Zhang Su was trembling and dared not speak.But I was relieved that the Zhang family kept it!

As for Zhang Song, he was just asking for more blessings.

"Come on, take Zhang Song down!" Liu Zhang ordered.

Zhang Song was originally practicing calligraphy at home, and was very interested, when suddenly someone broke into the door.

He was still confused, so he was brought to Liu Zhang.

Not only that, the guards also found a map of Xishu in Zhang Song's mansion.

This is more convincing.

Zhang Song, plotting something wrong!

Furious, Liu Zhang threw the map on Zhang Song's face and said, "What is this?"

Zhang Song's heart skipped a beat, and when he saw Zhang Su beside him, he secretly hated him.

But a map, he has a way to justify himself.

"My lord, I am here to investigate the customs and customs of Yizhou for you." Zhang Song said.

for me?

Liu Zhang suddenly felt very funny, and said, "Could it be because of Liu Xuande?"

Zhang Song was startled, this kind of secret was discovered, it would kill his head!

"My lord, I absolutely didn't mean that. Everything I did was for you!" Zhang Song cried.

It was ugly in the first place, but now I can't look directly at it.

However, Liu Zhang watched it with relish, and said, "Make it up, if you continue to make it up, shouldn't I give you a reward!"

"My lord, don't listen to slander, I'm loyal to you!" Zhang Song said.

"What a loyal one." Liu Zhang said, "Tell me, what is this?"

Liu Zhang threw the letter directly at Zhang Song's face.

When Zhang Song saw it, his complexion changed drastically. He couldn't help looking at Zhang Su, and said viciously:

"Brother, why did you frame me like this! I didn't write this letter, it's imitating my handwriting!"

Confused, Liu Zhang looked at Zhang Su.

Zhang Su knelt down with a plop, and said, "My lord, don't be fooled by him. The maps and letters are proof. Where are there so many coincidences in the world?"

Liu Zhang nodded and looked at Zhang Song.

Zhang Song's face turned red with anger, how could he cheat his brother so much?

I'm furious!I'm furious!

"Okay, you actually acquiesced." Liu Zhang was furious, "Come here, delay and behead."

"My lord, I've been wronged~" Zhang Song shouted.

Then the sound became longer and longer until it disappeared.

After a while, Zhang Song's head was put on a plate and brought up.

Liu Zhang glanced at it, then waved his hand to signal to back down.

Killing Zhang Song was fun for a while, but now there are still bigger problems that have not been resolved.

Liu Zhang's heart is very tired.

"Come on, mobilize the army to enter Chengdu!"

In an instant, the land of Shu was under martial law and entered a state of preparation for war.

Suddenly, Liu Zhang's conscience realized that it was good to think of Wang Lei.

What a loyal minister!

It's a pity that he bumped his head and died outside the city!

"Xuande, why are you treating me like this! Why! Am I not good enough for you?"

Liu Zhang roared from the bottom of his heart.

Could it be that Liu Bei has been pretending, but in fact he is just a villain?

I'm afraid this is the case, and Liu Zhang regretted it too late.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhang Song died, and the whole family went to prison.

The entire Yizhou is under martial law.

No matter how stupid Liu Bei is, he also knows that something has happened in Yizhou.

But Zhang Song died, and Liu Bei lacked eyes and ears, and had no definite information, so he could only inquire about it.

In desperation, I could only find Fazheng to discuss.

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