"Mr. Xuande should take this opportunity to take down Liu Zhang and seize Yizhou." Fazheng said.

Liu Zhang only brought [-] horses, and his defenses were lax.If Liu Bei launches a sudden attack, he will surely succeed.

So Fazheng couldn't wait to come to urge him.

Throughout Yizhou, [-] troops are stationed in various places, guarding the main traffic routes.

Liu Bei has only [-] horses, so he is definitely not an opponent.

This requires some strategy!

For example, seize the great opportunity right now.

However, Liu Bei said: "This is a major event, so don't rush it."

"Mr. Xuande, don't miss this opportunity, never miss it again!" Fazheng said earnestly, more anxious than Liu Bei.

But there is no way, Fazheng has put his wealth and life on it, and if he fails, he can only die.

Therefore, he was forced to be serious.

"I have just entered Shu, and I haven't established prestige yet, how can I do such a thing?" Liu Bei said.

No matter what, Liu Bei's prestige will definitely drop if he takes action against Liu Zhang at this time!

Liu Bei has always been known for his benevolence, how could he give up so easily.

This is the prestige that he has worked so hard to gain!

"Mr. Xuande, you can wait until you enter Shu to buy people's hearts." Fazheng said.

"Don't worry! Now Liu Zhang is not so easy to deal with. He didn't come alone, but with the most elite army." Liu Bei said.

"As long as the two generals Yun Chang and Yi De fight at the banquet, even if Liu Zhang has a million troops, it will be useless." Fazheng said.

It sounds like a good suggestion, but how could Liu Bei be willing to give up his own reputation, so he sent Fazheng directly.

"There will be opportunities in the future!"

Liu Bei said so.

Therefore, Liu Bei completely gave up the idea of ​​attacking Liu Zhang at this time, and drank and ate meat with Liu Zhang every day.

But why can't drink Liu Zhang.

It's not unreasonable for Liu Zhang to be so fat.

Liu Bei's move may seem stupid, but it is actually very clever.

No, Liu Zhang was happy when he drank it, and various benefits followed.

If you want a horse to run, you must first give it grass to eat.

As soon as Liu Zhang opened his mouth, he sent Liu Bei a large amount of supplies, including various armor and weapons.

Seeing the list, Liu Bei couldn't help but gasp.

Yizhou is so rich and powerful?

If I knew this earlier, why would I still live in that small county town of Xinye?

Liu Bei regretted it, and wished he had come to Yizhou earlier.

The people here are nice to speak and gentle, and I really like staying here.

The Fucheng League has been a huge success!

Liu Zhang recommended Liu Bei to the imperial court as Da Sima and concurrently as the captain of Sili.

Not to be outdone, Liu Bei also recommended Liu Zhang as the general of Zhenxi and concurrently as the shepherd of Yizhou.

The two boasted about each other's business, and showed their faces in Xuchang.

However, I don't know where the memorial was thrown by Cao Cao.

However, do they want Cao Cao's approval?


As long as you agree with each other.

"Haha, Ji Yu, this period of time is really happy!" Liu Bei said.

"Me too, I haven't been this happy for a long time." Liu Zhang said.

As for Wang Lei's body, Liu Zhang had long forgotten about it.

"It's no fun just drinking and eating meat," Liu Zhang said.

"Oh? Ji Yu has any suggestion?" Liu Bei asked.

"I invited the singer from Chengdu!" Liu Zhang happily said.

"I've heard that there are beauties in Shu, and I'm going to take a good look today!" Liu Bei said excitedly.

Although they can't go whoring together, it's good to be able to play together. The relationship between the two quickly warmed up, as good as brothers.

During this period, Huang Quan wrote many times that Liu Bei was a schemer because of Liu Bei's wolf ambitions, and Liu Zhang ignored them.

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