"Sir, the matter is very important. Please also inform Dongyanghou. Cao must see Dongyanghou today, otherwise Xuchang will be in chaos and the country will be ruined!" Cao Cao earnestly said.

With Cao Cao's current status, he can see whoever he wants, who dares to show him face?

Only Liu Ke didn't like him at all.

So Cao Cao hated him too, but he had no choice but to say some cryptic threats.

I just moved to Xuchang, and this kind of thing came out. The security is so bad, who would dare to live in it in the future!

Guo Jia also heard Cao Cao's implication: If you continue to obstruct, if there is an accident in the relocation of the capital, will you be responsible?

"Prime Minister, you are the most suspect right now, we don't even believe you," Guo Jia said.

"Damn the murderer!" Cao Cao cursed fiercely in his heart.

When the mastermind behind the scenes is found, he must be shredded into pieces!

"The reason why the prime minister can stand here intact and not be hurt by the tyrannical Yangzhou soldiers is because we have good discipline." Guo Jia said.

The implication is to let Cao Cao leave quickly, otherwise Guo Jia will be unable to control it when something happens later.

However, without explaining things clearly, how could Cao Cao be willing to leave?

"A lesson can be learned from heaven and earth, the person behind the scenes is definitely not me!" Cao Cao said.

"This is just the prime minister's one-sided opinion." Guo Jia said.

"If it's Cao, how could Cao come in person!" Cao Cao said.

"This may be a blindfold, Prime Minister, anything is possible. What happens, we have to wait for the results of the Yangzhou Army's review." Guo Jia said.

No matter what Cao Cao said, Guo Jia just didn't believe it.

At this point, Cao Cao also understands that Guo Jia must have some schemes, so he made things difficult in every possible way.

Guo Jia, on the other hand, was just following orders.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao had no choice but to strike hard, saying: "Okay, I will dispatch the city guards out of the city and let the Marquis of Dongyang inspect them!"

Guo Jia was shocked, he didn't expect Cao Cao to be able to do such a thing!

He didn't put his own life first at all, or he relied on Liu Ke's reputation.

"I, Cao Mengde, act openly and aboveboard. I am not afraid of any censorship from the Marquis of Dongyang. In the end, I will only prove my innocence." When Cao Cao said these words, he did not blush at all, and was very confident.

After all, Cao Cao really didn't do this.

"Hey, hello—"

Suddenly, Xu Chu groaned in pain.

"Who is here?" Cao Cao asked.

"It's the lord's confidant, Xu Chu, who was seriously injured to protect the lord and was unable to move, so he was treated here." Guo Jia said.

The corner of Cao Cao's mouth twitched, it must be on purpose!

If there are no casualties in the assassination, it's fine, just investigate clearly.

Now Dongyanghou's favorite general is injured, there is no way to fix this matter.

Don't make a sound early, don't make a sound late, but at this time!

"I'll call for the imperial doctor right away," Cao Cao said.

"No need, Mr. Hua Tuo's disciple is here." Guo Jia politely declined.

"Then I'll order someone to prepare some supplements." Cao Cao said.

"No need, Yangzhou has the best medicine." Guo Jia said.

This kind of oily and salty appearance is annoying.

Cao Cao hated his teeth itching, but there was nothing he could do.

Who made him suspect?

Even Cao Cao wondered if this was a good show written, directed and acted by Dongyanghou so that the court would bow its head.

If this is the case, the Marquis of Dongyang is terrible.

After the bandage was finished, Xu Chu came out to take a look and met Cao Cao. He was shocked and angry.

"Okay, the thief actually came to kill me?"

Who is the thief?

Could it be me?

After figuring this out, Cao Cao blushed and said, "Stop talking nonsense, the Marquis of Dongyang hasn't confirmed anything, so don't spread your own guesses."

If I were a murderer, would I come here to catch you by myself without my guards?

Just a joke!

Why can't you see clearly?

"My lord is kind, I don't want to tear myself apart with a traitor like you. I'm different, and I don't have so many scruples." Xu Chu said, if his arm was injured, he might have swung his knife to go up.

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