No matter what, this is an assassination against Liu Ke.

The people behind the scenes really thought that Liu would not pursue it?

too naive!

Moreover, because of protecting Liu Ke, Xu Chu was injured.Although it was a skin trauma, there was no guarantee that he would die next time.

After a second thought, they were able to assassinate Liu Ke, and next time they could assassinate Liu Ke's family.

Therefore, Liu Ke will never condone such an assassination.

Not to be too nice to the rats in the gutter.

They wanted to deal with Cao Cao, but Liu did not object, and even applauded, provided that Yangzhou was not involved.

As a stakeholder, it is impossible for Liu to stay out of it.

Under Liu Ke's order, Tai Shici was in charge of guarding the city, Guo Jia was in charge of investigating cases, and Dian Wei was in charge of execution.

As for Liu Ke, he didn't go anywhere, and stayed in the barracks with Xu Chu.

Originally planned to visit Princess Wannian the next day, but it was shelved because of this matter.

Now the palace is the most dangerous place, Liu will not put himself in danger.

Because Liu Ke and Cao Cao jointly blocked the news, everything in Xuchang remained the same, but after all, it was still noticed by many people.

In front of the two giants, those who knew pretended not to know, and just hid at home and did not go out.

In order to find clues, Guo Jia took people back to the assassination scene, but found nothing.

"Feng Xiao, the crossbows and crossbows used by the assassins have been inspected. They are all weapons in Cao Cao's army." Dian Wei said.

"It seems that the people behind the scenes really have such intentions, and if the assassination fails, Cao Cao will be blamed." Guo Jia said.

Although this behavior is despicable, it is very useful.

"Our investigation is in the wrong direction. I'm afraid that if we are not careful, we will let the accomplice go." Guo Jia said.

"Feng Xiao, you can say what you want, you don't have to beat around the bush." ​​Dian Wei said.

"It's very simple, the enemy's accomplices are in the city guard." Guo Jia said.

"Then let's go and investigate!" Dian Wei said.

"We're going to investigate [-] people with just a few dozen people? You're so brave, I'm afraid it will cause a mutiny, and the lord will have to clean up the mess for us." Guo Jia said.

"What you said seems to make sense." Dian Wei rubbed the back of his head.

Now Guo Jia couldn't help but suspect that Cao Cao might not have personally participated in it, but he might have contributed to it.

Of course it's good if you succeed, but if you fail, you can get rid of the relationship.

Cao Cao is so good at acting that he can't believe a word.

"Use the secret spies trained by Gongda." Guo Jia said.

Before moving the capital, Xun You started to set up eyeliner in Xuchang to prevent problems before they happened.

It turned out to be really useful.

"Feng Xiao, do you think we are disadvantaged in doing things?" Dian Wei said unwillingly.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you talk too much, I will bring you back to the lord." Guo Jia said.

"Hey, no, we still need to catch the mastermind behind the scenes." Dian Wei said.

Guo Jia's idea is very simple, since he has already suspected that it is the supporters of Emperor Xian, then directly investigate this organization!

Anyway, it's not a difficult task. Anyone who has been in contact with Ma Teng can check it out and get the result soon.

After comparing big data, Guo Jia really found a person.

That is Wu Shuo!

This person had a good relationship with Dong Cheng before, and later had a close relationship with Ma Teng.

What's more, he served in the city guard!

Guo Jia couldn't let go of this kind of doubt. After a secret investigation, Wu Shuo's family members lost dozens of people, and they were all strong men. They claimed that they had moved back to Chang'an.

The family is big and the business is big, and there is no one-time move.

Of course Guo Jia would not believe such nonsense, and secretly found Wu Shuo's neighbor to identify the deceased.

Once checked, the truth will become clear.

Guo Jia quickly reported the progress to Liu Ke and asked to take down Wu Shuo.

"Wait a minute, put Wu Shuo under surveillance," Liu Ke said.

"Understood, what should we do next?" Guo Jia asked.

"Before that, seek some benefits first." Liu Ke said.

Although Liu Ke won Youzhou, Jizhou and Pingzhou, but did not get the approval of the court, Liu Ke planned to do this together.

"Invite Cao Cao to the barracks," Liu Ke said.

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