After seeing it, he hurriedly reported it to Zhang Su.

Zhang Su is a man of majesty and great appearance, completely different from Zhang Song's short and dainty.

The two were often compared since childhood.

But Zhang Song often mocked his brother, what's the use of being handsome?No talent or connotation.

This is Zhang Song's self-deceiving view.

However, Zhang Su held a grudge and always wanted to do something to surpass Zhang Song.

Where in the world is there such an easy thing!

Although Zhang Su was the prefect of Guanghan, Zhang Song was Liu Zhang's confidant.

Liu Zhang is a little fat man, his handsomeness can only be set off by having an ugly person by his side.

And so the story unfolded.

Originally, the brothers were just small fights and had fun together, but after reading Zhang Song's treacherous letter, Zhang Su got scared!

This is treason against the master!

How big is the charge?

It is not an exaggeration to kill even the Nine Clans.

Zhang Su was afraid that he would be involved, and panicked.

Liu Zhang was in Yizhou with an army of [-] troops, but Liu Bei's strength was only [-].

How can it be successful?

There is only one ending, and that is crushing defeat!

When Zhang Song is dug out, the Zhang family will be finished.

The Zhang family is in Yizhou. It is a big family and has a very high status. The family cannot be destroyed because of Zhang Song alone.

After figuring this out, Zhang Su hurriedly begged to see Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang was playing games in the bedroom, when he heard the guard's announcement, he said impatiently, "Tell him to go away! Are you responsible for disturbing my interest?"

The guards immediately went to send Zhang Su away. In desperation, Zhang Su said: "It's about the survival of Yizhou."

The guard was taken aback and reported to Liu Zhang again.

Although Liu Zhang likes to have fun, he doesn't like to deal with government affairs.But as Liu Yan's youngest son, how could he not have any ability to make it this far?

Only when the ass sits firmly can he enjoy himself, otherwise he is not a fart.

"Let him come in." Liu Zhang said alertly, then waved his hand, and a dozen beauties withdrew.

"See my lord!" Zhang Su bent down as soon as he entered.

"Okay, okay, don't be too polite, what do you have to report, it is related to the survival of Yizhou, if you tell a lie, your head will fall to the ground!" Liu Zhang threatened.

"My lord, Zhang Song wants to rebel!" Zhang Su said heartbreakingly, as if he couldn't believe that his brother was such a villain, and he couldn't bear his brother's betrayal.

Liu Zhang slapped the case table and shouted: "It's nothing more than a small fight between you two brothers. How dare you make a false accusation of treason?"

Zhang Su was taken aback, and quickly knelt down and said, "My lord, what the officer said is the truth, if there are false words, the sky will be struck by lightning!"

Want people to believe you with just a lie?

You are insulting my IQ!

Compared with Zhang Su, Liu Zhang trusted Zhang Song more, and felt ridiculous about Zhang Su's idea of ​​"killing relatives with righteousness".

"Is there any evidence?" Liu Zhang tapped his fingers on the case, "If you can't produce evidence, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"There is no evidence for this kind of thing, how dare the subordinates talk nonsense?" Zhang Su submitted the letter.

Liu Zhang opened it casually, and suddenly his eyes widened, as if he had encountered something more serious than Liu Yan's death.

"how can that be?"

One Zhang Song and one Liu Bei are people whom Liu Zhang especially trusts.

Not long ago, Liu Zhang drank with Liu Bei and called them brothers.

In the blink of an eye, he sold him?

Liu Zhang couldn't believe it!

This world is so beautiful, why are people's hearts so dirty.

How much Liu Zhang trusted Zhang Song before, how much he hates him now.


Liu Zhang slapped the desk, the teacup shook, not to mention the fat on his face.

"No reason!"

"Too deceiving!"

"I must smash them to pieces!"

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