"Since this is the case, except for Runan County and Chen County, the rest of Yuzhou is under the jurisdiction of the imperial court!"

Hearing this sentence, Simpi knew that he had been fooled, so he had to give up the hole card and said:

"Yangzhou does not object."

Sima Yi heaved a sigh of relief, he guessed right.

"Yangzhou's armor is famous all over the world. We need [-] new armors to arm the city guards and defend the capital." Sima Yi said eagerly.

If Simpi agreed to this condition, he would be a fool.

"I can be the master of the five."

Sima Yi was speechless, what can Wu Ju do?But he also knew that the request was out of bounds.

The two sides bargained for a while, and gradually finalized the matter of moving the capital.

"I still have to report to the lord, so I'm leaving." Sima Yi cupped his hands.

When Sima Yi left, cold sweat broke out on Sima's back.

This guy is hard to deal with!

After Sima Yi came out of the posthouse, he smiled brightly and reported to Cao Cao overnight.

"That's right, it's not in vain to get a Yuzhou," Cao Cao said.

"My lord, Zhang Xiu is fine, but Liu Bei is not easy to deal with," Sima Yi said.

"What's wrong with Liu Bei? He's just a little prince, how dare he resist me?" Cao Cao said.

"Of course not. It's just that Liu Bei is standing behind Jingzhou, and my lord will cooperate with Jingzhou in the future. This matter should not affect the relationship between the two parties." Sima Yi said.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Cao Cao asked.

"Let the Marquis of Dongyang solve this problem for us!" Sima Yi said.

"That's right, tomorrow's meeting can be added to the conditions." Cao Cao said.

The reason why Sima Yi didn't bring it up today was because he was afraid that Xin Pi would not be able to bear it and cause trouble.

After Cao Cao thought about it, he knew the deep meaning of Sima Yi's move. Liu Bei was also a clan member of the Han family, and he was close to Emperor Xian.

There are many benefits.

The next day, Cao Cao summoned Simpi again, and emphasized Liu Bei's obstacle.

"Liu Xuande is the emperor's uncle personally recognized by His Majesty. It is not easy for me to expel him. When will Liu Xuande leave Yuzhou and when will the imperial court move the capital to Xu County?"

"No!" Simpi refused straight away, and said, "The prime minister will move the capital first, and then Yangzhou will solve Liu Bei's trouble for you."

For Cao Cao, there was nothing to lose, so he agreed.

The two parties signed a document, in black and white.

"Prime Minister, I have to go back and report this matter to my lord, so let's leave now." Simpi said.

"Bon voyage." Cao Cao said politely.

After Simpi left, Cao Cao sighed.

"My lord, why are you sighing?" Sima Yi asked.

"From now on, we will live under the eyes of the Marquis of Dongyang." Cao Cao said helplessly.

"This is also an opportunity for the lord to stand up, isn't it?" Sima Yi said.

Speaking of this, Cao Cao finally showed a smile.

You need to stabilize Dongyang Hou first, then you can develop wretchedly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The news that Cao Cao renamed Xu County Xuchang and moved the capital to Xuchang spread like wildfire.

A sensation in the ruling and opposition parties!

The prime minister's brain was kicked by a donkey?

Where is Xu County? It's close to Dongyang Hou's territory. It's no different from Longtan and Tiger's Den.

Moving the capital to Xu County, wouldn't it mean putting your head under someone else's machete?

Can't sleep well!

However, after several years of operation, few people in the court can refute Cao Cao.

That's how it was settled.

"The Prime Minister's action is thought-provoking!" Yang Biao said, stroking his white beard.

"Some time ago, Yangzhou envoy Xin Pi visited. I'm afraid it was Dongyanghou's handwriting and had nothing to do with the prime minister." Yang Xiudao, although he didn't know what happened, but he could guess the general idea.

It is impossible for Cao Cao to move the capital on his own initiative, there must be external interference.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about. What does the Marquis of Dongyang want to do?" Yang Biao said.

"Obviously, the Marquis of Dongyang wants to use his own methods to subdue the Han Dynasty. Maybe it won't be long before His Majesty will abdicate." Yang Xiudao.

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