Now the important thing is to move the capital.

Cao Cao dawdled, but finally fulfilled his promise and moved the court from Chang'an to Xuchang.

The large troops have arrived in Xuchang, and the court meeting is proceeding normally.

However, Cao Cao invited Liu Ke to set an example and go to Xuchang to attend the court meeting.

The best way to deal with this kind of thing is of course to refuse, but Guo Jia has a different view.

After Liu Ke captured Jizhou and Youzhou, rumors began to spread in the Central Plains.

The Marquis of Dongyang wants to proclaim himself emperor!

It is simply nonsense, even if Liu Ke really has this idea, it will not be at this point in time.

Therefore, Jingjing Miansheng can soothe people's hearts.

Liu Ke is very strong, but he can't do anything against him, so Liu Ke also hesitated, whether he should take it or not.

The current Xuchang is completely under Liu Ke's control.Runan has a deterrent army of [-], and Cao Cao allowed Liu Ke to bring [-] troops into Xuchang.

And Xuchang's defenders were no more than [-].

If Cao Cao dared to go crazy, the whole of Xuchang would be buried with him.

In the past, there were still legends about going to the meeting alone. If Liu Ke took a large group of people and didn't dare to go, it would be a bit too cowardly.

Just when Liu Ke was hesitating, Princess Wannian Liu Xuan came to her door.

"Greetings to Marquis Dongyang!" Princess Wannian said respectfully.

Time flies, and now Princess Wannian is a slim girl.

"Why is your highness so polite!" Liu Ke said.

"Then let me just say it straight, I want to go to Xuchang." Princess Wannian looked forward to it, "Unknowingly, I have been separated from the emperor for many years... Now I miss it very much, and now I have a good opportunity."

Liu Ke could not refuse this request.

"In that case, I will accompany you to Xuchang." Liu Ke said.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is busy with official duties, so there is no need..." Princess Wannian declined politely.

"It's okay, let's do some business by the way." Liu Ke said.

So, this matter was settled.

"Thank you, Marquis Dongyang." Princess Wannian said sweetly, with a little joy in her heart.

"You don't need to be too polite." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke prepared for a while, explained some things to Lu Su, and left under Lu Su's resentful eyes.

In fact, Lu Su's resentment came from Guo Jia, who heard that Liu Ke was going to Yingchuan, clamored to go with him, and used the excuse of visiting relatives.

Liu Ke knew that Guo Jia wanted to be lazy, but he still indulged him.

As personal guards, Dian Wei and Xu Chu must take them with them, but Liu Ke decided to hand over the [-] soldiers and horses that entered Xuchang to Tai Shici to command.

Zhou Buyi is also going there, in order to increase his knowledge.

The main characters became seven people.

Along the way, Liu Ke had some thoughts and asked, "Wan Nian, you didn't blame me for separating your siblings back then, did you?"

Princess Wannian smiled slightly, and said openly: "This matter is difficult in ancient times. It is already a great kindness for the Marquis of Dongyang to keep me in Yangzhou."

"Actually, I'm not a good person either." Liu Ke sighed.

"Why does Marquis Dongyang look down on me? Without you, Yangzhou would not be a paradise. Thousands of people are grateful to you, including me of course. Women's College has always been a holy place in my heart, and you are her protection." God!" Princess Wannian exclaimed.

Liu Ke is considering issues politically, and is not on the same channel as Princess Wannian.But Liu Ke didn't bother to explain, in troubled times, it is enough to retain a certain amount of kindness.

As soon as he entered Runan County, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun commanded an army to greet him.

"See your lord!"

"Wai Li, you two don't stick to your posts, what are you doing here?" Liu Ke said bluntly.

"Hey, Runan is fine, protecting the lord is the most important thing." Gao Shun said.

Liu Ke looked at it with a glance, but the army could not see the end.

Zhang Liao quickly explained: "My lord, please let us escort you to the border."

Liu Ke instantly understood what Zhang Liao meant, which was deterrence, and let Cao Cao understand who is the big brother.

Although such an action is a bit radical, it is necessary.

"Okay." Liu Ke agreed to the plan.

Under the escort of a [-]-strong army, Liu Ke continued to march towards Xuchang.

When Cao Cao heard the news, he was shocked and wished he could leave Xuchang on a fast horse.

But he was quick-witted, and couldn't help laughing at his ridiculous idea before.

Dongyang Hou is just showing his strength!

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