Look at Liu Bei in front of you, what a sincere and kind person!

And Zhang Song and Fazheng were also extremely anxious, urging Liu Bei to do it every day.

Liu Bei also responded with "no rush, it's inappropriate, don't need it", which made his subordinates very depressed.

Originally Liu Bei was a homeless orphan, now Liu Zhang is willing to accept him, Liu Bei is very grateful.

If it weren't for the general trend of the world, Liu Bei really wanted to be brothers with Liu Zhang.


"Xuande, I have a big enemy." Liu Zhang said suddenly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Finally got down to business.

"Do you know Zhang Lu in Hanzhong?" Liu Zhang said.

"I know!" Liu Bei answered truthfully.

"This man was originally my father's subordinate and was sent to serve in Hanzhong. However, this man was ambitious. After arriving in Hanzhong, he not only refused to obey my father's orders, but also beheaded the Han envoys, which caused Yizhou to suffer. I told Zhang Lu many times. He refused all the orders given." Liu Zhang said angrily, like a child suing an adult.

"He disregarded my father's kindness to him, and he was an ungrateful villain."

"Not only that, but he also wants to attack me and take Yizhou."

"Xuande, tell me, can I agree?"


"I sympathize with you." Liu Bei said.

Gone, just gone?

Liu Zhang thought it was incredible, and took his heart and soul out, that you, you, it ended in such a short time.

Seeing Liu Zhang's expression, Liu Bei quickly added: "We can't be too kind to a villain like Zhang Lu. We should act first!"

"I think so too, but Yizhou lacks talents like Xuande. I sent people to attack Zhang Lu many times, but they all failed." Liu Zhang said dejectedly.

"I am willing to serve Ji Yu!" Liu Bei said.

"Really?" Liu Zhang said happily, this is what he was waiting for.

"It's absolutely true, but I have too few troops and lack of food, so I'm afraid I can't help much." Liu Bei sighed.

"This little matter is on my shoulders," Liu Zhang said.

Therefore, Liu Zhang gave Liu Bei the right to recruit soldiers and horses in Yizhou, and asked him to supervise the soldiers and horses at Baishuiguan.

In terms of supplies, Liu Zhang was not stingy, sending [-] dendrobium of rice, one thousand horses for riding, one thousand carts, and silk fabrics.

"Thank you Ji Yu for that!" Liu Beixi said with a smile.

It is indeed the land of Shu known as the land of abundance!

He actually took out so many supplies all at once, and Liu Zhang didn't feel bad at all, which means it was just a drizzle.

"What else does Xuande need, just tell me, I will try my best to do what I can," Liu Zhang said.

As long as Zhang Lu can be killed, Liu Zhang is willing to contribute money and effort!

"Ji Yu's words are serious!" Liu Bei said.

"Then I wish Xuande every success. If you can win Hanzhong, I would like to commend you for defending Hanzhong." Liu Zhang said.

In other words, the territory Liu Bei laid down belongs to him.

Liu Zhang contributed money and efforts just for such a goal, which is embarrassing.

Even Liu Bei was thinking, how about taking Hanzhong first, and then plotting against Xishu.

That's a better reputation.

In the end, Liu Bei gathered more than [-] soldiers and horses from all walks of life, and the supplies of vehicles, armor, weapons, food and grass were very abundant.

When he was about to go north, Zhang Song and Fazheng came to the door, Zhang Song blamed: "Why didn't Mr. Xuande act?"

"The time has not come." Liu Bei said perfunctorily.

"The matter has come to this point, I don't want to say anything, but the crusade against Zhang Lu has too many variables." Zhang Song said.

Liu Bei frowned upon hearing this.

No wonder Liu Zhang will fail many times, even Zhang Song is not optimistic about this war.

"This is Fa Xiaozhi, resourceful and resourceful, so let him stay with Duke Xuande, what does Duke Xuande think?" Zhang Song said.

"That couldn't be better!" Liu Bei said happily, there is someone who knows the way, and he can avoid some detours.

"What about sir?" Liu Bei asked Zhang Song.

"I will continue to stay in Chengdu to inquire about the news for Duke Xuande." Zhang Song said.

That is to say, we must monitor Liu Zhang's every move, and cooperate with the inside and the outside.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu Bei." Liu Bei cupped his hands.

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