Cao Cao kept complaining, and looked at Guo Jia, hoping that Guo Jia would say good things for him, but Guo Jia was so far away that he didn't want to pay attention at all.


Are all Dongyang Hou's subordinates so arrogant?

Although Xu Chu couldn't do anything, he was surrounded by the Yangzhou army. He gave an order and shouted: "Come on, take down this murderer!"

When Cao Cao heard the words, he felt a little scared, could it be true?

At this time, Guo Jia coughed and said, "Zhongkang, the matter has not been investigated clearly, so don't mess around."

"Military Master, why did you stop me? Look, I'm all injured. If it wasn't for my fate, I might have been blamed here!" Xu Chu said aggrievedly.

"I am willing to offer ten thousand gold to compensate this general!" Cao Cao gritted his teeth.

Now the imperial treasury is not optimistic!

Cao Cao took out [-] gold, which was paid out of private pockets.

Originally, Cao Cao lived a very wealthy life, but since he met Dongyang Hou... don't mention it, no matter how much money he had, it was spent on military expenses.

In order to support hundreds of thousands of troops, Cao Cao can be said to be tightening his belt!

As a result, these armies failed to accomplish anything, and were defeated by Dongyanghou one after another!

If it weren't for Cao Cao's wealth-making skills and how to use the law to steal wealth from aristocratic families, he would have been unable to get rid of it long ago.

"Just ten thousand gold?" Xu Chu raised his tightly bandaged arm and said, "It's not enough for medical expenses!"

Cao Cao's eyes are almost bulging, ten thousand gold is not enough for medical expenses?

Do the doctors in Yangzhou live so happily?

Cao Cao wants to become a doctor!

Unfortunately, this was just Xu Chu's way of expressing his dissatisfaction.

Cao Cao wanted to increase the price, but Guo Jia reprimanded him: "Zhongkang, enough is enough. The prime minister offered [-] gold for the sake of my lord."

Xu Chu just gave up.

One of the two people sang the red face and the other sang the bad face, which made Cao Cao so angry that he could do nothing.

The most fundamental problem is that Yangzhou is too powerful, and Dongyang Hou is too powerful.

Cao Cao had to swallow this breath.

"I also ask the prime minister to let the city guards leave the city. Our army is about to start a general investigation." Guo Jia said, "In order to prevent assassins in the city guards, they must disarm before leaving the city. I don't know what the prime minister wants?"

Does Cao Cao have the right to refuse?

Forced to agree to Guo Jia's request.

"Also ask Marquis Dongyang to save some face for the court."

This is Cao Cao's last counterattack.

"It's easy to talk about." Guo Jia readily agreed.

Next, under the supervision of Tai Shici, the city guards lined up to leave the city.

Le Jin, the commander of the city guards, was directly taken down.

Who made his men go wrong?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke did not live in the place arranged by Cao Cao, but lived directly in the barracks of the Yangzhou Army.

The barracks of the Yangzhou Army is close to the east gate of Xuchang, and they are usually on duty at the east gate.

In the event of an accident, Liu Ke can quickly evacuate.

The [-] city guards in the city are not a threat at all.

In order to win Liu Ke's trust, Cao Cao went all out.

"Does my lord think that this assassination has anything to do with Cao Cao?" Guo Jia asked.

"It shouldn't matter. If so, then he is too good at acting." Liu Ke said.

It turned out that Liu Ke was watching Cao Cao's every move on the street.

"As I thought, there is a third-party force involved." Guo Jia said.

Hearing the third-party forces, Liu Ke sneered and said, "They think they are doing things in a hidden way. How is this possible? They just want to fish in troubled waters! Who else can there be except the royalists?"

Only these birdmen will place internal support in Cao Cao's army.

At that time Le Jin's expression was bewildered.

"My lord, if it's really them, what should we do?" Guo Jia said.

Liu Ke and the royal family have an inexplicable and unclear relationship.

If it was really done by these people, Guo Jia can't make up his own mind.

"Investigate, we must investigate clearly! I want to see who is so courageous." Liu Ke ordered.

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