"What's the matter? Xuande is a benevolent and refined scholar. It is my honor to come to Yizhou to join me." Liu Zhang said.

Jian Yong couldn't help being happy for Liu Bei!

All over the world, those who offend the Marquis of Dongyang will not end well. Liu Bei's downfall is the best proof.

However, there are still princes who are willing to accept Liu Bei, and they are so eager.

Jian Yong was really happy.

However, not long after Jian Yong was happy, someone stood up to spoil the fun.

"My lord, you absolutely must not!" Huang Quan, the master secretary, stood up and said.

Jian Yong's heart skipped a beat, not knowing what to say.

"Why not?" Liu Zhang said for his brother.

"Uncle Liu Huang has a reputation for bravery, now that he is invited to Shu, how will my lord treat him?" Huang Quan asked.

"Of course they are called brothers." Liu Zhang blurted out.

"My lord, your thinking is too simple. If you treat Uncle Liu Huangshu with the courtesy of a subordinate, he will not be able to satisfy his wish; if you treat him with the courtesy of a guest, then one country cannot accommodate two kings." Huang Quan said sharply.

"The ancients said that when brothers are united, their benefits can cut through gold!" Liu Zhang said, "Xuande has always been known as benevolent and kind, how could it be possible to overwhelm the other, Gongheng, you think too much."

Huang Quan wanted to persuade him again, but Zhang Song took the lead and said:

"My lord, even Gongheng knows that Uncle Liu Huang is good at fighting. Wouldn't it be great if he could help him fight against Zhang Lu?"

"Good." Liu Zhang was very moved. If Zhang Lu could be eliminated, it would be nothing to promote Liu Bei.

Huang Quan hated him greatly, but he had nothing to do with Yizhou, who had a forehead like a hoe, a collapsed nose, and exposed teeth.

"My lord, don't be fooled by Liu Bei!"

"Okay, don't say any more." Liu Zhang said impatiently, and started to leave, but Huang Quan grabbed his sleeve.

"My lord, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers!" Huang Quan said heartbreakingly.

No matter how good-tempered Liu Zhang was, he was a little annoyed at the moment, and in a blink of an eye he released Huang Quanwai as the county magistrate of Guanghan.

Huang Quan who was dragged down still roared unwillingly, but to no avail.

After the ears were clean, Liu Zhang sent Fazheng to meet Liu Bei.

Under the leadership of Fazheng, Liu Bei entered Yizhou smoothly.

In order to show respect, Liu Zhang wanted to lead his troops to greet him in person, but just after leaving the city, he saw a man hanging on the city wall with a rope.

It turned out that the person who hung up was Wang Lei, who worked in Yizhou. He was very surprised and angry when he heard that Liu Zhang was going to welcome Liu Bei.

So he hung himself upside down on the city gate with a rope, holding the remonstrance seal in one hand and the sword in the other, saying that if Liu Zhang welcomes Liu Bei, he will cut the rope himself and crash to death here.

"Wang Engeng, if you have something to say, speak it out," Liu Zhang said.

Someone handed Wang Lei's memorial to Liu Zhang, and Liu Zhang opened it for a look.

Yizhou's minister, Wang Lei, pleaded with weeping blood: I heard that good medicine is good for the disease, and honest words are good for the ear.In the past, King Huai of Chu did not listen to Qu Yuan's words, and made an alliance at Wuguan, where he was trapped by Qin.

Now my lord leaves Dajun lightly, and wants to welcome Liu Bei to Fucheng.If Zhang Song can be cut off in the market and Liu Bei's promise can be cut off, then the old and young in Sichuan will be very lucky, and the master's foundation will also be very lucky!

"Nonsense!" Liu Zhang said angrily, "When I get together with benevolent people, it's like getting close to Zhilan and vanilla. You're insulting me!"

Liu Zhang refused to listen, and left in the dust.

Suddenly there was a scream, and Wang Lei fell to his death.

When Liu Bei entered Shu, no one could stop him.

This imperial courteousness is fascinating.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Has Liu Bei already entered Shu?" Liu Ke asked.

"Yes, my lord." Zhuge Liang said.

Hearing this, Liu Ke sighed.

When Zhuge Liang left, Liu Ke didn't ask him what method he planned to use to expel Liu Bei, but unexpectedly encouraged him to enter Shu.

How should I put it?

Liu Ke didn't know, and was a little at a loss.

"I'm afraid Liu Bei is going to make a career in Sichuan."

"My lord, why did you say that?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"Although Liu Yan has managed the Shu land for many years, Liu Zhang is weak and can be bullied after all, and Liu Bei is ambitious. If he has the opportunity, he will not give up taking Yizhou." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, if Yizhou is still in Liu Zhang's hands, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to do so, and Liu Bei will be different." Zhuge Liang said.

It turned out that Zhuge Liang had this idea.

"This statement is reasonable, let's see how the situation in Yizhou changes." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke sent someone to watch Yizhou, so he stopped paying attention.

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