Xu County is located in Yuzhou and is under the jurisdiction of Yingchuan County.Emperor Xian and the princes once hunted here in autumn, and reached an agreement on autumn hunting.

Now, Runan County and Chen County are both Liu Ke's territory, and they are close neighbors to Yingchuan County.

That is to say, as long as Liu Ke hoards heavy troops in Runan County, he can reach Xu County in one day.

And Liu Ye's suggestion was to directly push Cao Cao under Liu Ke's blade.

How could Cao Cao agree?

How dare he agree?

However, Liu Ke defeated the allied army of one million people in the Central Plains, and defeated the alien army of one million people, and his prestige reached its peak.

If Liu Ke was determined to let Cao Cao move his capital, would he dare not follow?

This is also the reason why Liu Ye is so eager. After a long time, people will forget Liu Ke's illustrious military exploits.

At the beginning, Cao Cao moved from Chenliu to Chang'an in order to avoid the war, because Chang'an had a superior geographical location and was far away from Yangzhou.

Liu Ke wanted to attack Chang'an, he had to go through Luoyang's Hulao Pass, Chang'an's Hangu Pass and many other checkpoints.

For Cao Cao, the capital is in Chang'an, which is as stable as an old dog.

However, now Liu Ye is actually drawing his salary from the bottom of the pot and forcing Cao Cao to move his capital to Xu County.

Xu County is not only a small county, it is too far away from Chang'an, and there is no danger to defend.

If Cao Cao moved his capital to Xu County, he would not be able to sleep well.

However, what does Cao Cao's restless sleep have to do with Liu Ke?

As long as it is beneficial to Yangzhou, it will do.

The reason why Liu Ke did not welcome Emperor Xian was because he was worried about the dispersion of power.

This made Cao Cao cheaper.

Cao Cao has welcomed Emperor Xian, and the court has become his hall of speech, while Liu Ke has no power at all in the court.

As long as Cao Cao moves his capital to Xu County, Liu Ke will have unparalleled deterrent power.

After all, in this era, big fists are the last word.

It has to be said that Liu Ye's suggestion is very beneficial to Yangzhou, and at the same time, it is also very imaginative.

Liu Ke's advisers never thought of this, after all, everyone has different concerns.

"If it's just coercion, I'm afraid Cao Cao may not agree." Liu Ke said.

Speaking of this, Liu Ke was already moved.

However, once started, Liu Ke must finish it, and giving up halfway is not what he wants.

"My lord is right, so the plan still needs to be perfected." Liu Ye said.

Liu Ye provided a very clear idea, and the next step is how to make Cao Cao submit.

"Zi Yang, you have drawn up a specific charter. This matter can be brought up in tomorrow's morning meeting." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ye nodded.

The next day, the morning meeting in Dongyang City was held as scheduled.

After Liu Ke finished handling other matters, he signaled Liu Ye to stand up.

Liu Ye explained his thoughts again, and there was a buzz of discussion in the field immediately.

"My lord, although this move is clever, I'm afraid Cao Cao will not be captured without a fight." Guo Jia said.

"Cao Cao's generation of heroes has even more ambitions to seize the world. Moving the capital to Xu County means submitting and losing the capital to fight for the world. Once Cao Cao refuses, it will damage the reputation of the lord. What should the lord do?" Lu Su said.

The best way is of course to have a war!

It's just that Yangzhou is in a state of recuperation now, and launching a war rashly is not in the interests of Yangzhou.

Militarism is not advisable.

"That's why I asked you to come up with a way to force Cao Cao to submit." Liu Ke said.

Hearing this sentence, Lu Su felt relieved, as long as it wasn't a war, his mind became active, and he said, "Your Majesty, why not exempt Cao Cao's tribute and increase your bargaining chips."

"It's feasible." Liu Ke said, although the Yangzhou treasury is empty, it can be recovered as long as the war is stopped for one year.

Cao Cao is different, he is getting poorer every year now, so if he can pay tribute for free, he can break Cao Cao's psychological defense.

A penny stumps a hero!

"My lord, why not use Yuzhou as bait," Guo Jia said.

"Please tell me in detail," Liu Ke said.

"As long as Cao Cao moves his capital to Xu County, except Runan County and Chen County, other places can be occupied by Cao Cao by default." Guo Jia said.

This trick is also good!

Yuzhou was not Liu Ke's territory at all, and Liu Bei, Zhang Xiu and other forces existed.

If Cao Cao can be made to compromise, Liu Ke will only lose a strategic goal. If something goes wrong or the negotiation breaks down, he can get it back at any time.

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