her fists and said in a dignified way.

Liu Ke smiled, and then looked at Guo Yi. His body was the same as his father's, as if he would fall if the wind blows.

"In the future, don't just study, but exercise more, martial arts can strengthen your body." Liu Ke said.

"Understood, Marquis of Dongyang." Guo Yi replied cautiously.

I must be afraid of my son at home, so I study so hard.

"Do you know martial arts?" Liu Ke asked Dianman.

"Daddy taught me!" Dianman said confidently.

"Okay, show me a set of punches." Liu Ke said.


Dianman started punching, the movement was very standard, and the strength was also very strong, it turned out to be a natural supernatural power.

After finishing a set of punches, he didn't forget to salute Liu Xing. It seems that Dian Wei also pays attention to tutoring, at least he hired a good teacher.

"Not bad." Liu Ke said.

As for Zhao Tong, he was gentle and shy, and he didn't dare to look directly at Liu Ke.

Xu Yi is a little fat man.

Liu Ke asked them to introduce themselves first, and then Liu Ke began to teach after their introduction.

These people will be the pillars of Yangzhou in the future.

In the process of practicing martial arts, Liu Ke did not focus on anyone, and tried to be impartial.

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