Next, everyone talked to each other and gradually perfected the plan.

Liu Ke felt that the possibility of Cao Cao's refusal was very small.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Who is the envoy?" Liu Ke asked.

Envoys are high-risk occupations, but envoys in Yangzhou have special privileges.

Because Yangzhou is so powerful, what Cao Cao wants to do must consider Liu Ke's attitude.

Liu Ke has always been the only one who can kill envoys who don't like him. No one has ever been able to kill the envoys from Yangzhou.

This task is not difficult, because everyone has already stated the conditions, and it is only necessary to increase the bargaining chip step by step.

This requires a eloquent messenger!

"I wish to go!"

Simpi and Pang Tong stood up at the same time.

Pang Tong is not eloquent, but he is not good-looking.

Originally Cao Cao had no intention of killing, but seeing Pang Tong, he might change his mind.

Liu couldn't speak so bluntly, and said: "Zezhi is from Yingchuan. There are many Yingchuan nobles in Cao Cao's camp, so it is more appropriate for him to go."

"Thank you, my lord, for your trust!" Simpi stepped forward to salute, and bowed his hands to apologize to Pang Tong after stepping back.

Seeing that Simpi is so good at being a man, Liu Ke felt relieved.

So, after the meeting, Simpi set off for Chang'an the next day.

After Cao Cao got the news, he was extremely astonished.

"What is Dongyanghou going to do again?"

"My lord, I heard that Yangzhou has spent huge sums of money for this war, and the treasury is empty. Not only that, the government also owes a lot of property to merchants and banks." Sima Lang said.

"Heh! The Marquis of Dongyang's raising tigers is a problem. One day, he will be defeated by his subjects. Although the money from supporting businessmen is fast, it is not good for future generations. This move by Marquis Dongyang is nothing more than fishing for money." Cao Cao said disdainfully.

However, it was Yangzhou like this that exploded with unparalleled combat power, which made Cao Cao very helpless!

"Yangzhou is maintained by Dongyang Hou alone. Once something happens to him, Yangzhou will cease to exist." Sima Lang said.

"You're right, as long as you wait patiently, the turning point will come." Cao Cao said deeply, "But before that, we still have to be careful when dealing with the envoys of the Marquis of Dongyang."

"My lord means..."

"Send someone to find out what he's saying, and why he came here!" Cao Cao said.

If you don't understand this, Cao Cao can't feel at ease.

"My lord, Xu You is a suitable candidate." Sima Lang suggested.

After the First World War in Jizhou, Liu Ke recruited some of Yuan Shao's military advisers and released a group of them. Xu You was let go of a group of people.

Xu You had a good relationship with Cao Cao, so he came directly to join him.

"Okay, let him handle this matter." Cao Cao said.

After Xu You received the order, he could go to Luoyang to receive Simpi.

"George, long time no see!" Xu You said kindly.

Simpi frowned, the visitor was not kind!

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"I don't know why George came here this time?" Xu You said.

"Of course I came here at the order of my lord," Simpi said.

"I know this, what exactly is it?" Xu You asked.

It seems that it is very difficult to fool around, Simpi sighed.

Cao Cao's method is simple and clear, which is to send Xu You to inquire about the news so that he can prepare in advance.

He dared not refuse the envoy from Yangzhou, but he could delay the time.

If Simpi doesn't tell the truth, it may be difficult to even see Cao Cao's face.

This is a very common diplomatic tactic.

"That's right, it's about the exemption of the tribute." Simpi simply revealed.

There is such a good thing in the world?

Xu You couldn't believe his ears, and then he figured it out, Dongyang Hou must have conditions!

Moreover, this condition will make it difficult for Cao Cao's army to accept it.

This is Xu You's judgment.

"What do we need to do?" Xu You asked further.

Simpi smiled without saying a word.

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