However, Cao Cao knew very well what it meant to agree to Dongyang Hou's conditions.

Let anyone slaughter!

Cao Cao felt that his small life was too difficult. He thought that after Dongyang Hou's victory, he would be quiet for two or three years. Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned to Yangzhou, he began to toss.

"My lord, I don't know what to do. You might as well ask Zhong Da." Sima Lang said.

Sima Yi is very talented, but Cao Cao always felt that he was ambitious and refused to reuse him.

But at this juncture, how can there be so much control.

"Let Zhongda come to see me." Cao Cao said.

When Sima Yi came to Cao Cao's study, Cao Cao had already calmed down.

What he needs most now is a solution.

"Zhongda, what do you think about this matter?" Cao Cao said.

"My lord, we don't have the strength to refuse, so we might as well agree to Marquis Dongyang," Sima Yi said.

Cao Cao frowned, if the matter is so simple, what do you need?

"Tell me."

"My lord, the Marquis of Dongyang is so powerful now, it would be unwise to make an enemy of him," Sima Yi said.

"Continue talking." Cao Cao said.

"Since my lord wants to paralyze the Marquis of Dongyang, why not paralyze him to the end? Moving the capital to Xu County is the best solution!" Sima Yi said.

"I'm not reconciled." Cao Cao said angrily.

"My lord, think about it carefully, what is the use of dedicating the emperor now?" Sima Yi said.

The so-called coercion of the emperor to order the princes, there are not many princes now.

Who else can I order?

Needless to say, the Marquis of Dongyang has started to collect tribute.

Sun Ce is lonely and has long disobeyed the orders of the court. If he did not have a common enemy with Cao Cao's army, it would be impossible to have a common topic with Cao Cao.

The same is true for Liu Zhang, who hid in Shu to enjoy the blessings. The imperial court's orders have not been in control of Yizhou since Liu Yan's time.

As for Han Sui and Ma Chao... Hehe, if you don't stand up and piss off Cao Cao, you are doing a good deed.

So Xiandi is no longer as valuable as it used to be!

"My lord, we can still use this opportunity to gain enough benefits and offer conditions that we would not normally dare to offer," Sima Yi said.

Want to move the capital without paying the tribute?


"What conditions do you think are suitable?" Cao Cao asked.

"Subordinates see that Xin Pi has a plan in mind, as long as he cheats, he can guess Dongyang Hou's bottom line." Sima Yi said.

Cao Cao also thought it made sense. He was stunned by anger before, so he didn't take this into consideration.

Just exempting the condition of tribute gold can't impress Cao Cao at all.

There must be more than one bargaining chip in Simpi's hand.

"Then leave it to Zhongda," Cao Cao said.

"Leave this matter to your subordinates." Sima Yi responded.

Cao Cao's eyes flickered and he nodded.

Afterwards, Sima Yi visited Simpi who was resting in the posthouse.

"Sit!" Simpi said politely.

Sima Yi sat down generously, and said: "Ming people don't say dark words, Yangzhou offers too few conditions, we can't agree to move the capital."

So direct!

Simpi wasn't prepared at all, but he remained calm and said, "What else do you want, Prime Minister?"

"Xu County has no danger to defend. If the Marquis of Dongyang reluctantly cedes Runan County and Chen County, the Prime Minister agrees to move the capital to Xu County." Sima Yi said.

Simpi's eyelids twitched, obviously shocked, how dare you make such an exaggerated request?

Aren't you afraid of the lord's wrath?

But after thinking about it, moving the capital to Xu County is also an excessive thing.

Could it be that Cao Cao intends to make a request to let us retreat in spite of difficulties?


Unfortunately, Cao Cao overestimated his own strength.

"Hmph." Simpi snorted coldly, and said, "It is impossible to hand over the territory that has already been won, and I, the million soldiers of Yangzhou, will not agree."

Simpi originally wanted to emphasize the strength of the Yangzhou Army and make Sima Yi reconsider, but Sima Yi caught the loophole and said:

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