Among them, Dianman and Lu Lingqi have the highest talent in martial arts.

Seeing Lu Lingqi practicing martial arts meticulously, Liu Ke finally understood why Lu Bu sent her here.

Simply a little genius!

Perhaps in the eyes of the world, this is a girl with no future, but in Liu Ke's view, all of this is not a problem.

Without a future, Liu Ke can create for her.

Liu Ke took the little ones from early to late, and the half-month holiday passed quickly.

"My lord is really enjoying it!" Guo Jia said.

"Why, so much resentment?" Liu Ke said.

After all, Guo Jia only had three days off.

This is the advantage that power brings!

Liu Ke can arrange whatever he wants.When Liu Ke was not around, Lu Su could handle most of the problems, and being absent for half a month was nothing.

"Oh, my lord, that little guy in my family is only good at studying, but you dragged him to practice martial arts... It's been a very exhausting time." Guo Jia said.

"It's obvious that you're tired, but you use your son as a shield, Feng Xiao really has you!" Liu laughed and scolded.

"My lord, it's good that you know, why did you say it! Haha..." Guo Jia hid his embarrassment with a laugh.

"Nothing going on recently?" Liu Ke asked.

Guo Jia pointed to a large pile of memorials in front of him. If he handled them, his scalp would definitely be numb. Fortunately, this is Liu Ke's work.

Lu Su was also immersed in his work, the government debts were wiped out, and he was in a much happier mood.

During Liu Ke's absence, Lu Su shouldered a heavy burden, as if he owed money.

"My lord, everything is normal recently." Lu Su said.

"That's good." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, I wonder if you have time recently? After this battle, many soldiers were injured and disabled, and they are not suitable for further service. If you can come forward to appease the veterans, the veterans must be very happy." Xun You said.

"Notify me after confirming the specific time." Liu Ke said.

"Yes!" Xun You said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After finishing his official duties, Liu Ke went to visit the retired soldiers.

"Thank you for your efforts. Without you, Yangzhou would not have won!"

"As long as you are alive, there are infinite possibilities, and the government will always be your backing!"

"Back home, honor your parents well, in troubled times, peace is a blessing!"

The soldiers present here are all disabled. Although the government has arranged for them, they are veterans of the battlefield after all. It is unavoidable that they are not reconciled to retiring at this time.

Liu Ke talked one by one, which made them feel relieved.

It is the existence of these veterans that makes Liu Ke victorious in every battle, so at this moment he is also a little bit reluctant.

However, they are no longer suitable for battlefield combat, and they have a new battlefield.

Liu Ke distributed a jar of good wine to each of them for the last dinner.

"My lord, Liu Ye, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, is asking to see you." A personal guard reported.

Liu Ke was very surprised. What's the matter with Liu Ye, so anxious?

"Let him come over."

After a while, Liu Ye came to salute Liu Xing and said, "My lord."

"Why are you so anxious?" Liu Ke asked.

Liu Ye is a descendant of Liu Yan, the son of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu's son of Fuling King, and also a clan member of the Han family, so Liu Ke values ​​him very much.

When the war started in the Central Plains, Liu Ke felt that Chen Deng, the prefect of Lelang County, was weak, so he sent Liu Ye northward.

Sure enough, Liu Ye did not disappoint. He successfully persuaded Gongsun Du to join the crusade against Yuan Shao, and helped Chen Deng take Youzhou in one fell swoop, causing Yuan Shao to be in chaos.

In Liu Ke's impression, Liu Ye is a mature and stable person. For ordinary things, he would not find Liu Ke directly.

"My lord, this is the case. Although our army has won this battle, there are still many princes in the world who oppose my lord. Among them, Cao Cao is the most powerful." Liu Ye said.

"Cao Cao has surrendered." Liu Ke said.

"Cao Cao is cunning, this is only temporary. If my lord doesn't put the shackles on him, I'm afraid something will happen again." Liu Ye said.

"You mean, we want to take advantage of the big victory to do something?" Liu Ke paused, and continued, "However, our army is exhausted and it is impossible to start another war."

Now that everyone came back with great difficulty, and suddenly launched a battle, not only the soldiers were dissatisfied, but Liu Ke would not agree.

"My lord, I misunderstood. It is not necessary to fight to achieve the goal." Liu Ye said.

"Don't be a fool." Liu Ke urged.

"My lord, you can write a letter to let Cao Cao move his capital to Xu County." Liu Ye said secretly.

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