After figuring this out, Cao Cao shouted: "Prepare your horse, follow me to meet the Marquis of Dongyang!"

After Cao Cao decided on one thing, he was very decisive.

As soon as I came to the border of Runan, I saw the neat formation of the Yangzhou Army.

Just one glance made Cao Cao deeply moved.

How could such a powerful Yangzhou army be defeated?

The Marquis of Dongyang will probably be arrogant and domineering for decades...

Even Cao Cao couldn't help but have a terrible idea, that is to keep Dongyanghou in Xuchang forever.

However, it has been nearly a year since the Marquis of Dongyang went to war, and Yangzhou is still operating normally...

Cao Cao couldn't help but let out a long sigh. It's been a long time since the Marquis of Dongyang took action in person. It's all done by his advisers and generals. To solve a Marquis of Dongyang will not disintegrate the Yangzhou Group, but will be retaliated wildly.

What's more, how could Dongyang Hou be assassinated so easily?

Regardless of success or failure, Cao Cao will never recover.

We can only wait for the internal chaos in Yangzhou to have a chance.

Cao Cao has already figured out how to provoke Liu Ke's son to fight for power after more than ten years.

Or, the ambitions of Yangzhou merchants gradually expanded and they did not obey the constraints of the government.

These are Yangzhou's flaws.

Cao Cao can still wait, there is still some patience, so why take the most radical measures.

Seeing Liu Ke galloping towards him, Cao Cao calmed down and said with a smile:

"Dongyanghou, long time no see!"

"Brother Meng Dexian, how are you doing recently? Some time ago, I heard that you were suffering from various diseases, so as soon as you invited me, I came to visit you." Liu Ke said.

Cao Cao showed an embarrassed yet graceful smile.

Can we not mention this and talk nicely?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Thanks to the care of the Marquis of Dongyang, I feel much better recently." Cao Cao coughed.

"Since you are sick, you don't have to force yourself. Look at you, and you are still riding out. What about minor illnesses and serious illnesses?" Liu Ke said.

"Hehe." Cao Cao smiled slightly, and continued, "The Marquis of Dongyang doesn't know anything. Only by exercising more for minor illnesses can your body get better."

"Meng De's words are reasonable, but I haven't been sick for a long time, and I feel a little regretful." Liu Ke said.

Cao Cao took a closer look, Dongyanghou's complexion was plump and very young, and the years had not left traces on his face.

It's really enviable!

No injury or pain.

"Since Meng De intends to travel more, why not go to Yangzhou for a tour of the mountains and rivers, so that I can show my friendship as a landlord." Liu Ke said.

"This...isn't necessary?" Cao Cao said.

"The reason why Brother Meng Dexian is so weak must be due to his busy schedule. The best medicine is rest." Liu Ke said.

"If there is a chance, I must go, I must go!" Cao Cao had no choice but to verbally agree.

As for the future, who can say for sure?

In order to change the subject, Cao Cao turned his gaze to the little girl beside Liu Ke, and said, "This is..."

To be able to keep pace with Dongyang Hou, the status must not be simple.

However, although Princess Wannian doesn't understand politics, she still knows about the struggle between Emperor Xian and Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was not a good person at first glance, so Princess Wannian simply ignored it, which made Cao Cao very embarrassed.

How dare a woman despise me like this?

If Liu Ke hadn't been on the sidelines, Cao Cao would have been angry long ago.

"Brother Meng Dexian, hurry up and pay respects to Princess Wannian!" Liu Ke said.

Princess Wannian?

Daughter of Emperor Ling, younger sister of Emperor Xian?

If Emperor Xian had not had a letter contact with Princess Wannian, Cao Cao really didn't remember that Dahan had such a princess.

With Cao Cao's status, even Emperor Xian can't be a bird, let alone a princess?

But Liu Ke is different, Liu Ke is still Da Zongzheng, representing the royal family.

No matter how courageous Cao Cao was, he would not dare to despise the royal family in front of Liu Ke.

"See Her Royal Highness!" Cao Cao bowed his head and cupped his hands.

Princess Wannian just nodded her head, but she was very happy in her heart.

A generation of powerful ministers actually bowed their heads to her!

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